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A (febbfkth #M1 spi'nt Briii.s a week r oontent, A n tl Btrengtb for the trials of the mnrrnw, Hut a Babbatb profoned. Vr muy hv gained, Is a .suro Ibrerunnor of sorrow. Go to Port Huron next Tuesday. Council proceedings, etc, on lirst page] "Woik on the Guild hall is being poshed raiitlly. There are nintiv vacant pewi n church these days. Union seiYHvs ut the Congregational chnrch Simduv cvcniug. Rpabltean wan] cáucawi next SLonilay evenlnsc, 9th. See cali. A woninii is buildfng a hotisc in this oity, in whlch 11..1 ¦ closet is to be found! True story. The democrats of Atin Arbor towii wil] caucus in ounty TreMurer Bclser's office Satunlay p. ni. Tne sidewalk omamittee are at work notifyinff property owners to repair or rebuikl tlieir walks. Dr. Vmghm'i tyrotoxicon seems to have a poisonous influence upon the pens of sevcial Klentlflo writert In thli city. 'J'he annnal Farmers' picnic for Wayne, Washtenaw, Livingston and Oakland, will lic held at Whitmore Lake, Aug. 1.' DM not those three-tlned forks in the nrocession of the Maooabeei last Prlday nlKht aggest nme very warm work in Ihat order y íhe democrats have at last called their congressional convention. It uill be licld at Adrián, Augusl 86th. The Aun Albor culi lor the líltli was u hoax. Miss Emily Sabin, who has ticen preceptress of schools at Mt. Clemens for the past twoor tliree vears, will teach in the Ann Arbor schools this year. ¦ esterday Judgo Joslyn genteneed Win. Brown, of Milán, to Ionia for 90 days, be bavlng picad íuilty to a charge of rorging an ordet for bfi cents. Mr. Hall, of Chicago, is engaged la packinx the Inre clips of wool purcliased throiiKh Mack & Sdmiid of this city at Ypsilanti, Northflelq and Plymouth. Revs. Sunderland and BIxby and Prof. Pettee ara the delégate ohosen to represent the l'iiitarian Society of this City at the naiional conference In Baratón nCxt iiiunth. DOtlce many (rolt and thade trees wliicli are dylng for want of water. The drought la nn preceden ted, and what little rain we have liad so (ai u only an a"írravíit.on_ It is suggested that tbc city might construct a tunnel to connect witli tlic new station house of the M. C. R. R. But wlien the work is completed that will hardly be Decessarv, we :iiess. Ypsilantian arsdltl the COCBBB with a pnlitical item taken from the Argos, it s all richt of oourse, only it flvet its readers an idea that the ContlER s boomlng the wrong YpsiUntian for Congress. Allen is our man. Dr. Horace Norton, who died at Ft. Worth, Texas, 1:,st Mnndav morning, was tlie Gather-in-law of Mri. Jennié Xorton, of this citv, and was i frequent visitor liere. His death is a sad blow to Mrs. Norton and her cluldivn. Gas mains are heilig lald on Lawrence and N. Injialls RtreetB, and a new ga Street lamp wlll be erected on the corne of Lawrence and N. Thayer, and four new posts replace the gasoline pottB 01 the north end of N. loalte street. We are in receipt of a large poster finely printed ín oolora, advertisinnr the 7th Peninsular Baeuiterfest to be held soon at Ann Arbor. TIn; pcintlqg was done at theCoi Kimt ofliceand for artistic workmanglilp beauty, it cannot be excelled. - Eatnn Kapids Jourual. me öiiiuiuv scnooK ot tlie l'resbyterian, Baptist, Mrihodi.t and Congrega tional churcties wlll give a unión excursión on Saturday, Aur. II. to Detroit and Lake st. ciair. On return trip the boa) wlll top ut Belle isle where tlio afternoon will be spi-nt. Fare, round trip, adtilts $1.00, cliildren onder 12, 50 cent. The editor of the Ypsil.-uitian tuide faalt witli tliediulect-s used by "Mc" in :i peeeifl issue of the (oi uii:u, claltblng that he usi'ii four dialeeta intMtMtenea I'erh:i.s tlmi Isezplalnable. ¦' lic" bad two Krandfathen, one Irisli, nne Yankee, two grandtnotbera, mie Gterman and one ItiUian. Will this nccount for tliu iour ilialects used, Uro. Ypsilantian? Hundrcds of bushels of blackberries upon the Elni Fruit Farm of Evart Scott have been dried up and destroyed by tbe great drou;ht. His pears and pcaches are also wltherinff and dropping ofl', likewise apples and pluius. The dry weather bas cost him $1,200 or $1,500 at least, and that is only one of many other similar farme. The destrufition of crops of all kinds makc Washtenaw county poorer by many thousand dollara. This week Mr. II. W. Huyes, the M. C. R. K's station agent at Ann Arbor, will have completad and ready for occupaney, onc of the handsomeSt dwellings in tliis city, located on N. Ingalls street. The niudern Iquare hall below is a perfect gein with iu rlcll oak tinish and terra cotta mantel. The woodwork is oak throughout on the lower Iloors, and ouk anü sycamore above. It is tborouhly litted up with all modern convoniences. Gates L (lites dkl tlie carpentcry nnil Albert Sorg the oil linisli. Ainoiix the p rcscribed dutles of the mayor of the city of Ann Arbor is that of keeping the peace, and Saturday iiïfjht upon liis way home he carne upon two men lightin;, whom lic partod und nade each promnc to quit, but one of tlicin tried to íliow )j is "gand" by agnin pitcliing in, so His Honor shut down on him with that gentle grasp of his, so fainoiis wherever hc is known, und the wouhl be pugilist soon cried for quarter, but the mayor didn't ]ropose to let go ntirclv, and mafcbed the worthy toward the jall. Meeting üeputy BbuiffSebott the mayor turned his charge over to him, but Charl ie was not alert enouli and the prisoner skipptd out. It is surgcsted tliat eachof the 100 busiiic-s men who aiirned Mrs. Moore's petltion to tlie council coiitrihiite $10 u pleoe, a tliing every one among the nuinber could do without the least noonvenienoe to himself, and tlius purebMS for lier a home, and not ask thut the poor paople of the city be taxed therefor; and also relieve the council drom replytng in the negative to ;i requc-st tliat" uppeaU so stron;ly to their lympatby and trcnuroslty. Woukl not inch ;i nu 'tlio.l be a noble ¦in.l gencrnus way to snbstantially reinuneratc tlii.s doacrvinjf wite for the Ifeg of het hnslmntl, and these chlfdren for the losnof their ntther and tmttrral protector? Isthereamau in the lon list apon that petition, who woulil bwitota u tnoinint to eiw that sniall .siun tor so worthy an object? When Aithnr Sucet was drivinsr about threc mllei (.ui OU the WUth Vp-ilanti road last l''nil;,y, a riinawiiy hoíM 0me Bylng i ;ist, and when oppolte Mm, oweet lurnped (or t horee catchtnt! the bridle in mch mmmer m tb break two niigut of hla Utt hand: He threw tinbom down', howerer, and itnpped hin witli Hul,., or nu Injury to elther horse or outfit, bol tbe lailv oecupant ot the bugjry a Mrs. Prejr, llVlog n(.;ir Vp-ilanli had fmntod awiiy. Arthur, linally (tot all satciy rtarted on thelr ournev airaln, the ady befng vcry tlianklul, and' réwardlne ner reteuer wah a io i.ill, whlcli m liberal for one In her ctrcamstanoM. Mr. wed has don BerrUI vi'rv hrave act neretofore in Mopjing rnnaway teams, and this ,idds auothér, for wlílcli he deservei rnuch ptale. He has got a pretty bad looking hiinri now Olías. ScUotl h;is resiaed is turukcy oftliejail. The will of J. J. Ellig, divides the pro perty eriually araong the helrs, hls wifi; and two chilUren. Mrs. J. J. Haiinet, of Qrtnd Kapid, formerly Mis Katc Clair, of this city, v,;i.s burled Momlay. The old J!rry pTtpetiy on 1 ounli stitcl is lifiuj; iiietiiiiior[.li(iM'(l In il mantverthat tuakeg a completeew lmusc of t. The exención train to Port Huroa uext Tuestlny, the lOtli, leavos the M C. ll' l"t at 7 a. tú. and VpsHuntl t ï:2- standard ' . , 11. fOttredgc hw liomiht tlio old O'ei] hou jf tiic city for $25, aikl is fcikiiijf the (ame down and carlina oír wliut jrood material ho eau tinrt. The dwelliiig hoae of Mra. Jas. 9. Gott on S. División streel is undergoing e!eiisive r.-p.iirs, likewise the house of N. M. ScUofl, noxt dooruortli. J list nave patience, boya, one Georsitt farmer Baya he shull have 2,000,000 meloiis to ship notth before the kMBOü ends. High pi ices must be lowered before long. Jakob Beck, of this cltr, died at the resiJance of hU daughter, Mrs. Adolph Jedele, in Solo, on July 29th, Is8. He was bom May 12tli, 1S00, and had been III for a long time. F. (i. Osgood, of Ann Albor town, has set aa excellent examplu for UU young compiinions by purclmging a bieyele the British C!i allen ge. A steed of steel eats up no hay or graiQ. The new honse of Joo T. Jacobs on Monroe Street, lat wart], looms np grandly, ükewise the uew house of Wirt Cornwell on the bluff east of Judd Piittengill's house, in the 4tli ward. Mr. and Mrg. Andrew Climie desire to expresa thelr ve.-y hearty gratitude to the many fiiond who manifested their earnel synip.ithirs lor tlicm on the occasion ot tlieir recent vory aore bereuvemiMit. Last S -iturduy E. B. Hall paid the M. C. H. B. Co., at lilis place ubout $3,500, and the T. A A. A. K. IÍ Co., lü freight on hik. wcek's ahipmciit of coal. Must 1" im-paring for tnotlier cold winter, eh? The county ftiir premium Hsts are now onder wtj M Urn offlcA and wlll be out in ' tV w t'.iu -. I: u to be hoped thal ain mav come 11 a few tlays, !f not tlieie uili ho little use of holding a fair tliis year. ThiTo is a erUi old country man on N. State Street, who iü held In utter contenjpt and Uorror by all the womc-n iu tliat scííion nl'the city by the cruelty md brutiiUty be uxliilútá la puiiisliiiib; liis children. One of our local scientists IHIlU that the failure of rata and thunder storma tliis soason ia wiuwd by the absence of ozone trom the atmosphere. Now for a seientist that can teil us liow to supply this ozone. Ernest Jeuter, of tliia city left for Manchester Monday morninr,'where he is to engage in the ftirniture business in corapajiy with Jolin Rauschen berber, also of this city, wlio will go there in about two weeks. Last yenr not a night was misled iti ltghtln'g the Court House tower. and t .was a L00(1 light too. Now there are mauy nights missed witli no )i,'ht at all- (pay runs on the same)- and other nights it is awtully dim. The qhange from-L-lectridty to as was n foohsh one. Last Tlnirsday, Ernost rflith, of Lodi, was setting up cats for his brother to slioot at, and said brother gotin such a liurry to slioot the cat that he diiln't wait lor Ernest to get his hand away. The result was that Drs. Kapp and Darlin had to patch up three fingers for him. Oco. Clarken has let the contract for liis new block, and the front elevatlon shows a building thut the entire Street will be proud of. Waren E. Walker will do tbe masón work and Geo. B. Schwab will do the carpen ter work, he being the architect alo. Work will be begun at once. Om August lst a ni'W sign was liung out in front of Mr. Soyler's store reading "A. 1). iSt'yler ifc Son." The son is Ed. M. Seyler, wlio has been with Pingree ft Smitli, of Detroit, for the past year and a lialf, aiui who will brinfr a tliorough knowledgp, conibined with an affable, pleaaat manuur, into the business. "Butï" Taylor, a colored man, was arrested Saiurday uight on a charge of stealinjr a whip of Ed. ülancy, of Northfield. He wu brouffht up before Justice Frueautf, plead uilty and paid a fine of $1." and costs $4.35. Mondav he was arrwted for an aosault on Fischer, the butcher, taken before Justice W. A. Clark, and case ailjourneU to Friday. What will make it more than ever interestin; forour Knight Teraplars attending the biennial conclave at St. Louis, September 21 , is the fact that the grand commandery of New York will attend en niasse. Sir Kt. J. L. Stone says that's notliing; he expects to attend that same conclave en masse, himself. The picnic and dance of the K. O. T. M.'s last Friday even ing was a grand success. Th ree bands, the Ypsilanti, Saline and Atm Arbor furnished the mnslc, and four tente, the Dexter tent being added to the abuve. About eitit hundred people attended the festivities at the park, and no one went away hungry, while the mcrry dancers " tripped the light fantastic toe" until dayliglit duwned. The biggest lish story of the season comes from Goodyear. He is willing to raise his left toot and allirra to the fact that he caught one time seven flsh one foot - no, one lUIi seveu toot long, that's it- but juat as the beauty was in bis giaap the cable wlth which he was fishing brokfl from the extreme weight, and he lost it. A deep sigh ahvays escapes his lipa wlien telling this story. The Ann Arbor Comniandery (Xo 13) present sorae very teinpting reasons wliy everybody sliould attend their grand excursión nextJTuesday, August lOth, at $1.50 for the round trip, children, Toets. This is conceded to be the flnest water trip in the States. Here are some of them: On leaving the SI. C. It. It. docks in Detroit, the boat passes up the Detroit river,passing Belle Isle, crossing Lake St. Clair, traversing the faiuous shlp canal, Itopplns at Star Island, Marine City, The Oakland, St. Clalr and Sarnia, and arrivitifi at Puit Huron at 1.80 where one hour and forty minutes are allowed for rest and refreshments. Returning, leaves Port Huron at 3:30 p. m., stopping at above points, and arrivioe at Detroit at 8:80 p. in , Ann Arbor, 10 p m. Thfc trip is entlrerV under cover. The weather cannot atleet the comfort of our patrons. No heavy seas, but calm placid water, icaiitiful scenery on land and sea, ampie accommodatlon for 2,000 people. Muslc, lanciDff, ind all provisions for safety, comfort and plea&ure. The African M. E. chiirch, of this city, 9 in need of asnistance. On or about Ihe 2títh day of this month there is due a nortgaxc amounting to $270 n UI, which nnsi !¦ mi't in some way or the church vill bt solil. The original mortgage riven In I88S amouiibHl to f.'i.'iO, and there ia! been paW ilaoe tben, piinrlpml and nterett, ainuuuting tu ?182, which, conmIi rinjr the wealth of tliu congrega t ion, Ml been a gpod lecoid. This church ia -he Sunday home of many colorad famiIm Ib tliis city. Regular services are leid tliere under the pastorate of Rev. Q. Y. Bi'uson, and the regular utteiulauce LveragM about 150 persons. It taxes heir resources considerably to support a )ii8tor, and the paylng oiV of the debt :omes baiil for them. Here is an opporunity for our liberal Christian )eople to ¦xerclse their generosity in a way to do ;ood. Give these people n lift. The .rustees of the church are John Brown, Alfred Thomas and John Brighain, with Alfrcd Thomas as treasurer, to whom all non is sliould be paid.