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neúm NO FEE II ) MTABLUHiD mu. ) Morrill INTIL BETTER ( DETBOIT.MICH. ƒ Block. aaBjh Th Regular, Old-Eitblihed jLJffl PHTSICLLJÍ k SURGEON L Br 'UU tnith( vith ths L7tert j8KILLAND 8UCCE88 YOUNGmen,middle-aged men nd all persons who by their nwn acts of Imprudente or F0II7 at any of life hare brought opon themielTM, the evil effects followinc closely upon the heels of tran Sfresticn of tne laws of nature, ahold consult the celebrated 1 ir.t'larke at once. KtmtmbtrlKtnoul dlea(with or without dreamt) or drblllty and Ioh of nr power treated scientificaLly by new methods with nevtr failing succeu. rlt makes no diffcretice whnt you have taken or who has failed to cure you. ï-Tne terrlbl polnon of Syphilis and all bad blood and (kin dineaav, completelv cradieated without nwreunr. Bmnbr thal tnione horrible dlaeaae, ïf neglected or imprnperly treated.curaet the present and coming gencrations -All nnnatnrnl dischargea cured promptly itithout hindrance tobuiincss. No experimenta. Boih sexesoonanlt oonflilvntlatlly. A(e and eiperience important. A written Knarante of cure glvxu In every eau undertaken. AVSnfferers f rom any chronic dlaeaae write Hiatory and Symptom of your case - plainly. Cases solicitcd which others have failed to cure. ]C5-Send two stamps for eelebratw) work on Ctirontc, JicrvouH and Delicate Disaases. You hare an nxhaimti ve Byniptomatolotcy by which to stuily your own caae. Consultation, personally or by letter, freo. Consult the old loctor. Thouaanda cnred. Offlrea and parlo prívate. You ee no one but the Doctor. Bcfore confiding your case consult DB. CLAI1KK. A friendly letter or cali may ave future sufferingand hamo and add golden vears to life. Medicines tent everywhere secure from exposure. Hours, ftto 8; Sundays, 9 to ii. Address, F. D. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mlck NOW IS THE TIME TO U8I JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA FOK LIVER COMPUUNT, DYSPEPSIA, ano ron PURIFYING THE BLOOD. It ha been In use for Si yeara and has pro ved to be tbe beat preparatlon in the Market for Slok Headache, Pain In the Slde or Back, Livor Complalnt, Pimples on the Face, Dyspepsla, Piles, anJ u Blaeasea tbat arlse f rom a dlsordered Liver or impure blood. Thousanda of our beat people takt) it and glve it to tbeir cbildren. Phyaicians prescribo it daily. Tbose who uae it once recommend It to others. It Is made f rom Yellow Dock, Hondura BarBaparllla,WildCherry,Stilllngia,Dandelion, Saaaaf raa, Wintergreen, and otber well-known valuablc Koota and Horbs. It is atrictlyvegetable, and cannot burt the most delicate constitution. It la one of tho beet medicines in uae for regulating the Bowela. It ia aold by all responalble druggiat at one dollar for a qu art bottle, oraix forflvedollara. Sample bottlea 50 cta. f ree on receipt of price. W. JOHNSTON & CO., Detroit, Mich. (f When you have tricd all the Sartaprillcu, and tutvt bun dUappointed, trv Johnêton'i. Sheriff' S;l'. Notlce Is hereby iilven that hyvlrlueofa eertaln wrlt of KIen Facían Ifwued out of and uuder theseul of the Circuit Court. for the County of Wiialitennw, tu favor of Henry Splegelberg plalntitr, and agalnMt the (joods, cbattelH, lauus uud leiieineniH oí Tari Sclillinmer.defenilant to me direcled anddellvered, I did on the 21at day of April. A. D. 1XH6. selze and levy upon uil of the rlght title and ínter est of thesald Cari Schllmmer in and to the followlng descrlbed real estáte, lands and preralses, thftt I tosay, all that certaln p ece nr parcel of land glluale in tbe counly of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, descrlbed as follows, towlt: The northrast quarter of sectlon nlneteen (19) townshtp one (I) sontli, raiiüf slx () east, in the townsulp oi Northfleld, C'ounty of WaRhtenaw and State of Michigan, all of whlch I hall exposé for lic at public anetlon or vendue to tbe hlghest bidder at the south front door of the court Iiiiiim', in the City of Aun Arbor. In said county (that belng the place of holding the Circuit Oourt for thesald county of Washtenaw), on the 2sth day of July.A. 1). 1880, at the hourof ten o'eloek In the foren nou of sald y" THOR. K. LKONARF, Depnty Sheriff. Dated, Ann Arhor June, IHlli, A. D. 1(488. Ettate of J. Maria Clark. STATB OF MICHIGAN, Coimiy of Wahtuaw. sa. Ataneaslunof tbc PrutwirConrt tol the oiinty oi Washtenaw, holden at ihe Probate office. In the city of Aun Arbor. m liie-itny he 3WI day of June, In tne year thouruuitt eigln hundred and uii'hty-nii. Hrei-ent, Willi na O liarniuau, Jadgo of rruhate. In the matter ui the.-eíaiein .1. MHrUClark.deci'H-eil. On readlne lid il. tin the ietttion, daly verifted, of A. f. Walerma-, raylng that a curtain luptrumcut lutwiiti fllfln tbifcuurl puriortIntf to be a dn y anthe tl'-a'ed opy of ihe !act wïll and leitami'iii'cii sa'-l .1.-. fi-.-il, mi !¦! aduiltti U to probate, and umi -ir : i-upy ii --tid will muy he allowed, fl lid. mul reC(irdei) I n 1 1. court - the laat wlll and teiiaiueMt oi aail leo a 'd. and th it lettere ol adin'iutratltii wit li ulll annex il muy be granted to A. J. vVateimttn, pe'itioner al'oretAiil. Thereupon tt la ordarwl. thai Monilay, the ld day of Auju! neit, al 10 n'cli-ck la the forenoou, be aaigncd for .'f mm petitlon and that the devlsee, leKutee-", and lielrn at 1 ,-iw of sald deceased, and tilt .ithcr pwaa iuiereted in sald eatale, are reqalred to upear ut a -i'i eion of aid court, ttaen lo boldüti at the Probate Office, ia the city ol Ann Arbor, and how cause, II' any thi-re be, why the prayer of the petitloner abould not be granted. And It Ie further ordered, tliat aaid petltionur glve notlce to thfpe'reont intereated in aald eetate, of the pendency of said petltiun, and the hearing thereof. by cauplng a copy of ihin order to be pnbllahed in 'lfit Arm Arbor CtiurUr, a niwípaper prlnted anil circulated in said county, three nucceailve weeka prerlonn to aaid day ol hearing. (A true copy.) Wll.UAM . HAKKIMAN, .ludgeof Probate. WM. Q. DOTY. Pr.iht RoL'iater. I306-13U C. H. MILLEÑ7 INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 Soiilh Main St.. Ann rl)r. The oldest agency in tbe city. KslttbllKhed over a quarter of a century Hgo. Kepresentlng the followlng tlrnt-eliiK8 coinpanles wlth over fttO,OOO,OOO Cupitul mul !'!¦. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IN3. CO., of New York. GIRARD INH. CO., of Phlladeli hla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of liartlord. COMMKRCIAI, ITNION, of ljmdon. LIVERPOOL. LONDON aud GLOBE. WASHINGTON KIRK and MARINE, Of 1 tost i in. Ratea Low as tlio Lowest, IOses Liberallr Aljiis(cl aud promptly l'ald. C. H. MILI.EN. Mmore money than at anythlnc elue by Uk Ing an agency for tb - bext eelllng book out. Beginner nuceed ginndly. None fail. Term nve. Hai.lktt Book Co.. Portland, Malne. III IT ra lor wnrkini.' people. Send lOceuta I II I 11 pootage, aiid w will nu, II ou Irte rl H I y royal. valuable aampli box of i.'(todc I that wlll put you in the way ol inuh Ing moncy In n l w days than yon ever thought poeibU' at uuy iiiunif-H. Capi tal not requtred. Yon can II v at home md work In np re time ouly, or uil thr nmp. Allnl bmh sexen, of all ages, grand;y ucc-i4!ul. 50 centn lu tó eaally eaned ¦veiling. That nll ulio want work may text the boliies, wc ihi unparalleled off: Toall In mi f u-t well Hti'fleawe wl'l eendtlto pay for the trouble of w.inng M. Full particular, dlrectlon, i ti -., ent in-e. Immunre pay a so'utely f i all rhn rl t aatr. "n t delay. Addrm Stinsom & (,'" . Purilaud, M.inr. Threshing Machinery 1 I ain Kt Hl agent for tbe BUFFALO l'ITTS, NlfliOl.S, SHKPARH CO'S, and UITON OUflB Threshing Machlnery, the Oaboroe tt t'o's Steel Kunne Binder, the (Jeiiuine Iliilhird Hay Tedder, the KhImiiibwn Spring TimiIIi Harrow, Graln Drllls, Grand Ditour and KlyIng nutchman Sulkey Plows, the Tlger and olher kinds of snlkey Hay llukis, May Racks. All klntlsi.f Kleld and (ianlrn IViih. Any quantlty f StelH, Hom the Uirge Mangle Wurtzel down to the Damnable, Dlrty Dead Heat. Thln Dead Heal. n.-eds Planting at h polnl beyond any possible chauce of ( i erin I nat Ion. 12fl6-9ma M.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News