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JROYALPSa.".! J B POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powdernever verles, a marrel of partty streDRth nnd vrholesomeneMi Moreecolomlcsl thun tbe oMInary kinds, and onnnut soiii in oompetltlon wit ti the muiuuule of OW Mt, short weliiht. iiIiiim or pliosphnti' uiwilt-rs. Snld only m earns. Kn) :il llnklng l"..iler Co.. 1O Wall .t.. N. V. From 115 LUs. to 161 Lis. l'd fulii'iira Uomedies I Owe Mjr HcnMIi, My ilapphii'ss, and My Li IV. A daj never pauef that I do mt think and ip uk iindly rf the Outiam Ben yar igol ïll of a doges himps formed on my neck rnnginir n size froni :i cherry Btone to ia orftDgft. Th' lartre anus were frlghtfnl to luok at, and paiuml to beur ; eople tumed aslde when they saw me, in gust, ind I wftó ashdmed to beon ilic Mn-et or in f-ociety. 'hyslclans and their treatment and all medici. íes iiik-d to do any coorl. In a m im;nt or despalr , ried the CUriCURA REMKl)IKS-O-iia, the sreat ekiu cure, and V'Uïcura Soap, an exquisito 'ikin lieautiler, externally, and Cnlicura liesolent, thenew 111. nul Parifier, internally; the small umps (as I cali them) gradually disappoared, and he large ones brokn, in about two weeks, difihargdu' larre quantitiee of matter, learlDg two :e;ht scare in my neck to-iay to teil the story of my sufering. My velfrht then was onc hundred and lfteen sickly poutds; it is now one hundrod and sizty-one BOlld, hialthy pounds, and my height ík inly flf o feot flve lnchës. In my trnvelu I praised 'tcura Remediré, North, Bonth. Eist and i., „,. j. ; r. Uy Jieaiih. My Jlappinesl and My Ufe. A prominent New Vork Drnggifit aaked me tne other day, "Do yon still u?e tb Culinira Remedies you look to be in perfect heiilth." My reply was, "I do, and shall alwavH. I have never know what eickness is since I co'mmeiired using the Ctitimra Reniedin." Sometimet I am laughed at by praislni; tnein to ii-.ipie nol i. qiiainted wlth their merits, bat sooner or later tliey wlll come to their -uiif-es and bellere tbe nnie af thote t1 it une them, as dozen have wh(.m I liM' told. -May the time come when tllere shall he a lar_:e Cutioura Bnpply House in every .ity In the world, lor the benefit of humaniry, wnere the Ovticura Remediei hall be sold only, -o thai there ill be rarelv ;i need of ever eutui ini; a druir eture. M. TICSBANDR. 210 Fulton St. New York, N. Y. CuTICUi a KiueniKs are a positive cure for tve v lorni o! Skin uud Hloo-1 DlMaae, froni Pimles toMrrofnla. Sold everywhere. Ol-ticuka.JÓO Cis; CiTicunA Soap, 25 Cis.; CunouBA Kbbolvckt, (1.IIU. l'repnri'd by tb PoTThli Drl'i; and i 'hkmical Co.. Boston. Send for "Hoiv to Care Kkin DlHeanen." TJjyi'I.BS, Blakhead, Skin Hlemishes and Baby Í In llninor, u-e Odiara Soap. SnoGzing Gatarrh.The distressing sneeze, Bnoeze, sneeze, the acrid watery dich:iries froni the eyes and none, the IMlinfu! iülltmrnation exteuding to tbc throat, the Hwellinc Of the Dliobiu linin?, causinp choking sensations, cough, riuins noises in the head and splitting headaches- how familiar these symptoms are to thousands who suffer perlodiral from hiaii colda or Influenza, and who live in ii;norance of the fact that a single applica'ion of Sandkord's Radical Cube fob Catakhh will aflord ttantantous relief. Bnt treatment in cine of simple Catarru ffiveï but a faiut idea of what thia remedy will do u the chronic forras, where the breathinp is ob¦trocted by choking pntrid mucous accumulation-. Uu hearing effectrd, smell and taste pone, throat ulcerüted and hackiue cough Kradually fastening ltself npon the debllitati'd syitem. Then it is that the marvellous nurative power of Sanord's Radical Cure mnnifests itelf in inslantancous and L'nitclul relief, ('ure btïgins from the first application. It is rapid, radical, perinaneut, ecouomical, and safe. SAMHDKD's Radicai. ClTBB consiste of one bottleol the Radical Ci ai, andon hnx of l'ATIIAItKAL Sul.K.Nr, aild Olie IMI'KOVKD; price, $1.00. Pottük Dnuo and ('imifmh ai. Co., Boston. Jfc, ACHING BACKS. J(y}. Wi-ak Backs. Pain, Weakncss and InSJfAl Ilimmatlon of the Kldneys, Shootini; I afSl l'ains throafrb the Loirs, IIIp nd Side Yrrt I'.iins. lJick of Streath, and Activity Itclievcd in Onc Minute and fcedily curea by the (iilinirn Pain PlaHtcr. A new, original, elegaut and Infallible antidote to pain and innamation. Atdniïijists St; for f 1.U0: postaire free, or ol Potter Urne and Chemical 'o., Moton. SCOTTS EMULSIÓN OF PURE GOD LIYER OU And Hypophosphitesofljine & Soda Almost as Paiatabloas Milk?. The only pimnrtloa of (III) MTER OIL that can bo Ukon readtly and tolerated for a long time SrteOHLOJV At Kt.dlONV AU.M1A, 4K.V riuïTÏÏT] ; i i ,iiv. cm-:is_ am mitovr ak. Új'TiOS_MÍtrhiTTv.VTI'i lUSOKDt.KS OF n "tí.i'i:; N ï f rviHi'iN in itn n spltn. -v ¦¦ ¦ .1 :i'l úoriH by tüo bcai Pliyelciani in Uu cnuutru a of tiio worlU. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGG1STS. apw jami;s o, ui, mm: k mk MÈ BEAT III8TOR1 E Outiolls all othorbooks. ITnn. HHL J .T. s. Wis1 of V;i., says : " Whocver XtL, f J3Ê W t"1 s i{ "'t "" ""'f'f i' """ (twr f"' B be Mr. lilaine's friend orenrmy, ¦W 4M v'itl nervrput tt dttwn uittil he t. ; TBmBJlÍ "fA riiui thr trhulr." Ifm. AM.-n ¦AHv o. Thuriiinn, says: ".4 classic ' jF%ÊFyï '" '¦'''" }'"tifi"l history." _LJS05i ' wanted on oummlsÊÊÊËtotogbi, JpHSytf" ; I' ii i r ' i '::- '.'. A'l'lr EVERY LÍVE MERCHANT l UtltOlt. Should acLvertise in THE COURIER. THIS PAPER ïïatS niö rHikii iiowELt, cos Newspapor Advcrtlslng Buroou (10 Spruco Mrcel),wliercililver. ¦¦Flll ifflDI ti-.iii:i.iiitrm't.iiimy MHIM VI IKK L.u iuuüu lor it liillCIf lUlllta


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