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simrt myernaatuauta mt to azocad Uirea mies, of Lost ana Foiind, Housen for Sale or Hcnt, Wants, .ie, lnserted tliree weeks for SÍ5 cents. Situutions wauted, free. FOB sai.k A rn, wrygentle for fa mlly diivlng. Terms reaaonabl. (Jall upon Mis. Walier Kendall, ut Foater'a or addreaa Bos 1189, Aun Arbor. ll-3 NEW COTTAGE for Sale Cheap on West Hurnn street. city. Apply to O. I,. Mattlit'ws. Krul I-Mate Agent, Anti Arbor. ll-:i ATwenty Acre Krult Farm In good condltion tuur city for sale cheap. O. L Mattliews Keal Kstute Agoncy, Anti Arbor, Michigan. t-tiw. FOR SALE. frrv A.orei of lftti.l with Bood ürick house t)J mul luuiüiiiKs. 1'i'nch orobard umi uil kinds of rruit; Ji of a mllo from rost-ofllce, Wliltraore l.ul;i' Ku:ul. Ueo. L. Loom Is. a rpo RENT- House Xo. 7, Maytüird street. JL Apply toMn. it. a. üpai. Ooroer Flfth and WllUam streets, or :it the OOUBIZB ofltoa. FINK FIU'IT FA KM FOH SALE near city. IS acre. Peacheaand all kinds of fruit. O L. Miittlu'ws, Real Bltate Agency or Hugh (IKaue. (W-l2 HO WANTS A FARM? Two farros ivltli ö.iiOO frnlt tri'..,s and excellent sull for general funulni; willt 100 acres Improved, :ina 'JHt ncres good wild land, in Oceana County on Kast sliore of Luke Michigan; and two farms in N. W. Kansas, are onrad for sule in pareéis to snit huyere, cheap for cash or axohange for real estáte in Ann Arbor or vicinity. Also 15 acres good land one raile nortli ol City at low figures. K.nquire of J. (.. A. Sessious, Office over Amcricun Kxpraaa (iiliie, Ann Arbor, Mich. 12!M-tf. LOANINO- Money to loan on nrst-class Real 1 stut.' Mortgageat Cnrrent rates of Interest. Haüsfaetory arrangement made wlth capitalista desiring rucU lnveatmenUi. j'.viry DODTeyanoa and transactiun in abstracts of tltles carpfully examlned as to legal effect. Z. P. K1NU. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
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