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h=sM Jnf I ' fLAVORlKo! iAKiitó I K (&--_ --1c NATURAL FRUIT Ñgjgg L _RS MOST PERFECT MADE Preparad with Btrict regard to Pnrity, Strcnfrth, an llealthfulntsB. Dr. I'rice's Baking Powden nntuina DO Ammonia, Ltmc or Aliim. Dr. Prico1 Kxtrocts V anilla, Lctiiou, Uranse, etc, ilavordeliciously. PRICE BAKINQ PQWOIR CO.. Chicago and St. Louit. JMMUNITYfromANNOYANCE I .. %% U ¦'-, Pat. Oot.SOth, 1883. lailo onlvofllio flnost nnl bfstqnallly ofUlONH lor HiiIixi.uMliiiK brut. Everjr good thing ia Counterfelted, and coneupiors are CAUTIONED ag-ainst IMITATIONS of these Chimneys made of VERY POOR QL ASS. See that the oxact label is on eaoh chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright G-lass. JMniiiifnrturrtl OM.ï by GEO. A. M ACBETH & CO. IM tisburli I.iixl lus Works. FOB SA T.F. BY DEALEBa I i ESIVÍRSAL fc-IS. m ;- 'wküiil''RrL'il. Old Bthl RenewM. L S.U1 Tor Circuu. E. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor, Mich. A COMPLKTK ARUAKNGMF.XT FOR Phyilciu sd [Families. Nsater"a.s df Chs aper AND 11OKC coasrvEiisriirT THAN A 8TATI0NARY BATH TUB, WITH NO EXPENSE OF BATII BOOM AND FIXTUHES. ANN ARBOR 8HALL FRUIT FARM! Strawberries, Gooscliorrics, Raspbeiries, Currants and Grupi'S, very ln i Reuiember these plant are strong bcclimated. Rasplwrry Hymp, $iKSO ir inl. Raspberry Hhnib, f2.50 per ({al. Genuine Grape irlna from $1.00 t $1.3: per gal. Slmpruveil PJymoutli Rocks per sitling, $1.00. Kxtra Clioice Plynioutli Kocks per stttinp, $2.00. Arents ol Klhv:ino;er & llurry. rf Rochestor, New York, for all kinds ol Kursery stork. E. BAUR.W. HuronSt. Mt-tf ABNER MOORE'S T0NS0RIAL PARLOR, Next door to tho Fnrmer's and Mechan e's Bank. HAIR CUTT1NG, SI1AVIXO, SIIAM TOONING AND Í3YEINO. The best of Workmen ntul BatUftkOtlon Uuaranteed. -u tEGAN's IMFBBIAL TRD88. Spiral Spring, prailed Drom 1 to ii poumls 111 pnssura, WORN DAY AM) MGIIT, by an lnfant a week old, oran adultsOyears. IiadleH Trussps n perfeotlon. EncloRe stamps lor Lestlmonlali of cnres, etc. EOAN IMPEUIAI, TRTTSS CO., ANN Arbok, Micir. The Best Potato Digger Tin: "MONARCH" fm yL Wavi'wlti -mM jeailj . 5ii:r JTVHlllffil tndij; ÍÍOO hUhlielfi er ut Vm t4ftioititH TRIAL. i5s ""L, i OmCS AND FacTOHT, MONARCH MFO. CO., Carpentersvillc, III. MACKINAC. The Moit Delightful SUMIVIER TOUR pAlsoé Staunert. Low Rte. Tour Trip per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And vory Week Day BetweKl DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Wrlt for our "Picturesque Mackinac," lllU9trated. Contalne Pull Partioulara. M&iled Froo. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. O. WHITCOMB, Oin Pass. Act. DETROIT, MICH. UH ¦pi u OD A D4VLearnll'ir'1'"1 '"r" itLbtiKArn T k 1 1. n Knutiii I fumutcd. Urlte VnleutUK Ure, Juuorlllt., Wu.


Ann Arbor Courier
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