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Thk River and IIurtHir blll m pssasd In tho Pviiate uil the :'[, v, it tt provisión lor survey thf Honn'iin w1 Otbfr eamils. Thn veto. ,i H . ¦ bi ; kiiiif ing& nuH! ii,];icn!) Boilll-Or WIIS'NO pil ' MR) - ntini'. Th. SuO'lr.v i 'I-ril i.É ¦ pnssed. Al tho e i'iifnir nrssKi'n imHvUHMIki' on WlBP tion ami Labor ni dliacted io continue and complete tbe Inreattgatlon of the relaUonfl betweeu luUr and uapital . . . . In tbc House the l'ri-4ilrnt'( mcsMikTi' h 11nounclng his approvul of the OleonniritHiiiic biii whs raad and referred. Tbe ooofereooe reporta on tne Bundry-Civll and LJolieleney Appropriation DUN witrv iit-vreed to. The River and Harhot blll wav nasseif a atrm'd nnoii by tlio coufertueo ooiuuiiti Uti.t.s worc passod in tho Senate on thr tth to maillot the owiuTship of real esteta In the Terrltories to American pitlaenj iinU to oxtend the post-ofliiv System of Iniincdiiiti dnlivory to all articles hearing iiti iBMMd :iidclivery stamp. TIn: House vetoo I M'iuiuu liill ol Miirpiin't l. ManhHiid m ¦1 over tho veto. . ir.i iImmi was udopted aceepthi Irom '. II. antierbilt mul .lul ia 'nt (irnnr viiriom artlolea preeentod to General Orant by forelgn Governmenta. The Morrlson surplus resolutlon, aftojr bclujr srripped of the oluuite providintr lor the reoeptlon or rddempi loa "i tr?.rle dollars, was adopted . . . . In the Rouse Ibe Senute amendmenti t the Fortincation Anpropriution bill wure n ,.n , , . The Morrlsoti surplus teoohiticni, r trom tbe Senate, uastidoptn! Tho imp mout of Cuitinif, an Amorican citi.en. In n Mexiefln prlson, was iHscusfleil, hut no actiou was taki-n. In the Sennto on the Rth Mr. Plurab reported a dlsaprecinont on tho bill for the repeal of the Preomption and Timber-Ciilturc act. The usual rrsolmlon of thanks to the Prosldent of the Senate (Mr. Sherman) was unanimously paaaed. Tho oraferenof. ommlttBe on the Kortinciition bill reported disáHfoement, which amnunted to the tailure ol tbe bilt. Tbe moment of adlournmcnt ifour o'elock) haviiip: arriverl, th' President reu, ru. -il thanks to tbe Stnutorá for tlieir untfortn ktiulni'si and courtesy to him a8 pnsl.liiiK' otBocr, and tben doclurud the Hinato adJourned fnr die In the House the tenate bill aooeptlDff the (irant memorials was afreed to, and Oommlttee on Iabor Troubles iras ui ven leave U) 8it ilurlnif the recess. At four p. m. Spuakr t'arlislo deelared the Huusc ad journed ttinr IU DOMESTIC. Rvins in tho Southwest nad on the 'ld stopped the panto urnvailing mongcattleraiserg. In Adams County, Ind., wheat was on tho3d thrashing out eigbteen bushels to tho acre - ono-third above the usual average. A train on the Union Pacific road was ditched by a broken rail on tho 3U iioar Dillon, M. T., mi uine jiaasengors were seriously injufd. S.nciw foll at Mt.'asb riston. N". H., and at Rome, N. Y., on tho Uit At tho formor place it feil to adepthof Bearly two inclies. Tbe y, lid l)lew at the rate uf eighty miles an bour. In' tho Des Moines river, nenr Mount Zion, Ia., live cHiildren wo'dÍ drowned on tho :M while hathing. Tnr'ee of the unfortunates bolonged to the Hauck family and two to the Oillette family. Mrs. Ei.i.a Cistiíh, of Ada; Q., shot her self on theüd and dioil instanlly. She was the wifü f a iorhaiit of that towu, had three smalt cbildrou, and no cause was known for tbe deed. By a boiler explosión on the 3d at Luisford, Pa., nine. persons were injured, three fatally. Henry Davis, a cojoro'l youth niueteen years old, rhitreil witü assaultinir K (enyear-old girl, was lynched on the 4th near Augusta, fin. Da.TIBu'Bbrr, a song-and-dane? mnn, was convicted at Cincinuati, O., on the 4th of voting tour times at the October elootion in that city. hï the upsetting of a boat on the 4th in the harbor at Portland, Me., seven persons were drowoed. CoMMAVTÍRn Bukdette's animal address to the Grand Army of tbe Republic at San Francisco on the 4th showed that 80,041 comrades had joined and 3,020 had dled during the last year, and that the cash balance on band was $ Tui: Catholic Total AlKtineneo Tüon of America metin lts sixteonth aaiiuul co:i vontion at Notre Uamo, Ini, ojj the -tt h Thero wero 135 delügntes pri3'tit f rom ncarly all tbe States in the Union. Prairie fires were on the 4th burning up every thing in tbeir way along both sides of the railroads near Eau Claire, Wig. No rain bad fallón in the vicinity for over throo months, iiud tbe land was cracking with the boat. A ri'.in lietween two wealthy cousins ut Sharon, O., led to the murder on the 5th of Thomas O. Briggs and tho suicide of S. S Totman. Ai.fiied Packeu, a minor of Colorado, having been convicted of murdering and eating tbe bodies of iWo companions during tho winter of 1S73, -was on the 5th senteneed to forty years in the penitentiary. The July Cre record in tho Umted States and Canada shows a loss of property valued at $10,000,000. That is twenty per cent. gfreater than tue averafe lots for twenty years. TnERE were orer two hundred casos of typhoid fever in PittsVuigh, Pa., ou tho rth. iiixl soveral dpftths occurrea daily. Advices of the 5th from Fort Keogh, M. T., say that a cloud-burst which swopt over Kimmons' sheop corral, on tèe American fork of tho Mussel Shoal, destroyed eight bundred head of shoep. Tui: upper Yollowitonc ralle? was visited by a terriflc bail-storm on the "tá, which rootod up and destroyed every growing thing in a strip of eOnntry six milas wide. In the Anarchist trial at Chicago on the 5tb the defense placed on the stand a Kussian named Malkofl, formerly a reporter, who testified that at the moment of tho explosión of the Haymarket bomb he saw J'arsons and hls wjfe in Zepf's saloon, n block away. It was underitood that the prisoners were soon to make their statements to the court. An attempt was made on the night of tbe 4th to rob an express car on the "Monon" route uoar Bainbridgo, Ind. The niessenger was shot in tho breast, but fired at hi asnailant. who jumpad from tho train and escaped. A riKE on the 5th at La Grande, Ore., deetroyed thirty-five buildings, l.oss, 1105,A Qi .MREi. over a hill for eiRbty owits c-aused the death of William Rix, nt l'iorco City, Mo , on the 5th. Rkv. Uit. O'Reii.ley, of Detroit, on the 6th aent by cable to the treasurer of the Irish Parllamentary fund in Loudon the suin ai V),ixn. A FiiiE on the Cth destroycd the business portion of Mnnnelona, Jtlcb., burning out twenty live basiuess plaèes. Among them were two hotels, two printing offices, a bank and the post-ofüce. Soven horsea perished in the llames. Total loss, $100,000. Exuoi-TioNs took place ns iollowe oathe Cth: Kit Itoss, at Fo.-t Smith, Ark., for tho murder of Jonathan Da? is; F.dwai 1 Bundy feolored), at Spartanburg, 8. C, for killing Annio Llickman iwtaite);and John Smith. nt Gallatin, Mo., for tho murdor of Gladson. Thire wan ril bdilnen failorei in tb United Stataf during the seven daysonded on the 6th, against Ui'J the provious seven OttJ v At riici'iiix, A. T., on the 6th an ineondiary lire diMroyod proporty to tho value Of iliKI.OOO. Ai Uallaoetown. Pa., on tho 6th James Mrl.ain sim' Bll Pavis, and thon suicido. 1. Jculouxy. Sami i i l'in.nrv mo of the Anarchists 00 trial in ChtoagO, was oallod to the st.uid by tlio defonsp on the üth to relate bia versión of tho Haymarket lmilitcr. ii ras at tBB close oí liis ipeech that the homl' nns thrown. Ai M iiiüiiwo!-, Wis., four memhors of tlic Erickson family died In loss than one week of diphtheria. The remaining memben, frmr in nnmber, were on tho Cth all down with tho disease. A iïii.iink cm tho 6th at Hartland, Kan., donmlishod twenty houses and blow a train of cars from the Santa Fe track. A TEitmiic hail-storm prevailed in the tobáceo región of Wiseonsin on the 6th. Ilany Carter, of Jnnosville, lost twolvo acri's of tobacoo, and the flelds of other Juuesville growers wero damagcd to a 4tíeator or loss extent. PERSQNAL AND POLITICAL. Rev. G. C. Haihkkk, Methodist pastor at Sioux City, Ia., who had been the leader in tho prosecution of tho saloon cases, was shot dead on the evoning of tho M whilo crossing a Street. Thoro was no clow to tho perüotrator of tho dastardly crime, but there was no doubt it was a rosult of the war on saloons. Ax amondmont to tho Georgia constitut9& will be voted upon at the State election in October providing for tho pensioning of ox-Confederato soldiers. Prof. W. P. Jones, a well-known Western oducator, formorly United States Consul nt Amoy, China, diod of heartdisoase at Fullerton, Nob., on the 4th. The Demócrata of South Carolina met in State conveution at Columbia on the 4th nuil Moininated for Governor John P. Richardson. Resolutions were adopted indorsingtho President 's Administration and of soitow over the death of Samuel J. Tilden. The President on the 4th signed the Sundry Civil and General Deficiency bilis. Ho nlso vetoed fïvo pension measures. Tiib Republicans of the Seventoenth ühio district on th? 4th nominatod J. D. Taylor for Congressman. The President on tho 4th withdrow tho nomination of H. A. Beecher- Rev. Henry Ward's son - to be Collector of Customs at Port Townsond, "VVT. T. The Ropublicans in the Third district of Missouri on the 4th nominated J. F. Harwood for Congressman. The Kansas Democratie State convontion met at Loavenworth on tho 4th and made tho following nominations: For Governor, Thomas Moonlight, of Leavenworth ; Lor Chief Justice, William Kingman, of Cowley County. Tire aggregato npproprlations made by tho regular appropriation bilis passed this sessiou of Concresa (escluding the Fortifications bill) ís $305,000,000, which is $45,090,000 in excoss of the arnount called for nt tho last sossion. Samuel Jones Tildek diod suddenly at 8:50 a. m. on tho 4th at his country residenco, Groystone, near Yonkers, N. Y., of paralysis of tho heart. His nioce and two physicians wore in attendance upon him. Neithor of them had entertainod grave fears, but while they watched tho heart ceased to beat. Ho was born at New Lebnnmi. X. V., graduated at the University of New York, entered political Hfo in 1S44, broke up the Tweed ring in 1872, was electod Governor in ]S74, and was tho Democratie candidato for President in lSTü. His vast fortune ($10,000,000) was made as a railroad attorney. It was announced on tho4th that Henry C. Jarrett, who died in Buenos Ayres reeentlv, was mnnavr for Sarah Bernhardt, and not tho well-known New York thoat rioul manager. Ai tho atinual moeting of tho National CiTÜ-Si'irico Reform League at Newport, R. I., on tho 4th George William Curtis was re-eleotod president. Eminent CivilSeiTice reformors from all parts of tho country were present. The Republicans of the Eighth Indiana district on the 5th nominated James F. Johnston for Congressman, and in tho Kourth district A. D. Van Osdoll was nominntcd. In tho Third district tho Democrats placod two candidatos in the field for Congressmon - Jonas G. Howard and ü. M. Stockslager. Rev. Daniel B. Gcrney was on tho fith nominated for Congressman by the Prohibitionists of tho Eighth Illinois district. Hemiit G. Tüunei? was on tho 5th renominated for Congrossman by tho Domocrats of tho Second district of Georgia. A biíief sTimmary of the work of the session of the Forty-ninth Congross wliich closod on the 5th isas follows: It was in session 341 days; 13,202 measures were introduced, 10,328 originating in the House and 2, OSt in the Senate; 1,101 passod both houses, 241 boing Senate bilis and SCO House measures; S06 becamo laws with the President's approval, 1S1 became laws by limitation, 113 woro vetoed, and S bilis and resolutions wore in the hands of the President when Congross adjourned. Tiie Kansas Republicau State Executive Committoe on the 5th appointod thirty-six delegates to attend the anti-saloon convention in Chicago. A call was issuedjon tho .rth from Indianapolis for a National convontion of Knights of Labor, Grangers, National Greenbaclrers, Farmers' Alliance, AntiMonopolists and all other organizations which may harmonizo outslde the old parties, for the purpose of forming a new party. The convention will meet September 1 atlndianapolis. The Greenbackers of Indiana nominated the following tickett Indianapolis on the ñth: Lieutenant-Governor, E. S. Popo: Secretary of State, John B. Millroy, Auditor, Pressloy Gregg; Treasurer, Benjamin Perkins; Attorney -General, John S. Bendor; Clerk of tho Suprome Court, S. J. Douglas; Judge of tho iSupreme Court, J. O. Green; Superintendent of Public Instruction, Goorge Bass. Uil. Roli.ix Grego, a prominent physician of Buffalo, N. Y., died on the 5th, aged fifty-seven years. He wrote several medical treatios. Puesidext Clivelaxtj on tlie nth approved the River and Hurbor, Dcficiency and Sundry Civil bilis, luit dld not sign the "surplus-"' resolution before the adjournment of Congreo, and the probability was that it would not bo allowed to go hito effect. About nominations were left unacted upon by tho Sonate before its ad jouiument. Coxoüessmes had generally left Wjtiingtoa on th 6th. The following Congreraional nrnnination ww made on tbe OtJ; Kintuifcy, i:ijibrh district, J. B. McCreary (Oom.), ronominnted; North Carolina, Fourth district, John W. Uraham (Dem.); Florida, First district, R. H. M. Davleson (Dom.), ronominated; Beoond district, Charles Dougherty (Dem.), renoralnatd; Missouri, Thirteonth district, Juhn Sobieski (Prohibitionist). Gknkrai. Liuus FAiRcniLP, of Wisconsin, was elected Commmnder-in-Chief of the Grand Ariny of tho Ropubllc at San Francisco on the 6th. St Louis was ctaose as the ni'x t place of meeting. l)t ui nu the recent session of the United State Scnate the Presidont eent to that body 'M.' 1.1 nomiuations to ofHce, including withdrawals and renominations, thirty of which the Hennte rejected, and about lifty remained ovar without any action. After Consulting witli hm Cabmot, the Presidont decided on the 6th that bond should be called for a time in accordmnca witjj the terms of the surplus resolntlon as it it had become a law. The first cali woulá be made for $15,000,000. Tuk State Democratie Execntive Committeo of Arkamas met at Little Rock on the 5th and nominated C. C. Cunninghiiiu for Governor. The Prosident's record in the Teto line during tbe recent session of Congress ia as follows: Of 113 measuros disapproved thirty -six were Sonate bilis, twenty-eight being for private pensions, three for tha erection of public buildings, one to grant railroads the right of way through the Indiac reservation in Northern Montaña, oue to quiet title to the Des Moines river sottlers, and three for other objecta. Of the seventy-seven House bilis vetoed seventy-four were private pension measures and throe for the erection of public buildings. Tm: returns on the 6th from the recent Tennessee State elections ahowed a majority of 35,000 votes for the Democratie ticket. ! FOREIGN. The Crown Prince of Germany on the 3d opened the celebration of the flve hundredth anniversary of the fouuding of Heidelberg University. TnB town of Voiprovacz, Hungary, was visited by a conflagration on the M which destroyed one hnndred and lifty houses. The flre also burned a largo quantity of corn, hay, etc. The old British Ministry met the mem bers of the new Cabinet at Osborne on tha 3d, the formersurrendering the sals of office to t hc ir successors. As atterapt to assassinate tbe Grand Vizier of Turkey with a sword was made by a Tartar at Constautinople a few dayi ago. A SEVEHE rain and wind-storm occurred on the li li at Ualifax, N. S. Great damaga was done to the shipping in Ui harbor. A five-dollar bill on tha Canndian 1'wmk of Commerce was in circulation on the ttli in Quebec and other Canadian towns. Enolan'k's new Parliament met ou the 5th. Arthur Wullealey Peel was re-elected Speaker. The cholera returns from Italy on the Tth were: Bologna, 8 new cases, 7 deaths; Ravenna, 17 new cases, 10 deaths; Verona, S new cases, 2 deatbs; Venice, 4 new casas, ldeath; Padua, 10 new cases, 2 deaths; and 47 new cases and 10 deaths elsewhere. Furtiier riotous demonstratlous occurred on the 5th at Belfast, Ireland. Advites of the 5th state that tweuty-two Mezican revolutionists had oeen capturad and hanged near Magdalena. Six persons were killed on the Oth and many others were wounded by an explosión of gasoline in the cellar of a merchant at Stuttgart, (íermany. Br the wreek of a pleasure yacht ia Lake Uuron a few days ago six gentlemen, members of prominent families of baruia, Out., were drownod. LATER NEWS. The standing of the National Iiagus lase-ball clubs at tlio close of the week ended on the 7th was as follows: Detroit, pames won, S6; lost, 18. Chicago, won, 53; lost, 20. New York, won, 51; lost, 23. Philadelphia, won, 42; lost, 27. Boston, won, 33; lost, 39. St Louis, won, 24; lost, SI. Kansas City, won. 17; lost, 52. Washington, won, 12; lost, 58. Miiihi'i. Davitt, the Irish agitator, arrived in New York on the 8th. A colmsiox on the 7th on the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad near Limestone, Ky., betwoen two freight-trains, caused the death of four men. At twenty-six leading clearing-house in the United States the exchanges duriiig tba week ended on the 7th aggregatod $856,08,571, ifaJaat $801,618,82-, the.preTious week. As compared with the corresponding week of 1SS5, the increas amouuts to 40. il per cent. A bank caved in at Valley Falls, R. L, on the 7th, killing four men. Two youno shop-mates of the cooper Graham, named Pott and Hazlett, passed safely throush the whirlpool rapids at Niagaru on the 8th in a barrel ten foet loncr. They were half an bourin making tha trip. The remains of the late Samuel J. Tilden were laid to rest in the cemetary at New Lobanon, N. Y., on the 7th. Impressive funeral services were held at the residenca in Yonkers. Among the distinguished persons present were President Cleveland, Secretarie Manning, Whitney and Endicott and Goveinor Hill. Os the 7th uu incendiary flre burned up a large portion of Miles City, M. T. This was the third destructiva flre at that place this year. A. K. Cüttixo, the Texas editor, was on the 7th sentenced by a Mexican court at Paso del Norte to one year'f imprinonment and six hundred dollars fine for publiahing a libelous artiel against a Mexican. Before tbe seutence Cuttiag's release had been demanded by Secretary Bayard. Tiirke tramps were burned to death on the Sth in a fire at Eggleston, Minn. Tue greater portion of Spencer, Wis., was destroyed on the 8th by torest Bres, causing a loss of $200,000. One tbousand persons were homeless. Many i-owj and hogs porished in the Dames. Advicks f the 7th from Washington state that ommissioner Millor had begun preparations for carryinff into effect tha provisions of the Oleomargarinè bill. The riots in Belfast, Ireland, continuad on the M li, six persons being killed and over a hundred wounded. Cholera returns from Italy on the 7th were as follows: At Bartella, 142 new cases, 42 deaths; Venice, 11 new cases, 5 deaths; Ravenna, 10 new cases, 4 deaths; Bologna, 13 new cases, 7 deaths ; Ruvo di Puglia, 25 new cases, 8 deaths; and öö ne cases and 17 deaths elsewbere.


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