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Dr.PHCEs crëam BAKING pnWD The Cream of Tartar used in DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKtNG POWDER isthepurest in the vorld. The crystats are from the finest Grapes, imported direct from the vineyards of France. Washington, I. C, . pril 23, 1885. I have enalyzed the Creám of Tartar used in Dr. l'riccs Raking Pmvder, and find it of the highest degtce purity. PETER COLLIER, Chemist in Chief Agricultura! College. The following, Heads of the Great Üniversities and Public lood Anal) sis, find Dr. Trices the pu rest and strongest. Free from Ammonia, irvv. fróm Linie, tree from Alum, and reeommended its use in ever)' tamily, Pt-rsons iliin" t iiiir tlio tmtlifiilnesH of Üüs can writo mi) öl the Cheiulste uaiiied : l'n.i. K. (iiiDKX nOUKMUS, M. D., LL. D., IK'lleviie Medical College, N'evi VTork 1'riil. II. e. WIHTi:. Male ('liciii -1. Üiilvrtltj (ieoitfin, Athen, Ha. I-rui. II. C. KF.DZIK, Lnte Pi'eHldenl State Board ol Health, 1-nnniiiK, Mk-li. Prof. II. M. KI;. Analytirnl CUemist, St. l.nnis, &lo, l'roi. cil.i;l.i:s E. DWIGIIT, Analytical Cliemist, Wheellng, V '.. Prof. .lA.MKs K. BABCOCK, State A asa ver, BomUmi, Mass. )v. Kl,l.s II. BAKTLKT, B. s„ ('ln-inist tothe Dep'l of Heaith, Brooklyn. N.Y. Prof. erii'l'is e. IKiWAHD, M. Sc., StarlliiK Aledienl Colli i.c ('oliinibus, üliio. Prof. M. DKl.KdN'l'AlNK. Analytical Clieinist. Cbicaga II'.. Pnif. 11. S. ;. I'ATON. l.atc ('liriiiNt llcalth Dtiwrtiuei% Oliicapo. III. Pimf. JOHN M. ol:lVA Y, Mass. Instüiitc of Tedn"„o(ry. Boston. l'i t. l;. A. WITTHAUS, A. M.. M. !.. ünlverslt, al Buffalo. . V. l'mt. A. II. SA l'.l N. State Chemist, Burlington, Vt. r.(.;. .10IIN BÜ1ILAXDEB .Ir., A. M., M. D., Prof. Chuni-try and Toxicology, ColloiW Nli'dicinc anil Siiiiiciy. CiiK'iiinati. O. lV..fs. Al'STKN & WII.HKH, l'rofs.Cl)eml8try,RutgerColIei{e, New Bninswiok.N.J. IVof. CKOR(iE K. BAKKER, Prot Chemlstry Uiflverslt) of Penasylvaiila, Philal'nii. PBTER COLUER. CheMUI inCliief, Aiiriciiltnnil College, Waslilugtoii. D.C. Prufü. KEYS iS KICK. h of t-. Clieiulstry, Ontario School ChemistT) and Pliarmacj TórontO. Canada. Dr. JAMES A LBRECHT, Chewilst :t the United Mint. New Orleans, La. Prof. ED(iAK K VERHAKT, Prof. Chemistry, Universityol Texas, Anstin, Texas. IYof. R. XV. HILOARD, Prof. Chemiatry, Unlvereity California, Bericeley, Cal.


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