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r fROYAL ÍIWÁt h I T [HrmBl " POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powiternevcr varíes. A marvel or piirlty, strpiiKth atul wholeeomeness. .More ecouomleal t )m.ii theordfnary kinds, umi oannot be solil lu competiUon wllli tlie imiltitiide of low test, short wolsrlit, iiinm or phOBphate ppwilers. Suliloiily lncims. Koyal llnkln Powdor ¦.. 100 Wall st.. N. v. Fmi 115 LUs, to 161 Ú Ta Hip Catlcnra Komedies I Owe My Health, My HappIneM, and My Life. A day nevcr passes that I do n it Iliink Md s. uk kindly Outtcmyt lt?me1ies Spven yoarp nirrl all of a dOMO lumpg formud on my m-ck raiiirinp In -lk (htm cluTry stoiic to an armnga. The large ones were frlhtful to look Ht, nnd painful to ; P' !i' tui ned aelde when they sa m-, in di ííuhi, and I wa? ajjhamed to beon the :ri.-et or In society, l'hyslclans and their trentraent und all medici íes fallcd to do Jiny ííood. In a in nu 'iit or despnlr , triedthe CUTICL'RA. HEMBDIK8- Cttticura, the L;reat skin cure, aud CutUwra Soap, an exuulaite Skin Beaatiaer, exiernilly, and Culicura Rrsoivent, thenew Blood Purlüer, intornally; the email lumps (as I cali them) fjradually disappuared. and the large ones broke, in abont two weeks, dischargIdg larjje quantities of matter, leaving two sliifht scars In mv neck to-day to teil the story of my stifferlng. My weipht then was one hundred and Blteen Ickly pounds; 11 is now one bundred and sixty-one solld, healthy pounds, and my he'ght U ouljr flve loot flve inchce. In my travel I pralacd the Uuticura Jltmedies, North, Sonth. East and W't. Tot uHcuni llenudlet I owt My Iltalth. Mij Hhppintn and My Ufe. A prominent New Vork Draggllt iisked me tne other day, "Do yon stlll uhc the Outieura R&medlesi you look lo be in perfect hwilth." My n-piy was, "I do, and shall alwayp. I have never know what sickius icnince I commoncod tdu ('uJlcura Ktmedita." Soraetime 1 mn lauphud at by pmMiu' them to peoplfl nol ACqosJoted wlth rheir nu-rit. bot sonur or Uitei tlifj 1)1 to thclr Muaon and belleve lb' -m tlirni, ag doienB have ii'in I i. ivf fcjUL jám th'1 time cose wbon there 'liallhct la: SuiHily House In every iity In the wu-ld, lor the ben. Ut or bautanliy, w ...r th i'utii-iini fiemcdiatahaTl be íold only, fo thal therc wlll be rurely u Deed of ever eutei ing a (Iiul: store. M, HUSBANDK. 21D Folton St. New York, N. Y. ('iTioui a Hs.MtDiBt) aro a posltive cure for every forin of Skin and Hlooi Dlsease, from Pimples to Scrofnla. Bold ev.Tyvvli.-re. CutioubaJSD Cm.; liTicuuASoAi' iKUl.; Cutivuka liuoivt, $IM. lrepurtd by tlie Poiti Oruo and CHfcMiCAi. Co., Boston. Saad for"How to Cure Mkin Dlaeanea ." ¦piyi'I.KS, Hlnckliead. Skin Hl.raÍBhi-8 and Baby JTlia Hamen", use Culicura Soap. Sneezing Gatarrh.The iliHtre.siiii: bbcck sneeze, Biieeze, the acrid w iitry dlch:irguê from the cyes and nose, the ' puinfnl inflimmatlon ex tendiiif,' to the thront, the swelling of the mueons liiii iilt, cmislnr choklng üSsatioDK, cough, rinclni; n,ises In the huad and splftting headaches - how familiar these symptoms irc to thuuüanris who suffer periódica! from hcad colusor imliiuiiri, lid who lire in igiinrancc of tbe fact thftta einifle applira Ion of Sasiifoiiu's RAniCAT. f'VRF POR ('ATARIIH Wlll fford fstanianeout relia. Hut tilia treatmunt in canes of simple ('a'nrrh ivei but i faint de oí wliat thls remedy wlll do in the chroaic formp, whcre the breathiiifc U ob"tructed by choVincpiitrici mm-w accumulittlonx, the lu.-uriiiu' eifL'Ctcd, sinell mul taslc BOB0 throat ulcur&ted and hacktng couvh Kriidimlly raxteninr itelf apim the deliilitnti'il xynlem. Thcn it lo thttt the marvelloufl curativo power of Sanord'g liadlcnl Cure manifest iticlf In inelantaneoua and Sratulül rulief. Care beglns from the flrst application. It ie rapid, radical, permanent, económica!, and pare. s MiH'nitD's Kauicai. Curk consista of one botttool tho RADICAL l'i ui:, and one box of CATHABRAL Sui.vknt, nud one Impkovkii Imiai.kk; prlce, fl.OO. PoTTEit Dni'd ánd CiniKMUil. Co., Boston. 7L ACHING BACKS. AcL[ Vt;(ik llackd. Pain, WütiknetB and In - S'A il immatlon of the Kidney, Shootinu I P l'nine throiii,fh thti Loinp, Hip and Side Vrrr Paln, Lack of StreriRth, and Aclivity Hein uil in One .Hinnti' and xpeedlly curcd by the 4'uflriirii Antl-I'aiii PliiNtcr. A luw. original, elegant and In fallible antidote to pain and luflamatiun. Atdrnlste 25c.; flvc for ¦IJWi postai;c free, or ol Potlcr liiut anl Chemical o.. BoHton. SCOTTS EMULSIÓN OF PURE GOD LIYER OIL And Hypophosphiies of LJme & Soda Almost as Palatableas Mille. The only proparation of COD IJVER OIL that can bo taken reaUily and loleratod for a long tlm br dtÜcato stuinarhs. am as a HKiKnv vou coNsrMPTiox, S4K0HI.1MS AtKMTIO.NS, ANAKMIA, KV KKAL M.litlliy, OH1. 11S AM TllltOAf .sT"iti uil astix; ihsqkdkrs ok il!ll,IM:ï it is niirt.-1'ous in Itt n solt. Prescribí mul nnlursctl by tüo bcal FhytlcUnfl In ttui oovatrtM of tl-.o world. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. InJñfHH CLEANSE WfX$EMJFfEÍyoi)r scalp ¦rv .JMÉ WÊÊÊÉj rjm Every Other Day with I F1 w9V999HniIT1Ils and you wiU ¦ JHjÜi j ICI 'J u r P r ' l 1 1 a i h e HPtPHVVB'Vp m remarkablo clianeo. H JW B I H Bomovee Bourf ud B DandrufTand provouU P M dieoftsce of tho Soalp. &JklL2lH It imparta vltUty VBHHpHHHHH tothoroot-bi1ha,nimkI 1 SCv III l 3 "¦ In bclthy aotlon. ¦¦¦¦¦fVsHHÏUfl It Cures UaldneM, HTI VJH proservos thehair from TTCtBM faUinff out or fndlujr hHHBMBHIE]tjilc't. Oivoanturl. glomay and Hoflappeanincu to tho hair. COocmtjat yourDruggiatM. Perfectly Harnilrss. Isnotadye. Send lUmp for troatise "Howto havo íliio Ilair." i J. H. WUÍKELMANH" & CO., Baltimor. Md. 8ave$ mendinganythingthat'sbrokiMi.wth Prootór' Alwaya Liquid Oluo. Sold eTeryw.í. SUBSCRIBE firY"CÖÜB"M


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