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A Great Victory A Terrible Case of Scrofula Cu red by Hood's Sarsaparilla " In the winter of 1879 I was attackcd witb. Scrofula In ono of the most aggravating f orms. At one time I had no less Uian thlrteen largo abscesses over and aroundmy neck and thront, contlnually exuding an offensive mass of bloody matter disgustlng to behold, and almost Intolerable to endure. It is impossible to fully describo my sufferings, as the case was complicated with Chronlc Catarrh. Aftcr three ycars of misery, havlng been treated by three physicians, I was worse tlian ever. Flnally, on the recommendatlon of W. J. Huntley, druggist, of Lockport, I was induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, aftcr havlng taken twelve bottles, withln tlie last twelve raonths, the acrof ulous eruptlons have entirely ceased, and the abscesses have all dlsappcared, exeept the unslghtly scars, which are daily becomine ' smaller by degrees, and beautifully less.' I do not know wnat it may have done for others, but I do know that iu niy case, Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved an effective gpeciflc indeed. As an evidenee of my gratitude I send these facts unsolicited. and I am ready to veriiy tho authenticity of tlils cure, by personal correspondence with any one who doubts it." Chakles A. Roberts, East Wilson, N. Y. This statement is conflrmed by W. J. Huntley.dniggist, of Lockport, N. Y., who calis the cure a great victory for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Send for book giving statements of many cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drugRlsts. $1 ; six for S. Made only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowcll, Mass. 100 'Doses One Dollar. PATEÑTS ITUNN h CO., of tho 8CIINTIFIC Amkbican, aoaUnuo toaet as Soltcttors for J'Htonts, Cavoiits, Trmla Uftrkn. CopyTtphtB, for the United StuU1:, Cu BdA. Bngtand, Franoe, Germana, eto. Hund H "k nboul PatnU sent free. Thirty-sovpn yenrs' e rri'ii'n'. Ptentobtained throudh MUNN A CO.lronotlood Amkkican. tho wnt wldely clrcultl sclentlHc piiw-r. fllOa jir. Weekly. Bplendld cncrravlni;M umi Intcrr formatlon. Specimen cnpy of thfiHcirmiiir' Ampv. Iran sont free. Addre MUN.V ,t l'o , Si it Mini Amikican Office. 201 Broadwuj, New Vork.


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