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The Dfxter M. E. church has been repaircd recent'. Nlne new dwelllnga are In proce erection n Chelsea Jacob Trant wel n, of Dcxter has moved to Manchester and gbne Into tbe farniture business. Two Bttlaeni of A nu Arbor, patronized the foundry, Friday. Anything niggestIve. In the tact ?- Saüne Observen ' Thos. lürkett has some of tlie flneil peachea to be found In the station his fruit t ;n in at Dover, ubout tive miles north of Dezter. ,Mr. Starkweather, of Ypsllanti.recelves M her part of tl Walter I. Newbcrrv estáte of Chicago, $113,233.00. A handiouit little plum. The Indleflof the Congregatlonal church at Dexter have resolved to nuikc extra exertioaa to boom the missionary work and collections hereafter. The Ypsilanti, or Eastern Michigan agricultural fulr, oocnra on the 21rt to 2-ttti of September, inclusivo, the same dates as thooounty fair ut Aun Arbor. The Dexter Leader complalnt of tin dolngsoftbe "Uiting gang" about tlie -tpccts ot tliat town nlghu. One nlgbt'a lodgin in the caboosc i ould tix theni. Out of 23 elevators and milis in thls county 13 report 87,078 buslieUof wheat marketed daring July.with i total amount marketed since August 1, 188Ö. of 807 5S0 busliels. The fumines of Vfm.Wood. of Lyndon nnd George Urown of Ptnckney, beid a doublé family reunión, al afcove named resldenceg recently, and a jfreat jrood time was the result. The abutmenti for the Ex. Place bridge at Manchester ure beisg constructed. Wonder it they drive spilrs aud tlicn place a few feet ot stone work on that, and then claim they till Ihe contract The wood-turning mili of W. P LamKin, at Stony Creek is having the water power increased by adUing a foot or so fo the embankment of the dam, thns inc Ing the power and facilities. Dexter tishennen don't have to fooi aronnd with öihhlg rods, and tackle, and bait now-a-days. All they have to do is to appear on tbc lakes or rivers and the fish just jomp right Into the bout for very Miss Busic Lamb has reslgned her poaltion In tlie union schools, aud accepted a position as teacher in a school at Hampdon, West Virginia, to which place sbe will go about September 20th Yiisiluntian. Died, in Jackson, ou the IGth inst., Norman Allen, aged 82 years, father of N. E. A en, artist, formerly a resident of thls yillage, auo ancle of the proprietor of the Leader. He loeatcd In Jackson In 1838.- Dexter Leader. Some pieces of corn will be from i half to two thlrds of a erop, while othershave not rallied since the rains. Some farmers have bad cattle tiirned into them and eat down, and finally plowed up and sowed to wheat.- Chelsea Echo. A. J. Warren, of this villaje, is being mentioned for the county clerkship nomination on the üemocrat ticket. Audrew is a genial and upright man, well qualitied ior the position, and Saline would give hlin a good .mnjority.- Saline Obstrver. Ann Arbor is twenty-fivc ycars behiml her sisters in point of pavements, and sbc ought to stand in advance.- Coukiee. Yes, Uro. Beal you're correct; just o mie up to Chelsea and see our liue ncw stoiie pavements, and you wlll think that Chclsea is ahead of Ann Arbor.- Echo. Coaching themsolves in the "inanlyart" is tlie principal amusement of the'unoecupied at the present wrltfnjr. Próm the nnmber of " black eyes," swollen lita " and otherwise disligured faces on our streets, one would think the town bad been stnick with a real live cyclone Bbange how alive Dexter is to evervthiiii; uut lier business ntrrests. - Leader." Frulay nlrtt last Geo. C. Beade'i barn was burned down. Tliero was a thundor shower early in the evening about Dine oclock. The barn burned at midniglit. Mr. Heade saved a horse and doublé harness; the otlier contents were uuthreshed oats, wheat, hay, carriage and farm tools, all of which were totally destroyud ïlic barn and contents were insured in the Wasbtcnaw '.Mutual- barn $750: contents only partially insured.- North Lake cor. Dexter Leader. The August erop report pi ves the estimated yield of wheat for this county at lü.OC busbels to the acre, with 13 pereent still in the hands of farmers. The coiulition of corn is5Ii per oent., yield of oats 28 per cent.; and of barley "22 percent : - 1 per cent. in yield of hay, hut the condition of meadowB u oompued with lbrmer yean s only 35 per cent. ; the coudltion of cloyer only 21 per cent.: the average number of acres in potatoes is 95 per cent. and conditlon 42 per cent. The probable yield of apples is 76 per cent. We know of a niimber of persons vho get more papen than they eau read nou-, and do not want to take a local paper-as long as they can borrov it frorn a ncigbbor. These fellowï ahvays take a ' tamily Journal" publi,lied in New lorkorsome othtr big city, containing thnlhng and blood cunlling romaucM such as make the young reader despUe home and yearu for the duy when il„ v can break awaj from homo rcstniiatsand go out into ïhe far west and bccome " bad men, ad die with their 'boots on - Exchange paper. Liarge iiumbers of boys aud uien of this city are uilty of a serlous breacb 01 good mannen, In ranging themscivr.a ong the exit at the close of eYenine services in our churclics, and staring at the people as they pass out. This ia probably uffactof mere thoufhtlettaeM on the part pi many, hut they ougbt to know thut it sa umi Impeachmentagalnstthelr breedUfc and is a reproach to tlieir paren ts, and to the society in whicli they move, as well as to thetnselve. It is a practico not nncommon In rund nejghborhoods, but oownere within our obíeryotlon has it Deen so much peactteed as here in any place entltled to be oalled a city.- Ypsilantiau. ' Oue of our Chelsca society yoanff men was lieard to reinark, the other day, when hta mother adrad him to split h Hule kinQllngwood, "Xov, dcar ma, don't tmk me to soil niy ion, Kt white banda yon know I 'kaunt' do such hard work ; there is ileter Belle, she cati out all thé kindliiiftwood you want." "But, Charle you should bc aahamed of youraeU tó make that remark," .said the mother, "for you know that Belle s quite delicate, and that the has enough to do to takeher masiclessons." TheyoUDC man Uien suid : "Mother, I must ;ro aml lee a doctor, for I believe I ani troubled with the heartdlscase;" hut later in the day he was secn l)laying base hall.- Echo. Manchester now rejoice in two new ] furniture stores. Mts. ByronlFcllous, fonnerly of Sharon, dicd at lier home iti Ypsilanti Dakota, Aug, 11. Capt Allen, of Ypsilanti, atoppad Jlero on Tuesila lo visit frlenila beforo goin to Adrián to attend the republican cou" ventlon. Of course he callecl at the Enterprise office, lie always does becausc Ie knows tliat we would be angry if he did not. - Manchester Enterpri-c. 'e are pleased to know that the Enteprlse, in comnion with most all of the gooi] newgpapers of this district will haven Mend at Washington aftcr Marcb 3d, next.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News