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Republican State Convention

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A Konublloan Stato Convention, to nomínate canille lutos for State Offlcers, and for the trnnsactlon of other business, wlll be held ut Powers' Opera House, In the city of Grand Kaplds, oommcnclng at 3 o'clock, p. m., on Wednesday, the ülh day of August, 188U. In Moordanee with a resolutlon adopted at Grand KapUls, May lOth, lSWi, every county wlll be eutltled to one delégate for each 5U0 of the total vote cast for Uovernor, at the last late olectlou (In 884), and one addttlonal deleítate for overy fraction ol 300 votos, but each organlzed county wlll be entltled to at least one deleirate. Under a resolutlon of 1858, no delégate Wlll be entltled to a seat who does notroslde in the county he propoees to represent Iu aocordance with a resolutlon adopted nt a laeotini; ol the SUte Conventlou ut Detroit, Juno 23, 18SU, the secretiiry of MOh eouniy conveutiou Is requested to forward to the secrotary of the State Central t'ommlttee, by tho earllest mall.after the üeleuati-s to the State Convention are choBen, a certlned list of such delegates as are eutltled to slt in the State Conveutlon. _


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News