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Capt. Aleen For Congress

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The convention at Adrián laat Thursday was an enthuslastic one and Edward P. Allen of Waakten uw County received the nomination on the Brit formal ballot by I vote of tí to U for Spaulding. It was then made unaninious with three cheers proposed by ex-Gov. Croswell, the chairman of the convention. Be sides the solid 20 from tliis county tkere were 1G Allen men in Lenawee and G in Ilillsdale. Qood feeling prevailed und showed nnralstakably how well the gallant Captain is liked throughotit the district. The Washtenaw County delegation stood like a rock for Allen and he got a nomination which will be followed by a victory. in the Convention this county had Samuel Post ckainnan of the cormnittee on orgauization and order of business ; Win. Jackson on coinmittee of creilentiuls; Dr. Pyle on resolutioii9, and Dr. O wen on the congressional coinmittee. Pater Carpenter was the secretary of the Convention. The following coniniendation of Capt. E. P. Allen, will flnd a heaity response from nearly every resident of YV.ishteDaw regardless of politics. It ia taken Erom the Detroit Tribune: "Ia noininating Capt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, as tlicir candidato lor conress tlie republicans of the second district liave placed lo the field one of their best and ablest ¦oen, whose record in both private and public lile lias won for hiin the highest estcem of liis fellow citizens in all parts of the state. If true merit is appreciated in the seoond district Capt. Allen will be elected." The followinii brief history of Capt. Allen is titken from the Adrián Times: Edward P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, was born In the lown of BhBTOQ, WuKhtenaw Uounly, üotober 25, 1839. During hls boyhood lie worked upon a farm in Binniner. attended or Uiught school lu winler, untll he was twentyyears of ago. He graduated from the state normal school In 1XI, and after teuclilng a short Umi reslgned lils positlon, and enllsted In the Twenty-niiith Michigan iufautry, was imiii mlssloned flrstlleutenant, subsciiueuUy made adjutant, and Mntillv promotMl to the captalncy of Corapany H, lu that regiment. He was with hls command coutiuuously frum the time of hls enllstmeut, sharlug In uil lts dutles In front of the rebel Oen. Hood's forcea. In the Bouthwest, uutll the close of the war. Ret.urning wlth hls regiment, In isu", ha entered the luw depuitmeul of the l'nlvi'rsity, from which ba graduatud In 1888. He then entered lnto Ihw partnership wlth Hou. 8. M. Uulcheon, of Ypsilanti, whlch place has ever slnce been hls home. Captain Allen has done inucli public service slnce hlB return to civil Ufe, and has done lt so well as to earn the coutldunce and respect of all hls fellow citizens. In 18t!) he was asslstant assessor of lnternal in 1S7Ü was elected prosecutlng attorney for Washtenaw County , and was twlce elected to represent hls district lu the state legislatura and took a prominent posltlon therein, belng choseu speaker pro tempore In 187'J. In 1882 he was appolnted United States Indlan agent for Michigan. In every duty put upon him, In every positlon he has been called to flll. Captain Allen hos done hls part falthfully, consclentiously an.l acceptably. In li84 he was a candldate for congres8 In thls district, on the republlcan ticket, but was defeated by a few votes by Col. Kldredge. This year he Is in the üeld agaln, and is In to win. The narrow margin by whlch he was defeated two years ago will entlrely disappear thls year, when he knows the district better. The sway of democracy lntbis district will end In November, and Capt. E. P. Allen will be our next represontative in congross. The Detroit Journal looks at the contest in tliis district in this light: "Capt. Allen will now have another chance to carry tlic Second district. He knows just where he lost those three score votes two years ago; arid he should be ab!e to ftnd them this year, especially since, instead of having the hero of two wara opposed to hlm, he will have no hero of no war on the opposite ticket and a weaker prohibltionist tlian Moaher to draw otl' republican strength in Lenawee county." RANDOM OI'INIONS. D. F. Schairer: "Yes, sir, I think Allen will be elected this time. I hope so, at least." J. T. Jacobs: "The best possible nomination that could be made at this time. I think he will be elected, and if he is, not only the second district but the whole State ot' Michigan will have in hiin a representative in congress." Benj. Brown : "I have little doubt of Allen's success at the polls. He is a strong man in this county, and one who lias few enemies." W. A. Tolchard: "Allen is stronger to-day tlian he was two years ago, against any opponent, I don't care who they nominatc. I consider his clection certain." Thos. J. Keech: "The ncxt congressmail from iliis district spells his name, A-1-l-e-n." Col. H. S. Dean : "lam pleased with theworkof thecongressional convention, and from what I know of the situation Capt. Allen will ccrtainly be elected." Judge Hurriman : "Mr. Allen has a good record." Gilbert Bliss: "Why, Allen will be elected, of course. He's the ma." "One thing 1 do know, and that is, which ever one of the demócrata who are being tiilked of as candidatos, or the man wliom the republicana have nominated, Is elected in this district, we shall have an excellent congressman, any way."- Register of Deeds Kearns. Snm Heselschwerdt thrcw a stone last Tlmrsday Irom the bank store corner acros the rallroatl Irark, mnasnrlng twenty-flve rods&nd slx feet. Quite a throw.- Chelsea Bobo. That's nothing. The Michigan greenbackcrs, with only n handful of men, at Grand Iiapids last Wetluesrïay, threw the entire democratie convention out of the wlndow, body, breeches, principies and all, and substituted themselves and thelr principies therefore, and then made tlie democrats luirrah for them and swear to support them. That's what mighl be termed "quite a throw.'' This is not to be a "boodle" campaign suid little Johnie In his speech, but the Hon. Don M. Dlckinson subscribes $2,500 and Wm. E. Quinby $2,500 just as a starter. Who do they propose to buy up? The greenbackers or the prohibitionists? Such open and ba refaced corruption was never before published to world. It is to be a campaign of inoney, and the President of Michigan, by the grace of Grover the I. (and lastjïroposes to lead the list. He don't want to be senator, certainly not!! That Michigan club seems to bother little Johnie Enright, of Detroit, and well it may. He can't make a live minutes speech without referring in his selfesteenied marnier to "that harem of republican politics," or something of the sort. That's right, Johnie. That club will warm you up before the campaign is over worse than your mamniy ever did with a sbinglc. Those who have stood by tlie democratie party for years and ycars, until the silver threads outiiumber all others on their heads, must walk up and take their medicine, nauseating thouuh it may be. Eat your ciow, gentlemen, there'a no other course.


Ann Arbor Courier
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