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The Fusion Ticket

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At the democratie and greenback ton. ventions held last Wednesduy in Grand Rápida, the two partit-s mlscegenated and brooght forth tlio following ticket: Qovernor-George L. Yople, of 8t. Joaeph. greenback. Lleutenant Governor-8. S. Curry, of Marquolte, detnocrat, Secretary of State-P. B. Wachtel, of Emnicii , democrat. State W. Q. Balrd of Bay, greenback. Auditor General -J. D. Farrar, of Macomb, deiuocrat. Attorney Oeneral-John C. Donnelly, of Wayne, democrat. Superintendent of Public Instructlon - liavid l'arsons, of Wayne, greenback. Member of State Board of Educatlon- Jerome W. Turner, of Snlawassee, democrat. CommlftBlonerof the Land Otflce- WUllaiu D. Fuller, of Newaygo, greenback. While there is no objection to tho men thomselves as far as the public now know, one tliing is true, tliere never has been a ticket put in the fleld by any party where thost' composing it have been so little known. Outside of their own counties few of them have any reputation. The principal recommendatlon lor Yaplo is tliat lie is a lawyer from the town of Meudon, locuted in Berrien county, we belleve, (though not glven on the common state map,} and that he waê once, by accident, a member of conress, being defeated handsomely by Congrcasman liurroughs In his attempt at re-elecliou in 1884 The declaration of principies are also a queer mixture. A recular political cnizy quilt, with a little of everything tacked on, and solid and firm on nothing except Don Dickiuson's civil service presiden tial Ufïy plank. Tlie whole thing is a stunner for that portion of the democratie party who believe In principies and who for principies alone have stood by that organi.ation for so niaiiy years. 11OW IT IS KECKIVE1). Judgc Harriman : " Like Qreeley n '50 I rapport the ticket but spit on tbe platform." One of tlio most prominent democrats in the city, Isaac Crawford, says: " I've got the whole thing swallowed, Yaple, platform and all." And as he turiieU around great tear3 stood in his eyts as if sometliing had gone down the wrong way, or a spoouful of new spring horseradish had been gulped down. Gco. A. Peters: " FIow do I likeit? ! ! Why shouldn't I likeit? ! Eli? Can yon teil me? John N. Bailey : " I put on a Yaple badge when I lirstwont to the conveution and am WMrtng it yet. Long live the noble Don !" (Caesar de Buzan.) Henry Wilmot: "1 don't know that man Yaple, but I guess Dickie wlll beat him witliout any trouble." Prosecuting Attoruey Norris : " Now, honestly, don't you wlsh you was a democrat. so that you could vote tliat ticket?" Ex-Mayor Kapp: "Ithink the saengerfett was a great success." "I always had a hankering after green backs."- H. T. M. It is said that ' there's a dlvinity that ¦taapu our ends,' but I will defy dlvinity to find any end to shape in that platform. - C. .1. U's I teil you its the boss. Oh we'll gel there.- J. A. R. It strikes me as being abont a 30 to 33 concern all the way through. - C. H. M. Who cares a cuss for the platform of principies ; its the offices we are after. [Sotto voce: Now that Monroe is added to Waslitenaw, and the greenbackers added too, I believe I can carry this senatorial district, sute.]- Demsnore C. If the people will only listen to my teaching! therc will be no demócrata, no republicana, but thero wlll be a forcé pump on every corner squirting ut fellows into the oftices.- O. A. Clozure. It is my opinión that Bayard will have a war wilh Mexico before that ticket ia elected.- J. F. 8. I am not prepared to give an opinión. - J. B. A. Too green for me, but I suppose I've got to swallow it. - J. K. What a straddle ! What a atraddle !- W. D. H. No better ticket or platform was ever put before the people of Michigan. The democrats have at last woke up to their senses. - Mike J. M. There's nothing but whisky on the ticket - nothing but whisky in the platform. The only hope for this state is in üickie. -John S. Ugh! don't talk to me.- E. B. P. I have nothing to s.i3-. - C. II. K. The most enthusiastic convention ever held in the state notninated that ticket - J. J. R. Ko boy for me. 1 prefer a man. - M. E. F. lts a daudy ticket. A reat head on it. What?- U. E. H. B. Talk about Onding mastodons ! Our party seems to have found a whole museum lull. - M. C CAN'T DKLIVEU THE (JOODS. Capt. Manly is reported to have said the following in reference to the fusión nomination?, which appears in Friday's Free Press : "The nomlnation of Mr. Yaple has seo u red for tlie Democratie party the support of the Knights of Labor lu i hls stnte. I llke tbe entlre ticket. Perhaps Capt. Manly is not empowered to speak for the Knights of Labor, especially before the nominations are made upon the opposite side. Mr. Yaple is a lawyer, one of the class of people who together with saloon-keepers, politicians and capitalista are said to be debarred from membership in that organization. Now if the republicans put up a farmer and workingman for governor to-day, - which tbey doubtless will do - how the Knights of Labor can in justice to their own principies support a lawyer, is soniething of a mystery. Quess the Capt. didn't stop to consider, when he made that statement. "You needn't put it in the paper, Mr. Editor, but the nuinber of democrats who will vote our ticket this fall will be a surprise party to that organization," said a noted leader of the 3d party to us ycsterday. "The respectable democrats who hate the republicana and are disgusted with the reign of Boss Dickinson and the sickening alliance with the greenbackers, are going to vote the prohibition ticket. And many of them will remain with us, too, though tliey are coming this fall simply to kick their own party for its cussednesa. Our doors are open for all who want to come and our hrnst this time will come from the party that thinks by coddling us and patting us on the back they are hurting the republicans. That is what they have done in the past, but thia time it is their own nest that ia losing. Won't you repubücans take us up and pet us awhile now ? " And he turned on his heel and went away whistling: "Oh! that will joyful, joyful, joyful," etc.


Ann Arbor Courier
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