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Saengerfest Echoes

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The Couiueu went to press too early lust week to uote all the Saengerfest item?. The procession was a fine one, and was applauded hnndsomely for its excellence. The Waterloo band also deserves more notice than it received. It was sent by the little city of Waterloo, Ontario, a place of about 4,000 inhabitants, to represent it at the Saengerfest, and ia probably as fine an organization as can be found in America to-d:iy. At the opening concert Monday evening, the band came upon the stage nftcr the audience were tired and weary, but by its admlrable renditlon of La Somnámbula so captivated everyone that a pin drop could be heard n any part of the vast hall, so interested were the listeners In the mnsic. And again Tuesday evening on the conrt house square an audience of some 3,000 or 4,000 people assembled to hear their sweet music. Thia band was certainly one of the most pleaatng feature of the fest. Among the various societirs visitin;; our city last week, prubably one of the most jovial, happy nnd :it the same time gentlemanly body of men were those coinposingibo Harmonie Society of Jnckson, of whom Dr. Wendt of that city s the leader. Tliey were itlway.s on time, and they could sing too, when it cume their turn, if tlirce of Iheir numbers were American boys. They could sing Qerman as well as the Qermam t Inniselves. The neceas of the Baengerfett can be atlributed to the fact, as much as anything elsc, that the promoten were uot afraid of prlntor'i ink. They advertiaad theevent, both at home and abroad, thoroughly, by posters, dodger8,"painphleti and through the columns of the newspapers. It paid them. Ainong those who denerve pr;üse mlght be noted Prof. R. H. Kempf, ol this city who lead the ckornaM during uil the concerts. He made for himself many friends his graceful manners and excellent work. The following are the ofliccrs for the coming fest : President) Martin Loenneckcr, Jackson; vice-president, Dr. C. Georg, Anu Arbor; Becretary, Bndolph Worch, Jackson; oorraspondbig secretary, John, Aniv-Arbor, treasurer, Geo. Halier Anu Arbor. The Bay City and Saginaw Blnging societies, were so well pleased witli thulr visit to our city, and their inlercourse with our, that they propose to in:ikc an excursión to Ann Arbor on purpose to keep up the many pleuant Irlendships they have already formed. The gcnerul deportownt of the great crowd has been favorably coiumcntcd upon by our city people. There was very little drunkennesa, mul a better behaved elan "f people nuver came to our city. The oillcers of tiio BeethoTen society all deserve great piaise for their energy and their aclivity. Undcr the circuuistances no bcttcr work could h ive been done. The next Baeogerfest wlll be held ut Jackson. The Germana are great people, funny people. At the at Ann Arbor they had little cards printed like this; " Whcre are you fiom?" " Hliut your moutli," etc. One of a party of our cltizens who drove over there took one of tliose carde, wrote his name on the back and tied it to his button witli tlie rcmnrk, "certainly I i'an't get lost." In coming home that night or vory early tbe ncxt inorning, thcy lost tlicir way and after reaching the Scio church drove back to the city. Thcy took a fresh start and came through all riglit but it was flve o'clock when they arrived. We are afraid the party did not all tbllow the injunction to keep their moathl shut. - Manchester Enterprise. Ann Arbor papers kick vlolently ngalnst the ('lielea Kalr euterprlse. AU rlght. A llttle nppoHltlon wlll help ua along.- Cuelsea IIcruKl. Brother Holmes had better read the columns of all the Ann Arbor papers before he makes such an asacrtion, for it is not true. Bat as the Herald ouly rccoguizes nne paper in Ann Arbor, perhaps its editor shonld not be blamed for what he does not know. The wish ia father to the thonght, probably. Does the Herald see a ]oint in trylng to make things appeu dlfferently from wliat they aro? If yon deslíe to possess a bcautiful complexión lake Ayer's Sursaparilla. It cleanses and purifiee the blool, and reiimvis blotches and ptmples, niakiiii; the skin smoolh and clear, and s'iving It a bright and healtliy appearancc. Tuke it t'iij month. The preiniuin list is out - the premiums are liberal, and we expect to have au excellent fair. Let everybody come and have a good time. Plant lany at the roots of your pUun trees or lmnt; bonotaea of tho plant ou tho llmhs or your trees, and yon wlll not be anooyeil by cureulio. Au ohl and successful fruit grower furulHhes llie above, und siiys it is the morst, Muceessful pruvuutatlvo he ever trled.- Cliolsee Herald. A beverage made of pigeon ndlk and tansy, wlll kill cvery cureulio in the orchard. Just try it once.


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