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Rheumatism It U an establithed act Hood's Sarsaparill has proven an liivaluablo remedy in many severo cases of rheumatism, effecting remarkable cures by its powerful actlon in correcting the acidity of the blood, wliich is the cause of the diseaso, and purifying and enrichlng tho vital fluid. It is certainly fair to aseume tliat what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done íor others It will do for you. Thorefore, II you suffer the palns and aches of rbeumatlsm, give this potont remedy a fair trial A Positivo Curo. "I was troubled very much with rheumatism Ín my hlps, anklcs, and wrists. I could h.irdly walk, and was conflned to my bed a good deal of tho time. Belng recommcnded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I took fonr bottleg and am perfectly well. I chcerfuriy recommond Hood's Sarsaparilla as one of the best blood puriflers In the world." W. F. Wood, Bloomlngton, 111. For Twcnty Years I have been affllcted with rheumatism. Before 1883 1 fuund no relief, but grew worge. I then began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and lt did mo more good than all the other medicine I ever had." H. T. Balcom, Shirley, Mass. " I suücred f rom what the doctors called muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Sarsaparllla and am ontirely cured." J. V. A. Pboübfoot, letter carrier, Chicago, 111. We shall be glad to send, free of chargo. to all who may deslre, a book containlng many additlonal statements of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all bMt $1 ; six for $5. M;ulo ouly by 0. 1. HOOD & CU., Iwell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News