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Aun Arbor Tost Office. Ann Arbor Time. Office Hours : General 7:30 . m to 8:00 p. m 8undys 9:00 to 10:00 . m. manu iiwi'. Mails Close- QO1NQ KAST. Lockponch to Detroit 6-15 a. m. Detroit A Urand Rápida K. P. 0 10:80 a. m. Detroit Chicago R. P. 0 5:15 p. m. K. P. 0 8.00 p. m. OOINQ WEST. Dotroit, Juckson & Niles 8-15 a m. Detroit Chicago R. P. O._ 10:30 a. m. Detroit A (r:inct Rápida 5'15 p m Detroit Chicago R. P. o 8:00 p. m. QOINO NORTH. Bouth Lyon & Toledo R. P. O 9:W a. m. OOISG 80UTH. Lock l'ouch to Toledo 7-15 a. m. South Lyon Toledo R. P. O „ 3:00 p. m. MAILS DISTRIBUTBD (Eastern.) Detroit A Chicago R. P. O._ 7:45 a. m. Detroit mail 9:05 a, m. Detroit A Chicago K. P. O ll-.Wa. m Detroit & Grand Rapids. tfcttp. m. (Western,) Detroit OhiCüRO K. P. 0 7:45 a. m. Detroit A (irund Rápida 11:30 a. m Detroit Jt Chicago R. P. O 6:45 p. m. (Northern South Lyon & Toledo K. P. 0 3:30 p. m. (Southern.) Snuth Lyon & Toledo R. P. O „ 10:45 a. ra. Lock pouch from Toledo (i:45 p. m. Ann Arbor A Whltmore Ij&e mail closei 9:30 . m., and Is dlstrlbuted 6.45 p. m. EDWARD DÜFFÏ, P. M. Dated, January, 1886. Company A's excursión to-ilay. No tek'phonc yet to the oounty house, but there shouiu be one. St. Thomas' parochial school will commence September 7th, in the new buik1ing. P. L. Parker is building an office on Fifth street, ailjoining his resitlence, opposite the Unity flats. Several of our citizens are in attendanee upon the republiean Htate convention at ürand Itapids to-day. The Coi niKR is out slightly ahead of time this week so tliat "ye local" may take in the state convention at Grand Rapids to-d;o-. One week from next Monday will be the date for the public schools of the city to open. Most parents will greet the day with pleasure, if the boys do not. The regalar innmü school meeting occurs on Monday Sept. 0. New members will have to be elected in place of Rev. H. HHBCftll, Mrs. Bishop and J. E. Beal. The pan-electiic aggregation of greenback c:.u lldatea on the democratie ticket is giving the lattcr party tlie worst shock that it lias liad fur a long time In this Ptute. Teacher?, or those deelrlng tobe teachers, will do wcll to keep In mind the examination to be held by the couuty examiners In this city, nezt Friday, at the court house. Jolin T. Reywalt, of Dexter, was up before Justice Pond last Frida}', charjred by his wife with nialicioiis injury of furniture. The hearing was adjourned ontil next iriuav. Yesterday morning a young 14-pound aldcrman put in his appearanee on Fountain strcct, u the 3d vrard, and Tom Kcarns suys Ihat lie will match Iiim aguinst the world for weight and good looks. Died, August 21st, la this city, at the residence of her son, Prof. Alfred Hennequin, Madame Sophie Hennequin, of fiiiinos, Franco, at the age of 61 years, 5 montlis, and C ilays. St. Andrew's Smulay school picnic will occur at Relief Park on Wednesday of next weck, September 3d, being poslponed 11 ti Li 1 time so Unit several ohtldren who are now ;ib.-o:it will be iit home. Next Wednesday, Sept. lt, the county pioneer society is to meet in Saline. One by one the ranks of this grand society is benig depleted as the older niembers are taken away by death. Every such reraoval should draw those remainlng in closer relations. Mrs. Dorcas Twitchell, of Hamburg, died last Friday night at 10 o'clock, aged 7C years. Funeral services were held Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m., from the Hamburg church. The deceased was one of the old pioneers of this section, having lived on the farm on which she died for 5.'! years. She was the mother of Mrs. D. Cramer, of this city. C. 15. O:mson went to Detroit Monday, and put one of his patent smoke consurners on one of the boilers of the steamer "City of Alpena," of the Detroit & Cleveland Steim Navlgatlon Co's line. Itis altogether probable that all the boats of this line, four in number, togetlier with a lurge number of steam barges controlled by thll Co., will soon liave this invaluablc invention. When it comes into general use, the great clouds of smoke on the waters will be a thing of the past, ainl tlie ooal bilis reditced in prlce. Leiand Stanford, the millionuirc California Senator, spent $G0,000 In perfecting npparatus for the instan taneous pUotographing of horses going at a high rate of speed. He attained the object aimed at and the result bas been a source of wonder and amusement to all who were made familiar with the facts. During the coming Tri-State Fair at Toledo, September Cth to llth, the Stanford process will bc trled daily, duriDg the races, the borses beinj; pliotographed at the inomeut the wire is reached. This will probably break up the eo-called "dead hentg," for if one norse is the f ruction of a foot ahead of another at the wire, the instantaueous procesa will show it. J. 15. Moslier, Wm. Bird, Thos. Clureiicy and Burt Moore were excavating a dltch on the farm of Abraham Mubee, in tlie townshlp f Augusta last Friday, when they caine upon several bones of a uiastodon, olie foro lt'g, one bind leg, tour ribs, the ander jaw bone, foor late tceth iiid two front teel h, together with several pteoetofhe back bone, and two hout each 4% feet loog. Bj the looks of a eavtty in of the nioii8trou8 teeth whiili Mr. Mosher showcil us to-daj-, it miglit be reasonably supposcd that the uniiiml (Had with the toothache. The bones were .". feet underground, just at Uw edg pf i 'jauéi. The honig, whloh Ufl ncurly Itntlght, wei-h over HO lfes. a plece, six iuches through at the centre and are in a ,'ol state of proservation. One ot tbejn was broken In two however, by being struck with a plow. Grecnback congrcssional conveution at Adrián, Baturday. The flrst Iron work for the new Detroit strect bridge was put In position Jlonday. There will be anotlier unión service Sunday cvening next, at the M. E. cliurch. The dates for the State fair, to bc held ut Jacksou this year, are Sopt. 13 to 17 inclusive. Don't forget the next meeting of the pioneer society, which is to bc held in Saline, on Wednesday, Sept. lat. The Ypsilanti fair association has had II. H. Marsh, of Saline, advertising their fair a'l oyer the county for the past two weeks. " Family reuniona" are what they cali the home coming of diflerent merubers of the houseliold now who have becD absent 01 a summer vacation. Capt. Schuli and Joe T. Jacobs seeraod to be training their steeds for tho county fair as they returned from the picnic at Whitmore, Saturday p. m. By reason of the "smash up" of a freight train near Marshal Tuesday a. m., all trains from the west were delayed several hours yesterday forenoon. At a meeting of the Catholic diocesan synod at Sandwich, Ont,, last Thursday, ltev. Fr. Fierle of this city, was appolnted one af the diocesan examiners for the current year. J. T. Jacobs has a liabit of chipping in just wheu help is needed, and over at Adrián last Thursdny lie was true to his reputation. He aeconded Capt. Allen just when the secoad was needed. James Taylor, a gentleman of color, exceedingly good-naturcd to all the boys here, lias gone dowu to Ypsi., found himself a widow for a wife, in the person of Mrs. Julia Day, and will reside there hereafter. Amhrose Kearney, of tuia city, mouros the loss of a gold watch, which was taken frora under hls pillow at the Morton House, Urand Rapids last Wednesday, where he was stopping, being in attend anee upon the democratie state convention. The democratie congressional convention mects in Adrián to-day, and many of our prominent democrats have gone over to work for Kegent Whltman, who will be on hand to accept if it falls to him, which does not look probable at this writing. Dr. BII39, who was one of the physlciatis attending President Garfleld. was seriously if not fatnlly injured at Cleveland, Ohio, recently. He came there to perform a surglCRl operation, and after accomplishlng t, juniped into a carriage awaiting him, and the team being higli spirited threw hiia out with resulta as nbove stated. Dr. Bliss is an uncle of Mrs. E. W. Childs, of tliis city. Probably one of the largest crowds tlmtever assembled in this county gathered at Whitmore Lake last Siiturday, upon the occasion of the furmcr's picnic. It was a monstrous crush, notwlthstanding the threatening aspect of the weather in the morning that kept the more timid at home. If all had come that intended to, there would hardly have been sufflcient room in the township to have accomodated them. The rain came after dinner and spoiled the exercises, and Uispersed the crowd to a great extent. But neverthe-less those who did go had a right good time. Saturday forenoon a disgraceful scene occiirred on our stieets, the cause being aa irate colored woman, the wife of Jos. Schermerhoni, endeavorina; to cbastise her husband for nlleged violation of the marital vows. Sue kept up the warfarc vvith whip and tongue for 3ome minutes, until Sheriff Walsh appeared on the scène and marched Joe off to the county boarding house. Af ter lier husband was taken care of she cnrae back to the grand stand- John Freernan's dray- and made a speech, telling how she had been abiwed by liim after buying him a wagon and team and setting him up in business ; how he staid out nights, etc, and at last she siüd she would nevcr hare anything more to do with him, and went away vowing vengeance on the woman who liad lead her spouse astray, lf she could ever lay hands on her. Public sympathy seemed about equally divided between the two. At an adjourned meeting of the regents Monday evening all were present except liegent Shearer who is out west in search of better healtli. Miss LoisStoddard and Miss Mary Guller were appointed as nursea in the unlversity hospital, at $150 per year each. Prof. T. J. Wrampelmeier tendored nis reslgnation as asst. professor of organic chemi9try, to take eflect Oct. lst, which was acccpted regretfully. 111 liealth caused the actlon. Letters of acceptance were received from Miss Mary H. Cullings as Asst. Demonstrator of Anatomy, and from Walter Miller as instructor in Greek. The title of Judge Cooley's position was changed to "Professor of American History and Constitutional Law. and Dean of Political Science." Levi T. Griffln, of Detroit, was choscn as Fletclier Professor of Law in place of Chas. A. Kent resigned. This professorship has long been a stumbling block in the regent's way. The 3Sth annual fair of the Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural Association will be held in Ann Arbor, attlie fair grounds, on the 21 at, 22d, 2Sd and 2-ltli of September. The managers o 11 er #3,000 cash In premiums, and are making evory effort to haee thls oue of the best fair the society has ever giren. In the speed department $1,500 will bc given as premiums, and some of the linest equines of this section have already been promiscd for the exhibitiou. every department will be thoroughly carod for by competent superintendents, who will do all in their power to raake it pleasant for those desiring to exhibit artiticles. In the line art department probably no place in the state could make a better showing than Ann Arbor, if she only sets out to do it. In vegetables, the season m;iy have boen auch that the erop may be a little short In quantity, but the "flats" hnvübouis have had a grand year, will bc broiijfht in profusión by gardeners and farmers. In cereals the products are such as to make a very line showing. Ilovf tho big pumpkin and the mammoth squash will come out is a questlon the tall corn stalk may be a failure, but tliat which is of value to the people will not be lacking. With a fair on each iide of us, extra efforts will be made for the county fair thls eeason. üne of the drawing cards of the exhibitiou will be a bona flde balloon ascensión, on the afternoons of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.