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Harry Morse has gone to Dakota. Mrs. C. L. Pack starts on a nortliern trip Friday. L. D. Mungcr of Detroit, was In the city yestenlay. Dr. Martin has been cnjoylng a visit from his parents. Sarah Giles goes to Toledo to-dny for a few day's visit. J. E. Beal went up to Alpena yester(lay for a few day's visit. Will Stauch, of Detroit, was in the city last week calling on friends. Mrs. Will W. Watts is visiting friends in Springport and Cliarlotte. Mrs. Bauman and son of Omaha, Neb., are yisiting at D. F. Schairer's. Harry Crane was home a day or two last week attending the sacngerfest. E. V. Kiker, of Fenton, has been visiting; friends in the city for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. H. Randall started for the cast Monday to visit and on business Hudson Ellls lias returned from West Branch,' where he has been on a business trip. Miss Nellie Childs is spending n couple of weeks at Cay City and Mackinac Island. Justin Pond and wife of Bay City, are visiting Mrs. Pond's sister, Mrs. A. F. Martin. Mrs. N. Chapin, of División st., has returned from a visit to lier daughter in Chicago. Franklin Le Suer, of Toledo, has been visiting nis uncle C. B. Davisou for a few days past. Misses Bessie and Annie Staee, of Marshall, are visiting rclatives and friunds in the city. Ilenry Fickensuer, of Aurora, 111., Is visiting at O. B. Church's on E. Catha rine street. Miss Lizzie Maroncy, of Chelsea, was the gucst of Miss Lona Moloney during the saengerfcst. Miss Jennie Bailey ot División st., who has been visiting friends in Ohio, has returned home. E. B. Abel w.-ites that he is astonishing Wholesale houscs with his purchases in New York city. Mrs. N, B. Beers has rcturned home after spendini a few weeks V( ry pleasantly at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Capt. U. M. Barker, of Flint, have been visiting relatives in the city the nast few davs. About thirty Ann Arbor folks went down to Detroit Friday to see the ürst Detroit-Chicago games. Dr. Ramsay and family are expected home this week. The Dr. will fill hls own pulpit next Sabbath. MisseB Susie and Aiinie Smith and Kate Heimer, of Jackson, were the guests of Uie Misses Drake last week. Cashier Chas. E. Hiscock, of tlie Ann Arbor áavings bank, has gone to Dakota, for a period of recreation. Miss Nettie Daniels has secured the position of instructor in English in the Pennsylvania Normal School. Zach. Roath spent Sunday in Saline! At last, at last ! But no, we'll wait and sce. Perhaps it's only a rumor. Louis Blltz of Detroit spent Sunday with hls brother Saru S. Hia family are ¦pending the summer In the city. Etnanuel Burkhardt and Miss Hannah Dictz, of Grand Rapids, are visiting at C. F. Burkhardt's ou W. Liberty st. Prof. II. M. Slawson has returned to Iloughton, Upper Península. Mrs. Slawson will not return for a week or so. Mr. Lillie, son-in-law of John M. Wheeler, is in the city, visiting bis little daughter Christine, and other relatives and friends. Frecl. Carüslc, of Detroit, for many years a prominent resident of Dexter, has been iu the city tliis weeV, visiting old frkiuls and relatives. A. F. Martin, Jerome Froeman and Qeo. II. Pond are in attendance upon the republican state couvention at Grand Rápida to-day as delegates Miss O'Neil and Miss O'Conner, of Detroit, were entertained by Barney Johnton last week, and are now enjoying the pleasures of Whltmore Lake. Chas. L. Damon, of Milwaukee, Wis., who is visiting his sister Mrs. A. R. Beal of Dexter, was in the city Mondny looking over the city and the university. Mrs. N. H. Winans has returned from Portland, Mich., and Miss Carrie Winans from Jett'erson, Oliio. N. H. says he is having a sort of a family reunión now. Mrs. Ed. May, nee Tillio Woodruff, of Washington, and lier sister Mrs. Will McDowell of Cincinnoti, are visiting their mother Mrs. A. K. Hall on N. State street. Miss Emily Reyer, of tliis city, startcd last Friday for a trip to Bay City, where she will spend a few weeks with her unele Christian Heinznuiun, forraerly of this place. Eugcne Lohr, who has been at Oswego, N. Y., tliie sumuier studying the languages, returned home Thursday for a two weeks rest before going to resume lus positlon tn the South Bend school?. The last Stockbridgc Sun contains a glowing account of the trip taken to Mackinac by its editor W. B. Gildart and wife, and Hon. A. J. Saw3rer, wifc and son Fred. Should jiulge tliey had a royal good time. Col. II. 8. Dean and daughter Lizzie, returued from their California trip Saturday nlght The Colonel wears a solid silver Q. A. R. badge prescuted by the Calitornia management to all post members attending the meeting. Mr. Frank Wade, of Manchester returned to bis home Tuesday after a week'a visit wlth his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burns, and cousin Lona lloloney of the 'M ward. The following gentlemen from tliis city attended the democratie convention at Grand Rapids last AVeduesday: Hon. John J. Robison, Isaac Crawford, John N. Bailey, Ambroso Kearney, B. 8. Crawford and D. Cramer. John J. Robison was cliairraan of the delegation. Mayor Robison returned lrom Lansing Friday night, where he bad been attending the state board ofequalizatlon sessions. He says that he found there the largst numberof ricli mendicants that he ever met on earth. It waa a crusher on truth from many sections of the state, the fiirther north the worse It grew. II. W. Newkirk, of Williamsburg, Ky., was a caller at the Coubikr office Monday, on hia way lo see bis family wbo who have been with Mrs. N's father, Thos. Dirkett, of Dover. Mr. Newkirk published a j)aper at that place, the Time, was burned out last wiuter, and a few weeks afterward wa3 flooded out, setting type for a time out of a boat. Now he bas sold out, but ükes the cllmate and country so well that he will return again, and enter the profession of law. Water pipes to the observatory are being laid. The N. lngall's st. gas main spine stil 1 sticks up as an ornaraent(?). Hcnry Binder paid $25 and costs last Frlday for keeping open after hours. Those chestnut gongs are nuinerous now, and the stale story teller is very cautious. lt is mlghty inconvenieiit to go to the water faucct about raeal time and flnd the water turned off. Geo. Scott bas the contract for building W1U Watt'8 new house on Fourth st. H. Kittredge is doing the excavating. It will cost about $2,000. The many friends of the Detroit club in tuis city rejoiced over llieir victories last Friday and Saturday and looked glum at the result of Monday'a game. A couplc of colored uien broke into the house of Jacob Ugele in Pittsfield, last Sunday, and stole some clothes and a gun. On Monday the thieves were arrested at Milan with the clothes on and the gun in their possession. The Manchester Enterprise wants us to own up that Chelsea is " the banner town for wool and hucklebcrries." We'li do it certainly, but when it comes to good looking girls, in our private opinión Manchester takes the cream confectionery. Monthly meeting of Washtcnaw Pomologlcal Society on the 4th of Sept., at 2 o'clock p. m. in the court house. Topics: New features of fruit exhibit at the state fair; How can wc make our county fair attractive and instructive? Fall work. The case of Henry Farmer vs. Elliott Williams an account of whose troubles were given in a recent is3ue of the Couuier has been settled. It is understood that Williams paid Farmer $80 besides a ' doctor's bill of $10 and $G costs at the ' justice court. ' red Fisher, a bruther of Oeorgc, who clerks for W. H. Mclatyre, carne to his death recently very singularly. While binding oats for a farmer in Pittsfleld, be ran a straw into his nose, blood poisonlng set in and he died within a few days. He waa 19 years of age, and had many friends in this yicinity. It h not perliaps generally known that the man who invented the T rail and tbe spiking of the same upon cross ties in the building of railroads, is a resident of our city. Mr. N. B. Beers is the gentleman, and he received a rewanl of f 500 only therefor. It was an inrention that ought to have brought him a handsome lncome for a Ufe time. If Bro. Woodruff's Street raihvay was only a reality instead of a chimera, it would be :i good thing for both the county fair at this place and the district fair at ï'psilantl. The attendance upon both would be largely increased by the means of it. Furthermore it would itimulate the growth of both cities toward each other. Iu fact, such a road between the two places woulcl make a solid street of residences the entire distance in a few years. Tuesday morning, at about i% o'clock a fire was discovered in the house occupied by George Greer, a medical student at the corner of Jeflferson and División street, but the flatnes were put out by neighbors without calling out the lire departinent. The house was evidently set on lire in two places, on the stalrs and in a closet used as a clothes press. The 8inoke awoke the family, and after putting out the fire it was ascertained that burglars had ransacked the house steallng come clothes and a lot of jewelryj after which it is supposed they tired the pretnises, as pieces of cloth satumted with kerosene werefound where the lires were started. The Microscope, which is being and has been published In this office for several years, bas been sold to a number of Detroit microscopists, who have already taken possession, issuing the August nunibor. Profs. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stowell conducted the journal for six years, and t has grown to such ati exteut that, without doubt, it has a larger circulation than any other mieroscopical journal ever published in this country. Dr. Stowell says it has paid a profit each year of ts publication, and it is now transferred to the new publishers and editors in the very helght of its prosperity. We are sorry to notice the fact that caused the publishers to accept the offer of the Detroit syndicate: on account of the impaired health of Mrs. Stowell. We aho exceedingly regret to learn that the suminer vacatlon is not restoring her to health. The new editors are Drs. Mantón, Duflleld, Jennings and Brown, of Detroit. We wish them prosperity. Deacon Samuel Crossmaii of Ann Arbor, surprised his frlcnds a few days since by completing nlnety years of age. He looks so fresh, and is so able stlll to be out on the streets, and at churcli, that hls great age is unsuspected by tbose not knowing it. The Sunday school of the Baptist cliurch, and other friends wishing to show thcir rcmemberance of one so interested in thetn and tbc cburcli, took the occasion to go to the beautiful grove adjoining bis house for a picnic, and to bear to hini and bis wlfe floral tributes, and a fine photograpU picture of himself. The picture was taken from bis sitting, the same week by Mr. Stark, and is in8cribed, "At Ninety."1 The deacon acknowledjjed the attention in hearty words, and regaled the compnny with clioice fruit from bis pleasant grounds. He is a pensioner of the war of 1812, and tbinks bis recollections ruu to the border of the last century, though able to add to their long volume but little from what transpires in the present.


Ann Arbor Courier
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