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John Kelchert to F. Gudekunst, Sylva '..........i 525 Jesse Day, et al, to the Mlch. SI. B. So'y, Ypsllantl 400 John A. Watllng to Evan Begole, Ypsllautl„ .....„?... 200 Chas. M. Carrie A. Purchase, Chelsea nou Ellzabeth A. Fena to U. N. Parchase Chelsea _ goo L. Parker to Loule Schleloher, Ann Arbor joo S. P. Jewett to David Kay. Anii" Arbor 500 Mary E. Jolly to ffm, Looker, Ann Arbor 500 Ellza R. Shler to Daniel II. Shler, Ypsllantl goo Elma Lynch to Loulsa D. Kelf, Manchester „ joo Calvin Z. Chipman to Sam. W. Lockwooil, Chelsea 500 Harrlet K. Mead to J. Adam Klein, Saline _ 144 Alva Freer to WUllam J. Knapp, Cliel8ea 45 Sarah M. Joslyn to C. 8. 4 H. C. Wortley, Ypsllantl 50 L. D. & 8. C. Wlnes to Ella C. Bennett Ann Arbor...... jooo Jacob Trautweln to Henry Neeb, Dexter- „„ gg D. E. Wlnes to L. D. Wines, AonAr" llbor ; 2000 Ollbert Mclnlyre to Qeorge Healey Ann Arbor 'J m Edwin L. Dunn to Joseph C. Demosh. Ypsllantl ' Yoo Joseph D. Demosh to EUza H. Cordary Ypsllantl f.; 2,500 John Moren to James Moren, Lyndon, 50 Lucy Loonard to Wm. Uolchouse, Dexler - 375 George W. MoCormlck to Albert D Groves, Ann Arbor , 3200 Narsena Basset t to Adam Sauer Deite11 I ko Mlrand A. Luklns to Jennle L. Moore Manchester ' ] 500 Miiry A. Stofflett to Isaac N. Aldrlch Ann Arbor [ 00 John N. Bailcy was the only man from Michigan who attended jTilden's funeral. Rcputation is like polished steel- it may bc tarnlsaed by a breath. The prohibition club uieeta next Friday evening at the old Baptist church. The traitor expected to bc loyal to both sides- the arbltrator.