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It was innoanoed on tho I7th tliat Japan had aocepted tbo amondments of tho United State Sonate to the extradition treaty between tho two eonatrlea Thia is the flrst oxtraditiou treaty negottated by the Uuited States with an Oriental country. At Mili Run, W. Va., Mrs. Bnoderly uil four childron woro drowned on the lTth by the swoeping away of thoir by a flood. 'in i" Lake Sliore officials in Chicago roported on the lTth that tbroe attnmpts had been mado to wreek trains in tho Root street yards, ainl ¦ guspipo bomb was fuund on the tracks near South Chicago. Tin: Balümore & Ohio road was on tho 17th selling tickets f rom Now York to ('lncago for thirteen dollars, a cut of soveu dollars from the pool ratos. Advicks of the lTth say that tho recent storm in Dakota entirely destrojn 1 the town of Nowark, fivo persons being killed South of Lamoure William Rowan akilledin his house, wbiob was blo wn down. An Inoendiary flre ou the lTth deatroyed the business portion of Talare, Cal., thc uggrogatiug $A"O,00J. Warrants for$7,7rJ,4.iO, for tho qnnrterly payment of ponsions, rere drawo bj the Seeretary of the Interior apon the treasury at Washington on the Up to the 17th the saloons in thirty-two towna in Ohio had been closod by the local optiou of tho Dow law. Tuk Methodist ministers of Iowa on the 17th offered a reward of $1,000 for the arrest of the assassin of Rov. George C. Haddock, of Sioux City. This is indupundent of the other rewards offered. Db. R. R. Lewes, of New York City, coruored a mad dog iu a restaurant fllled with people on the 17th, aud chokod the aniiuul to doath. At Magilalena. N. M., on tho 17th John Lynch and Joo Van Winklo, cowboys, were both killed in a quarrel. A gknekal crusade against drug-store saloons was commenced by thu Iowa Stat Pharmacy Commission ou the 17th, and prosecutions would be had all over tho State. At Princeton, Ind., Frank Stout, agod twenty-three yearg, was shot and iustnntly killed on the 17tu and his futher, A. C. Stout, horribly beaten by Charles Kmmons, a discharged employé. J. P. üi.iye, who burued a borse-thiof at a stake when sheriff of a county in Nobraska, was recently killed by a cowboy at Trail City, Col. It has been decided to alter the plans of the Garfleld monument near Cleveland, O., and msko it 150 feet in height instead of 235 as origiually dfisi;ned. The corpse of William Uray, Jr., the Boston dufaultor for S0U,O00, was found on the l.Sth at Blue llills. Mass., whore he committed suïcide Gray's oporatious had caiiHed the failure of Samuel It. PayiOD, regarded as on of the wealthiest and best citizens of Boston. His liabilities woro eatimated at 1850,000. Advicks of the lSth frora Arizona state that a band of lndiaus surprised a camp of minors in Santa Rosa canyon and niurdered four of thom. The Irish National League convention eommenced its llwiinm in Chicago ou the lStb, with nino hundred delegatos in al temlance. Mrs. Parnell receivetl ronndi of cheers. President Egan delivornd an address, announcing tho death of the coerción system in Ireland. Judgo Fitzgorald, of Ciucinnati, was made temporury chairman. The Sandusky (O.) stoel works were set on fira by an incendiary on the lSth and totally consumod. Loss, $200,000. Ei.iza A. Wciods, a negro woman fiftyseven years old, was taken from jail at Jackson, Tenn., on the lSth and hanged by a raob. She was accused of poisoning Mrs. Wooton, a white lady. The thirtv-tifth annual convontion of the American Association for the Advancement of Science eoinmonced at Buffalo, N. Y., on the 18th. Neaki.y forty steamboats were on the lSth tied up at various points along tho Upper Mississippi, on account of tho low stage of wator. The ninth annual meeting of the Amorican Bar Association convened at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., on the lSth. Geokoe Snki.i.inü, troasurer of the Lowell (Mass.) Bleachery, was arrested on the 19th on the charge of embozzling $40,000. State's Attorxey Grissell closed the arguments in the Anarchist trial at Chicago at noon on the 19th. At two o'clock Judge Gary began reading the instructions, and at 2:50 the jury took the case and retirod for deliberation. The cooper, C. ü. Graham, again navigated the whirlpool rapids of Niágara on the l'Jth in preseuce of ten thousand persons. P. J. Scott, a fisherman, wanted to excel Graham, and attemptod to swini the whirlpool rapids in a cork suit. Uis doad body was recovered at Lowiston. The Lewiston (Me. ) Bteam-Mill Compan. mado an assignmonton the l'.'tli , liabilitie, $807,800. Mrs. C. W. Klemm, wife of a prominent business man of Bloomington, 111., was burned to a erisp ou the l'Jth by her clothiug taking flre from gasoline. A vetbrav pilot said on the Wth that the Mississippi river had not been so low in thirty years as at the present time. William Wvlkins killed Louis Uilbert at Aurora, Ind., on the 19th, and was soou af ter taken from jail aud hauged by a mob. Advices of the 19th say that the town of Saric, in Arizona, had been entirely swept away by floods. The place had a population of seven hundred. Not a house was left standing. H. Tonner, arrested on the 19th in Teton Basin, Idaho, for killing H. Weller, (us Hamlin and H. Eiggerman, his associates, confessed his guilt, but said he acted in self-defense. A call was i-ssued on the 19th by the Treasury Department at Washington for $15,000,000 of the three per cent, loan of 1882. "Alice, I am tired of living," was the remark madeou the 19th by Willie League, of Baltimore, aged fifteen years, to Alico Haynes, a playmate, as he sent a bullet intn his brain At a farm-house near New Castle, Pa., four masked robbers on the 19th took $3,000 from William Manniug, who was badly beaten in the struggle. Thk convention of the Irish National League adopted resolutions at Chicago ou the 19th indorsing the policy of Parnell and the Parliamentary party and pledging them the undivided support of the Irith iu America. John K Fitzgerald, cX Ltaooln, .'¦'¦ i , ni elected .1.1. -ut, ai l'i ('barios ()'Reilly,oL Detroit, was reelectod troasurer. Una. Bi ¦ 'ii and hor littlo son aad an unknown man wito drownod in the rivor a' Dallas, Tex, on tho 'JOth. The boy was bathinft and going beyond bis deptu his mothor plunged in to resoné him. Uer strugglea were ineffoctval, and the man went to tho raaoM of mother and son. EzTENsiva forest tiros wera ragtng on tbs 80th in tho park rogion of Montana, dost rov iii'-C tho bdftt timber there. The ::¦ airead] heavy. A iiiuvv storm on the 2Oth at Galveston Tex., wrecked abont 160 buildings anc flooded, undermined and othorwise damagod many nors. Sovorui portons woro drownod. Tho water rose ai it dld in 1866 umlcovered land twolvo milos inlaad. Tbo total loss wonld exoeed $3)0, Oua W. H. JiDsoN' & Co., of Chicago, carpe dealers, fallad .m thu JOth tor 1158,00a 'ï'n 1: War Department on tue SOth reoeived (illicial Information that (Jerónimo deslred to ¦urre&der. A ni w i'ountorfoit silvor dollar of 188.' was received at the sub-treasury in Chi cago on tho 'iüth. Ie is heavily plate( with silvor, has a good color and a clea rniL. Kki'okts roceived on the 30th from tho cotton belt of Texaa showed that tho dam age to the Texas crops, owiug to oxcossivo heat and ilruuth. was fully thirty por cent I ui 1:1 were 101 business failures iu the United Ktatos during the sovendays endet on tho SOth, against lïJ tho previous seven days. The jury in the Anarchist trial at Chi cago on tho 20th prouounced the death fiontoncj against Spies, Lingg, Pursons, Fioldon, Eugol, Fischor and Schwah, ani gave Oscar Neebo flftoeu yoars imprison nii'ut. Aftor the jury was polled a motion for a now trial was made. The condemnei mon were placed in murderors' row in th jail. Tho jurors roceivod comiuondatioi from Judgo Uary. Special telegrams received in New Yorl on tho 20th indicatod a fairly active move ment of general morchaudise at tweuty eight of the larger cities. and the volume of sales reported from almost all direc tions exeeod the totals in August in pro oedingyean, the distribution of dry-good beingconspicuous. The Treamry Department at Washing ton on the 20th issued wan-ants for nearl; $S,000,000 for tho payment of pensions. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Thb Demócrata of Dolaware met at Do ver on the 17th and nominatod Benjamin T. Biggs for Governor. A platform wa adopted which indorsestho platform of th National convention of 1SS4, favors a re duction of tho taritTand iudurses the Presi dent's Admiuistration. Henry Reillt, who edited the flrst daily newspaper in Rochester, N. Y., died at tha city on tho lTth. Tue Ropublicans of tho Eighth Ohio dis trict on tho 17th nominatod Lieutenant Govornor R. P. Kennedy for Congross man. In the Sevonth Iowa district the Democrats and Grooubackers nominatec W. L. Carpentor, and in tho Eighth Ala lama district tho Democrats renominatei Joseph Wheeler. Tue Democratie and Greonback State conventions of Michigan met at Grand Rapids on the lSth and unitcd in nomi nating tho folio wing ticket: Governor, G L. Yaple, Greonbacker; Lieutenant-Gov ernor, S. S. Curry, Democrat; Secretary of State, P. B. Watchel, Domocrat; Treas urer, William G. Baird, Groeubacker; An ditor-General, Colonel J. D. Farrer, Dem ocrat; Land Commissionor, William D Fuller, Greonbacker; Superintendent o Publii" Instiuction, Duvid Parsons, Dom ocrat; Mombor of Board of Education, J W. Turner, Greonbacker; Attorney-Gon eral, J. C. Donnelly, Democrat. The Dem ocratic cdiivontiou adoptod a platform in dorsing l'iv-idont Cloveland's Administra tion; tavoring liberal pensions for vet erans of tho war; demanding a revisión o: tariff lnws; proraising the enactment o laws against convict labor, and denouncing alion owuership of public lands. The National Association of Union ex Prisonerg of War began its session at Buf talo, N. Y.. on tho lSth. Many members were in atLendance. Tin: ( Hiio Democracy mat at Toledo on the 18th and nominated John McBride, o Stark County, for Socretary of State, and M. D. Follett for Judge of the Suprumo Court. The platform declares for a wellrogulated license svstom; indorsos the Ad ministration of President Cleveland, au demands a thorough and just revisión o tho tariff laws. TnE Penusylvania Domocrats mot at Ilarrisburg on the lSth and nominatec Chauncey F. Black for Govornor bdi Maxwell Stevenson for Congressman atLarge. Tho platform indorses President Cleveland, laments the recent deaths o: Tilden, Hendricks, McClellan, Seymour and Hancock, and favors a just and fair revisión of the rovenuo laws. Tin: Democrats of the Third Arkansas district on the 18th renouiinated T. C. McRao for Congressman. Eli Wiiitney Blake, inventor of the Blako stone-crusher and a nephow of El Whitney, inventor of the cotton gin, dioc on tho lSth at New Haven, Conn., agei ninety-ono years. Tue Prohibitionists of the Seventeenth Illinois district on the lSth nominated P. B. Kepley for Congressman. Kkpublican Congressional conventions on the lSth renominated T. J. Honderson, of the Seventh Illinois district, and D. B. Henderson, of the Third Iowa district. The Nebraska Stato Prohibition convention met at Lincoln on tho 19th and nominated a complete ticket, with B. V. Hardy for Governor. John Doioall. the foundar and editor of the New York Wakty Witnett, diod suddenly on the 19th at the homo of his son at Flushiug, L. L, aged sevonty-eight years. Jamics V. ], i:vis. the first Chief Justice of Novada, died suddouly at Fort Yuma on the 19th. Mits. lliti UoBPHTdied in Chicago on tho 19th at tho remarkablo age of IOS years. Tuk Domocrata of Missouri mot in State convenüon at St. Louis on the 1!tth and nominated Theodore Brace for Judge of tho Supreme Court. Tur following Congressional nominations wero made on tho 19th: Ropublican -Iowa, Second district, Samuel J. Kirkwood and T. J. O'Mara by twofactions; Wisconsin, Eighth district, W. T. Prica (rsnomlnated) ; Michigan, Secoud district, E. P. Allen. Fifth, G. W. McBride; Oliio, Baventh district, John Little. DoraoTatic- Iowa, First district, B. J. Hall (renominated) ; Illinois, Fifth district, Joseph Glidden; Washington Territory, Charles S. Voorheos (renominated). Oreenbackera l.nva, Ninth district, J. B. HhUi.n. rr.,bl!.itiiiist,s Nnbraaka, First district, George E. Bignlow; Second, Kev. C. S. Harrisou; Tliird, V. O. Olinger; Wiamnsin, Saventh district, 3. B. Loomia Govekvor Btonkman on the 2Oth adjournod tho California Legislature until September 7, owing to a disagroement aa to tho timo of adjourument botwdon tho Senntfl knd Awemby. Tiius,I. Simmim. of Louisiana, Wm on the 'JOlh olecU'd president of the American Bar Association at its sossion in Saratoga Bprlngi. N. Y. Tuk folloniiig CongroBsional nominatiims wen. made on the 2Oth: Democratie -Virginia, Fifth district, Georgo C. Caboll (renoininated); Mississippi. Sixth district, I. L. Stoekdale; South Carolina, First district, Samuel Dibble renoinlnatwi). Republican- Minuosota, Fifth diltriot, John A. Lovoly; Iowa, Ten tb dtotrict, A. J. Molinos (runominatcd). Prohibitionists- WlsooDnn, First dlrtrict, E. O. Dnra&t; Second, S. O. Ford ; Eigbth, William T. Price, the Rcpablican noinlnee, was ondorsed; Illinois, Niuth district, Jamei McGrew. Mus. Anm Soi'Iiia BTIFBxm, the wollknown novelist, did at Newport, K. 1., ou the ajth, agod seventy-throe yoars. FOREIGN. A avalftnolie of jieat swopt down on Port Stanley, in the Falkland lslands. on the lTth, und almost complotely wiped oui the town. Ir was nnnounced on the 17th that Lord Kandolph Cburchill had a bilí in readiness for submissiou to Parliament for local government In Iroland. Choi.kka had appeared on the 18th at Carniola, Austria, and fuur deuths were reDorted. Os entering the theater at Montevideo on tho eveuing of thu 17tb the President of Uruguay was salutrd witb a bollet, wbich slightly wounded him ou tho cheek. Tha audience attacked the assassiu and stampod him to death. Sekiois riots occurred on tho lSth at Nagasaki, Japan, botween Chinese anti Japanesj, in which live of the tonner woro killed. Twiti.vE bodies had on the lSth boen takon from beneath tho ruius of a new building at Kiiii-,rnhe, Germany, which collapsed without warulng. Tho architect had been arrested. The British Parliament reassombled on the l'.lth and listened to the Quoen's speech, which urgod prompt actlon on Imunciul legislation connected with running the Government. As indictment for willful morder was on the litth found againt nine policomuu of Uelfast, who were lodged in jail. Sixtekn cases of cholera and three deaths were reportod at Trieste on the 2Oth. In the British House of Commons on the 2Oth the Under Secretary of Foreign Affnirs stiiteil that nogotiations for the set. tlemeut of the fishorios dis[iute wiro proceeding satisfiutorily between Englund, the United States aud Canada. A Fiitr. in Paris on tho 2üth cousumod forty bouses. It was roported on the 2Oth from Bueno! Ayres tbat Elbert P. Cook, ex-jires-ident ol the Bank of Havana, N. Y., who enile.zl d all the funds and escaped, and his daugh ter weie shot and killed by au insane man named Gluck, of Indianapolis, who aftor ward killed himself. C.VTHOLic circlos in Montroal were agitutoil ou tho 2Jth ovor the uotico of Arihbishop Fabre (o the effect that three hundred Knights of Labor, Rommii-ts. must immediately sovor their counec-tion witb the secular association. A storm on the 'Jüth at St. Pierre, N. F., wreoked mauy vessels and caused the loss Of s-everal lives. Gkxehat. Skdowm k, who was sent to Mexico to investígate the Cuttinp; casa, iirrivod at Paso del Norte on the 2üth. He had a conference with Consul Brigfaam, aud immediatoly left for the City of Mexico to boe Minister Jackson. LATER NEWS. Tui; standing of the National League base-hall clubs at the close of the week Onded on tho 21st was as follow-s: Detroit, gamos wou, K; lost, SSL Chicago, won, (K); lost, '.24. New York, won, 58; lost, -7. Philadolphia, won, 50; lost, 30. Hoston, won, 39; lost, 44. Bt. Louis, won, W; lost, 57. Kansas City, won. IS; lost, 01. Washington, won, 14; lost, 66. Two hi'ndhed Hvea were loat on the 'ilst by the burning of a passenger stoamer oa the river Volga, near Sarutov, Russia. Gkkonimo and his band were on the 21st completely surrounded by Mexican infantry near Arizpe. Uncouditional surreuder would be the only terms. Tuk palace at Sophia, Bulgaria, was surlounded by troops aud citizens on the lst, and Prince Aloxander abdicated, and was escorted over the frontier. The Itussian agent was asked to extend his protection. A provisional Government was at once formed, with M. Clement as Prime Minister. The Democrats of the Sixth Illinois district on tho 21st nominated for Congrossman James McNamara. In the Ninth Texas district R. Q. Mills was renominatod, aml in tbe Third district of Wisconsiu the Prohibitionists nominated T. C. Riclimond. The town of Earlville, N. Y., was nearly wiped out by flre on the Jlst. At twenty-six leadiug cleariug-houses in the United States theexcbanges during lbo week ended on the iilst aggregated $884,074,flB8, a'iiinst $SS4,7G7,(i54 the previous wcok. As compared with the correspouding woek of IS.S5, tho incroase amounts to IS 9 per cent. The cholera returns from Italy ou tho '.'M wöiü as follows: liarletta, 18 new cases, 7 deaths; Ravenna, 22 new cases, 0 doaths; Padua, 10 new cases, 3 deaths; elsowhere, 17 new cases, 6 deaths. Frank Zemax, of Chicago, while in an inloxicated condition on the 'ilst killod his wife and himself with a revolver. Six children left dostitute were distributad among the netgbbors. Tuk city of Mandal ay, Burinah. wa3 flooiled by a storm on the 2M, and the losa of lifö and property was very great. Nkaki.y $2,U0ü,U0J worth of property was dostroyed by lire in San Francisco on the 21st. Tho blaze originated in a machino shop and sproad rapidly, destroying Ijusíness blocks and residences. lx Minnesota on the night of the :i 1 st, by tho upsatting of row-boats, August Swenson, Charlos Jobnson and P. Ericksou wero drownod iu Lake Pepin, two daughters of Thomus Tremara, a boy named Jamaut and a girl named Uoulet wera drownod in Cedar lake, Robert T. Hulbert, W. B. Jaokson, Jr. aud two otbers were drownod in Lake Minnetonka, and John Fleming, Milo Underwood and Johu Moni-soy mot a similar fato at Lake City.


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