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A Captain' Fort limite DtWBTQI J . (':ipt. Coleinan, sclir. WcTinoiitb, plyIng between Atlantic City and N. Y., had buen troobled witli apiuj;h,8Olhatbe was uilable tu sleep And was iiiiliiccil lo U y l)r. Klng'a New Dlseovery lor ('onsumption. Il Bol only (HVe liiiii iust 'in relief, but allayed tbe extreme íoreupss üi bis breast. Hu children were similuily uffrcted noria single (loso liad tlie .sanie lllippy tffeut. Dr. King's Xew Discovcry is mow Ibe standard remedy Lo tlie G'olenian lionsebold and on il llie sel ner. Pree trial liottlcs of Ihls StaiidanI Reiuedy ut ElierbMch A Son'.sdina store. An important artiele on "Tbe Extensión ot Univorsiiy K IniMtioii," t'ioin un interview witU Prat. Smul, appeará ín ihe September ntinibW nf ('isseii's Fhiuily Magusine, in erplanatiin wf ilie rcmarkablt' sliitcini'iit wbicll 'i is been in.ide tllut a student inav now gpend twenty moniiis al Ciimbridge and takn ii üegrée Uta COít BOt exeeedinj; L100. 'Sn.leiil'e at lleidclbei"' a picas i ni supplement to llie I 'niversilv iirticle, itllil ill it Kinslev Spencer ventlli es lile asseflioil tliat the Kiifí systein of universüv ediication s superior to tbe Germán in aliuost every respect. "Stlrrillg Scènes in Stirr'mií Llvea" deals with ChrUtopher Columbus.and glvesn 11 e w and Interestlng toucb tothis very oíd and Interest I nx gentleman. Tbere are deseiiptive anieles on "The Pleasures I' Moontttlnfiering," by W. T. Mainprise, añil "Tbe (ílenn of tbe Ocluís," by J. A. M., with Charming illustrations, recoinmenilinf; tbat tourists for tbe Scotliah lfijrliland break tbeir jcurney at Stirling for a lay or twn. - Cassell & Oompany, New York, $1.60 B year. Au K(iisitelj LTuly 1 liinir. A most bewitchlnfi plctnre is beins brooghl out, enUtled"LlttleBweethetrti." I 'ri.h.ihly no picture, Ín any part ot' tbe worlil lias ever niet witli Neb an outburst of apilause. It la being bronght out by Qnibnm ft Millar, Art l'ublisbèrs, 1 ¦((! ('entre Street, New York. Everybody is suro to want une. Tliey wain good acepta. Ilere is a elianee t"o make Iota of tnoney. Boys and girls énrtng punnner v.ieatioii can imike a litlle pile. It ien't otleii ue veroiniiiend nnythmg, bnt "Little Bweethearu" Ispraltedby the best people iii the land. Hiicklcn's Árnica Salve. 'I'bc ltcst Salvo in tbe world lor Cute, Bruisen, Sores, Ulcere, Salí Rbeum, Pever Sores, Tttor,Cbpped ilandfs ühllblaina, ('oiiim, and all Skin Kniptioiis, and positively cures Piles, or no pay reqnired. It la fpiaranteed to irive perfect BatisfapUon, or money relunded. Trice 85 cents per box. For Sale by Ebeib icb & Son. Oood nianuers la tbe art ol' making lUose people easy witli wliom wc converse; w hoever malees tbe fwel persona uneaay, Is tbe best bred man iu tbe Coinpany. - Swift.


Ann Arbor Courier
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