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MVHOXM niRECTOKT' Anx BBin Comm.wdkkv, No. 1! inoets flrst Tuesdav of eacli monlh, W. G. Doty, K. C; W. a. Tolehar-J, Rooorder. W.vsil tfit.i' OHAPriB, N'o. 0, R A. MMeets llrsl Mnüibv e;u-ti niuntti. Isaac Huiuly, II P.; Z. Koatb, Seeretary. BUSINESS CARDS. ö. im:. :m::r,ti:ñ CLGTH CASKET3, METALIC And (Jomnoou Coillns. Calis ut ten ted to Day or NiuUt. BmbalmlDg speolalty sto-eroom on E. Washington sireet. Ëtaaldenoe Cor. Liberty mul Fitth. W. II. MCKWI, X3E3 iISTiiTnlüSKTil. Orer Itacli & AbePs Dry Good Slorc. Entrance next to Nationul Hunk. WILL.1A1H 1IERZ, House, Siga, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Hapering, Glazing, Gilding, aart Calciruluioe, and wirk of t'vi-ry desciiotion done in the beBt ötle, and warrautud to give eatisfactiou. ïtiop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr. Arbor. W. W. & A. C Mi I1OI, DE1TTISTS. Roo'.ns Over Ann Arbor Snvings Bank, Haoonlc Temple Block. GASorVITALÏZED AIR A'ïminlstercd for tht' ptlalen extntetíon oí teotb. STATE STREET Msrckt Tailoring Esta.tlishins& ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, l'KAit Siit: [f yoo want a nent Snit do Bul order untll yon havtí e n JOSEPH BSKRf, Mercliniit Tallor, State treet, Ann Arbor, Mu-li. You will flnii a very flne line of Küííllsh Wonteda for DreM sniis. and uil ihe Newest sbades anii "fats In Back SoltlngB and trowserings In st clL and s imples lo order from. Our long experience In Cattlng anablM m to glve you a neat and perfect tlt, and Olothea made In nrst-olass order, at LoweM Living l'iices. Cali and see for yourse f. Itespeetfully youiR, Jü.SKI'II BERRY, Uerohant Tallar CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. S ecu Hl y fcdd for ihe prntoclion of the pollc; CHRISTIfifi MACK Beprtjsente he fullowlni,' firM-cla- compunlpt, o wblch 011e, thi'Etna, has alcmo paid löti.OUO.OOU ürc I oeees in slxty-üve y are : iBtna, of Hartford $ 9,1!)J,(i-H Franklin of Phtladelphia 3,118,718 Ocrmania, N. Y 2,700,729 Oermaii American, N. Y 4,0(.:i,!ih London Aasuranoe, LotKion. . . l,41(i,7s,s Michtffan F. it M., Detroit. . . 287, GOS N. ï". Undprwriters, N. Y 2,896,671 National, Hartford 1,774,608 l'hiruix, Brooklyn 3,769,031 I.osses liberally adjusted aod nromptly p!d Policies issucd at the lowest ratcs of preiniutn. I191tf LÏTMBËiRÏ LI7MBEH! LTJMBEU! If yon contémplate balldtng, oall at FERDON Liiui ïiii! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sts., and fa our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lurabcr and guarautte AERY LOW PRICES 49Give us a cali and we wilt make it to your interest, U our large and wcll graded stock lully ustains our assertion. TL-lephone Conncctions with Office. T. J. KKKCH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop W. TREMAIN, GENSBAL OFFICE, Oyer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HUKON AND FOÜRTH STS.. North British Insurance Co,, Of London iuid Edlnburg. ICaplUl, 13,0OO,íKX, Uold. Detroit FIre and Marine Insurance Co., Cash Anac's $600,1 Hjo. Sprlugfltld Ins. Co. or Massailiusctls, Cash Asects f 1 ,800,000. Uowanl Ihs. Compnny of w York, Cah AssutK f1,000,000. lirrloiiltnral Ins. Co., Watertown, N.Y., Out A"cts 1.200,000. i-isseiJLIberally AdJnMod and l'romptly Paid. flOTUMA CURED! nu I lliiM milt TKu ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ IIIïl Tinroi the moit Jkfplldl GERMÁN ASTHMA CUREASSfL niiirt vuilwit attack ; iiiimnii comf rUble nlrap effocta euros whore all othet rruiodiea fall' Iniiiiriliiil,., dircrl nnd rrrfiiin, nni n carci ffectedln all t I UAHl.i: ( AKS il oared m. Reftr to me kt aoj me " I n rntlreij reitorel to hnlth ty Oerm.ii iithm. "SB!" Ailh?' c" " " "r'"" Sf "'' - . "l . ''" 1-"" irlin, Cl (Cl ¦ 7 ph;ilc u recommenae a Oermu Alhm Cure ' It our ,." Mr., u. 1. TtlTKck, lndondtrr, o," ""¦ '¦ bUm ... 1U. l.k u, .„üi


Ann Arbor Courier
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