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([OYAL'RStWljS POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlilspowdernever vnrles. A marvol of purlty, Kirt-nxth iiiul wbalecomenasa. More ecouomlcal tbnn the ordinary kinds, and cnnnot besold lu competí Mon wltli tbe maltltDda of low test, short wck'ht. nlmn or pboaphate powdera. Sold onlyln cana. Itoyal Uaklul'..dcr O . 1OO Wull st.. N. V. cj(IN T0-EST O ! 1 1 1 BLOOQ HUMORS I HUMILIATiNG Eruptions, Itching aud DnrniiiL' Siin Torrareis, Loaltiscime Sores, and every specie of Itching, Scaly, Winply, Inheritt-d. Sciofulon-i, nnrl ContagloDi DUeasea i tbe liluod, wk'n, mirt Sca'.p, ith Losk of Halr Irom infmi y to oíd age, are poeltlrely cured by Uu icdra the yreat Skin Cure, aud Cuticura s'hat, nu exiui!i' skin bcaotlder, externally and rttti utu, RttOLOTIJITi tba Naw lïlood I urifli-r, ii:t;llm!lj' COVEREÜ WITH SORTS. I have been altlicted einre 'aat Marcb i'h Skin dlaeHa Uie úoctura called Eczema, Mv laca was COTered wlta cabwantt suies. and the Itch ng and barolDe were alinoM ni.beiira'tlu. ïeeilig vu, ir CüTICUR Hk.mdimks fi blghlj recomincmied. [ coneluded to ïiTfi tllem a tiidl, u-inir tbe CuticDM and tbe Cntionra Sodp ixtetnally, auil BaaolTenl Intaroally, for four montliM. 1 cail mycll cured, in gralitude for nich I make thi8 puilic fintemuiit. MK8. CLARA A. FKEDBHICK. Broad Brook, Conn. SCALP, FACE, E.VRS, AID SECK. I wan tfflleted wiili Kczema on the Scalp, Face, Ban aad Neck, which the Druiüit, where I got your remedies, pronounced one of the worst cases that had come uiidt r notlce. He advi-ed me to trv your (Jirici i: Kim i. dies, and alter flve days' ase iny ccalp and part of niy face were entirely cnrerl, and I hope in anoth r wet-k to have my neck, eais. and the other [.art r mv fací cured. IIEIOMN SLA DE, 12(1 F-:. Itli St., New York. ETCHING DISEASES CURED. Catlcora stands at the head of lts clase, espectally is iMs the n-c u Hli the Cuticura soap. Huve (nul mi iimisu.illy KOOd iala tliii slimmer owlDff to the prevaleuce of an acüravatid form of Itch tbrongh aome localttlaa in the country, in which the Cnticuffi remedies proved satisiactory. W. L. 11AUDIQG, DituaQisT. l'nlon Town, Ky. CURE l EVERY CASE. Your Calleara Remedias outcliuil ottier medicii.e8 I keep for ekiu dlgee.l1. My custoiners aud patieing eay they llave eflVcted a cure in every iuitance, where otbcr remedlea hav taileri. H. W. IiHOCKWAY, M. D. Franklin Falls, N. H. CUTICURA REMEDIES, Are Sold hy sil DrnreifU. Prlre: Ccncrn, 50 Cu.; Kfbolvent, J1.UO; Soap, 2ct.. Pottsb Dkug nd CiiEí.irAi. Co., Boston. Send for "llow to Cure Skin Dlseascu." T3TTATTI1FY the Complexión and Stln bj CJjAU umin: the Citicuka Eoap. CONSTITÜTIONAL CATARRH. No single diense has enlailed more enffiíringr or hastened the breuking up of the conetitutlon theu ('atairh. The sense of smell, of taste, of sight, ot heariDií, the human voice tntí mind- one or more, and eometlmes all, yield to tte destructivo ii,Hnence. The poiüim it dis tributen throu?hout the system and breaks up the moet robuet of conatitutitiDu, Iífuored.becauíe but little uüderstood, by moet ptiyeiciaoB, impotently uaaalled by juackp and charlatana, thou eufiering from it have little hope to be rclicved of It thie Hide of the ffrave. It i time, then, that t;ie popular treaiment of thif terrible disease by remedies wíthln the reach of all pasced into hands at once competent and trustworthy. The new and hitherto ontried metbod apopted by Dr. Saodlord in the preparation of hit Rameal ('urt has won the heartr approval of thonBind!. It is inttantaneous in afTordfng rellefin ali head cold, neczing. pnuffllnif and obstrurted breatlíÍDg, aud rapidly removes the opprescivt' eymptoraa, clearing the bead, pweeteiiing the breath, restoring the eenoes 01" smell, taste uud hearing, and ncutralizin the conMltutional teudency ol the diueaee Luwarda the luogB, livur aud kidncvB. samm'okd's Kaiíical (Tre cotipísÍb of one bottlo of the Kadical Ci'kk, and one box of (ATHAltRAL SOLVKNT, aild one iMl'ROVKD Imiai.kk; price, $l.U0. Pottbk Druo and Chiiemical Co., BoBton. -wj Zidney Fains. ¦f And that weary, üfeless all-gono, enW fM patlnn ever present wilh thote or in 1V fliwncd kidneys, weak back and lolns, I Jl aching hip8 and sidep, overworkcd or worn ii t brdiMMe, debtlltyor dlesipatlon ar ¦llcved in one minute and speedily cured ly tht; ut Ion ra Pain TlaHter, a new, original, ulesant aud infallible antidote to pain and li-flamntion. AtdrnfrglitB 2öc; flve for ;1.00: postale free, or ot Potter Drug and 'hemlcal ('o., ltoxmn. SCÖTT'T EMULSIÓN OF PURE GOD LIVER OU And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Paiatableas Milk. The only prrparation of COD LITEB OIL Ihat can be taken readily aacl tolerutcd for a loog tiiu by delicate stomarhs. anp as a Kmrny fo fosiMPTio. S(liQUI;)IS AH-'hmO.Ns. A.NAKM1A, KXKBAL bEBILITY, COtOHS AM) THKOAT AF. KieriO'.S, a ml :l1I ISIINQ lUSOItDI'KS K rHll,lHti: U is rmnilniis in rfsqltH. l'n-hcriln"! ait. i n lorK-d by tho best 1'hyBÍciiia in tho coiintries of tho world. FOR SALE DY ALL DRUGGISTS. IrnppfffBE] cleanse mvAtWiTxmiYovR scalp ¦CVvUgÉ WÊÊÊa rimvvery OLUcrDay with I F wW9VihL4iJ T1IIS and yn wíI1 kjJitHlJeCtMLLCH9UrprlB0d, at the HBflBBBBlflp Bremarkable cluuifro. V V H Bemovpa Scurf and ¦jBH DandruiTand pre voii PVPMPI diseasea of tho Bcalp. &2L21ÍhI rt imparta Titality VVHHHHHH to tho root-bulbe, mak - H J SV 1 1 1 J J B ng hcallhy act ion. BUHMvvimfl It Cures BaldncsB, BBjII HUPSHprcsorvcuthelialrfom ¦EH faliing out or tadtng rBBfcMP_jLMBf Wm and iuluiurious for tlio MflLB HBHB IEI toilet. Qivoa a natural, glossy and soft appearanco to tho hair. CO cents at yourDruglBt. Porfoctly Earmless. Isnotadyo. Send ata-mp fop treatfeo "Howto havo flno Hair." J.H. WINKEIMAKN Ss CO., Baltimoro, Md. 8avo$5. bynicndingnnyth ing that 'nbrokon.wltli Prooter'B Always Liquid Oluo. Sold everywhre. SUBSCRIBE for ík


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