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Short advortlsements not to exceed tliree inei, of Lost ana Fouud, Houses for Sale or Kent, Want, etc.. lnserted three weeks for 25 cents. Sltuatloos wanted, free. TWO LOTS on Oemetery street and four lots on Volland street for sale cheap lf old at once. O. L. Matthews, Real Eslate Agency. WANTED- A small unfarnlshed or partly furnlslied house, or several unfurn Inbed rooms, convenient to Unlverslty. Address wlthfull partlcularsas to locallon, rent, etc. Oeo W. Whyie, Hox 421, iAke Geneva, wis. 14-10 FOR SALE OR RENT - On reasonable terms: theproperiy known as the Henrlques Mansión, on Corner of División nd Bowery street. .In P. Klng. 13-1. WANTED- Secondhand Baby Cart. Address .8, box 28, Ann Arbor. LOST- On Campus, on even Ing of August 17th,apalr of gold eye glasges. Finder piense leave wlth Sec'y Wade or al Halier' Jewelry store. Thos. w. H. Payne. 13 TO RENT- House No. 18, Cemetery street. Apply at Couriek office. A New House for sale cheap on West Huron street, City. Enqulre at 113 West lluronor Box 005 Post-ofllce. 12U SEVERAL HOUSES TO RENT- In good localltles and repair - for $13 to $26 per inonth. Enqulre of J. Q. A. Hesslons, Real Estáte and Insurance agent. Office over Express office, Ann Arbor. ATwenty Acre Fruit Farm In good condltlon near city for sale cheap. O. L. Uatthews Real Estáte Agency, Aun Arbor, Michigan, -w. FINE FRUIT FARM FOR SALE near city. 13 acres. Peaches and all kluds of fruit. O L. Matthews, Real Estáte Ageucy or Ilugh O'Kane. 06-l2 LOANINO-Money to loan on drot-class Krul Estáte Morlgage at Current rates uf interest. Satlsfactory arrangemeuts made wlth capltallsts deslrlng sneb lnvestments. rvery conveyance and transactlon In abstracts of tltles carefully examlned as to legal effect. Z. P. KINU. Ann Arbor. FT HE PROHIB1TION CLUB wlll meet X weekly during the campalgn at the Old Baptist Church. It Is expected tliat good muBlc wlll be In attendanco at all meetlnus. Come. 14-15


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News