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Under the head of "Our next Congressraan," the Hillsdale Standard gives the picture of Capt. Allen and the following notice of his career: Hls name Is Capt. Edward Payon Allen ol Ypsllantl. He la a uatlve of WaMhlenaw OOUDty. In hU boyhood dayn he worked on a farm and taught school wlnler. He eneullHled lu the iweuty-nluth Michigan Infantry, ws coniinlssloned flrsl üeuteuaut, suiisi-tiui'inl} made adjutaut, and flually pronmied to the captulncy of Compiuiy H. Uittt regiment. He was wllh hl coimiiaud coulinuously froul the time of hls enlistïnenl, Hhariug tn all Hs dutles lu frout of Ihe rebel (eu. Hixxl's force In the southweslunlll the close oí the war. Ou the return of hls reglmeut he couumenced the practlce of law lu Ypsllautl, where he hu luce reslded. Two years ago he was uoniluated lor Congres by the Kepubllcaus ui tlils district, and uealeu by a lew votes ouly, by Col. Klurldge. The popularlty he won during hls canviuw In 1881, and hls vole in the diHirlcl, leadlng the presldential vote nearly elght hundred, assures the coutidence oí the repuDUcaus of thls district of hls ablllty lo win. Captalu Alleu neuds uo extended lntroductlon to the people ol tul couuly. We predict hl vota in Hlllsdalecounty wlll be largely lncreased from two years ago. The Hillsdale Leader has thia: The congresHioual nomluatlon for thts second district on the purl of the republicana lias been made, aud Capt. E. F. Alleu, of Yplantl, 1 agaln the stundard-bearer. Ten of thesixteeu delegates from thls counly cast llielr votes lor Ueu. Ueo. Spauldlng of Mouroe, and wero earnest lu thelr work lu hls behttlf, lu iiir hupe that he inighl prove the cholee of the eonveution. Hou. Burtou l'urker, of Mouroe, preseuted the name of (Jen. Spauldlug In a most forclble and telliug manuer, and the npplaue was at times almost deuleulng al me meutton of his name, so great was the enlhuslasm manlfested for him. We belleve the seuilment of the convention was that the best man should be uomlualed. As a matter ol course where there are several caudldates there uiust be a , surreuderlug of flrst cholee on the part of some, but every true republicau will accept Uie combilied judgmeul oí the cunvenliou as superior i mal i miy Individual inember ol the party aud should glve hl bost elloils for Ule i'lt'umm oí tüe nomlnee. I . i Hiere bu no lagglng ur walüng íor somebody elso to do the worK, but let every uiau earneslly aud Uoocstly do hls (uil shure. Jonesville Independent: Capt. E. P. Alien, who secureU tlie republii'iin congresslonal uomluallou íor thl district at Adrlau last Thursday, Is the best kii'iwii lu mis county of any of the mea w bose nauies were inentlonedfor lie made a stroug ruu two years ago, and was defeated by only a very small majorltytsoiiie iilty votes. It is clalmed that wilh a better kuowledge of the district, obtalntd by hls prevlous cauvass, he will wlpe this small margin out aud go In witti a rush. St. Jooepli Co. Republican: Capt. E. P. Alien, has been nomlnated by the republicaus of the 2d district, for representativo to cougress. The (Japtalu wlll doublless get there. He is a man of the píoper model wlth the courage and manhood to back lt. Gratlot Journn): Capt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsllantl, Is the republioan candidato for cougress in the second district, lie has a clean record, ia a consistent temperauce man, and there should be no questlon about hls electlon by such an Intelligent constltuency as Is found in the couulles ¦ i"'-i n j; hls district. Port Hurón Times: The republlcans of the second district of Michigan u:ive uominated Capt. t. P. Allen, of Ypslhinti, for congres; and lu the flflh district Oeo. W. Mclirlde, of Ottawa couniy, has been placed in nomiuaUon. Capt. Allen U well-knowu throughout the state as a stauuch and earnest republican, au eloquent and couvluclug speaker, and a mau whose eminent aullily aud slrlct honesty no oue calis in question. Mr. Melinde has not so wide a repulatlon as Capt. Allen, but is oue one of the most active and popular republlcans of his county and district, who wlll prove astrongcandldate aLd makc an excellent congressniau. A correspondent of the Detroit Tribune froni Ann Arbor, puts the matter tlaif : There Is no disgulslng the fact that the nomluatiou of L. U. Salsbury, of Adrián, for congress, isa dlsappolutmeut to the democrals here. For years this county has rolled up a big democratie majorlty and never has Uie party been able to secure the nomlnallon of one ol ils favorite sons wheu there was a ghost of a show for electlng hun. This year tüe leaders in W'asbtenaw had thelr hearls set on W'lulinan. At Adrián, the ilelegatluu plettdoU uud llueatened by turns bnt lt was of uo uvuil aud fsalhbury was nomlnated. This acllou has stirred the party greatly aud while u hali-hirai'ted allegiance is gtven to the ticket as a matter ol course, democrats are plenty who are willing to bet tbat Allen will perlorin the unprecedented feat of curry - ing Washienaw county. The only meu who are pleascd are the Harriman democrats,who have all aloug deslred W'hliman's defeat. '1 he sullenness on the part of the democrats here, logether wlth Halsbury'g unpopularlty wlth the (iermans, are alinost sure to compass hls deleat. Miuliinu Kepuüucan: iï. 1'. Allen luis been nomluated agaln üy the republlcans oí the secoud district for congres. .Mr. Allen is a grand man and a thorough teinperaiice worker. Yet the prtrly pro' nul win mui u separate cund date and thus try to elect a deniocrat opposed to all teniperance (jumptuary) laws. Cliarlotle Republican: Capt. E. P. Allen ha been re-noralnated as therepublicaa candidate for congres In the second district. Two years ago he ouly fatled of au election by about öu votes. It Is confldently belleved he wlll win the race thls time. Montcalrn Herald : In the second district Capt. Allen stands au excellent chance agalnat any democrat whocan be named, now that Col. Kldredge has taken himself out of the way. The Tecuinseh Herald : Capt. Allen la well-known througliout the district and is regarded as a etrong candldate by all parties. The Jackson Citizeu says : "George LYaples starts on bis career as a candidato for governor of Michigan with the clieerful prediction of Mr. Benj. Fox, of Bay City, that he will be buried under a republican majority of 35,000. Tlie reason assigned by Mr. Fox, wlio was a delégate to the convention and a Kniglitof Labor, is that the laboring men will not vote for Yaple or any other lawyer. W. D. Fuller, of Newaygo, and a candidute on the same ticket, dislikes Yaple and told the greenback convention so, because of the bad cooipany he keeps. This charming frankness on the part of Candidate Fuller will doubtless be appreciated by Candidate Yaple." _______ While President Cleveland is in the Adirondacs fishing, and endeavoring to attract customersto his own hotel (recently purchased on a speeulation) there are scveral contractors securing big jobs f rom the government because they employ prls on laborers under contract at 60 cents per day, while those employing free la bor caiinot hire workmen at such starvation prices and of course cannot successfully compete with the prisou contractors on government buildings. They simt out - starve out - honest labor, but still the democratie platforms contain a plank declaring against convict labor! Pieacliing btit not practice. A curiosUy in the sliape of oiie perfect egg inside anotlier perfect egg was shown us tliis a. ra., by Mis. R. L. Speechley. The inner egg had a solt shell but wi a perfect in every other respect. George Keek and Uerbert Snow, captain of the Detroit bicycle club, bio'ie the record Tuesday frora liere to Ypsilanti by running in 20 minutes. Fitst time thal for eight and a quarter miles. Tliere is saul to be a family livlug within the business part of this city wlio havo n store in the front purt of the house, a horse stable in the kitchen, and a hay mow In the cellar. Where is our board ot health? It 8eems as though this county nu;lit to be represented in her conventions by men living within lier borders. It is a questiou whether a man rcskling In another portion of the state can know what the sentiment and feeliugt of the people are, even if technically spenking lie does retain hls residence here. The followlng racy item is taken from the Milan Journal, August 28th : A conple of coloed men, wlio wonld not glve thelr names for publlcatlon, waere taken on Mornlay for Hleallng a kIihIkuii and a guit of clothes from the house of Jacob Oagley, sectlon bosson tho T. & A. A. Ry. at Putsfield, whose wlfo was awnj on a vlslt to Ann Arbor, by a posse of rallroad men and farmer in aswamp noar tliat place where tliey had been lurking for a couple of weeks past. Thev were found armed wlth a razor, a revolver and a doublé barreled hot gun loadi'd and cocked for actlon, but they were taken asleep. Chas. Coinbs and John Van Volkenburit brought the culprlU, on Monday, In a wagon wlth white horsen, 10 Ksqulre Doyl, who telephoned Prosecutlng Allorney Joslyn of Ann Arbor, and he wlth a warrant Trom that place, on hls return from the Prollblücncouventlon at Adrián, the same day, jtopped off here and took tho cuftles liandjuffed home wltU hlm.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News