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BACH & ABEL S COLUMN AMITSIÏTC llonostat last. August lias throwi tbc cloak of Oefober and Aofftut Is Au Kust. As we write tlic air Is sultry, de pressing, but sugestivo. Tbls Is th month of the year for cheap whlt goods. What are fhey 1 Lawns, India Linons. Namsooks, Cambrlcs, Organdle8, Piques and Kjber t'Ioths. All 12?3 and 15 c. Lawns rediicod to c. All 5c. han rcduced to 3c. All 25c. flgurcd Organdíes reduced to 18c. All 20c. ftgiired Organdíes reduced to 1SBeflne OHr dress gool.s departuieuf. Can'tdolt. "Life Is too short." Loog, teclmical, tiresome, uscless. Useless, for all of the wonien in town and tamdreds more distant know It as the place where the most accurate question of style is considered. You ask what is the proper stuff to buy ; shall It bc plaln, Invisible plaid, strlpc or rough goods. We knew the question was coming. The goods are Jíew. Come and decide for joursclf. 1 Case New Tricots, In Xcw Fall Shade at 50c. worth 00c. 1 Case New Home Spuns all Colors, 50c. 10 pieces Wool Check, 54-inch wldc all shapes at $1.00 chcap at $1.25. AU Wool Sackings, plain Colors, anti neat mixtures, 42-inch., 52-inch. and 5 l-ineli., at 50c, 75c. and $1.00. All over Boucle, I2-Ineh„ $1.00, former pricc $1.50. Be careful to gei lining tighter ttian dress, seamx are Ireacherous. A grcat assortment of Woolen Dress Uoods. Sliould we teil all you would not rcad it. Thus we shouM tire jou and also lose the money to pay the prluter. A window fiiil of Ladles' ligkt Dresses. Thosc Night Dresses, wonderful Night Dresses. Don't you thiuk It a fayor if we teil you about tlicm I AU for $1.00, Worlh 1.50. They have been on sale ten days and are selllngr rapidly. Their days are nunibercd. Don't come here two weeks henee and complain yon ean't Oud them. Wide Lace Floiinciug, 45 inchcs dcep, for dresses or skirts, half prlce. They go now at 1.00, $1.25, $2.00. The narrow widths are goiug qulckly at fuuuy prlces. 50 pieces Egyptiau Laces on sale thls week, way down. Twenty pattcrns and many widths, 10c. to 20c. Examine them and make their better acquaiutance. All Linen Toweling for almost nothng : 2,000 yards, Oc. a yard, ïvorth 10c. The most popular collars for joung: ladies to-day are the Linen Chemisette. We have all sizes in half a dozeu styles. BACH & ABEL.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News