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NO FEE ! 1 kstíblishid issi. ) Merrill UNTIL BETTER ƒ BETltoiT.MlCH. ƒ Block. r""52r Tho Regalar, Old-Established Ly PHTSICIAJÍ & SURGEON SKILL AND SUCCESS s V-AIiIiYOUNG MEN, MIDDLE-AGED MEN and all persons who by theirown acts of Impm dence tr Folly at nny period of lifc have bronght upon themselves, the evil effcclp following closely upon the heels of transgression of tnc laws of nature, should consult the eclebrated I)r.Clarke at once. Éememberl Nerveus dtseas(vith or without dreams) or deblllty and loss of norve power treated scientifically by new methnds vritfa never failing success. 49It makes no diffcrence vrhat you have taken or who has f ailud to cure you. jfttf-T'.ie terrible polsonfi of Syphllln and all bad blood nnd skin diseason, completely e radícate d without mercury, Kmember that thisone horrible lleae, ïf ncIected or imprnperly xreated.cursea the present and coming gcnctations 4-AU unnatural diirhargcs curcd promptly Tkiüiout hindrance to business. No experiment!. lioth kcxcs consult Mti.i. ntlally. Agoaml experienco Important. A written frunrantoe of cure given in every caso unl&rtukcn. jBCj-RuffererB from any chronlc díñense wrlíe History and Symptom of your case - plalnly. Cases solicitcd which others have failed to cure. jCj-Send two stamps for celrbrated worku on Chronic NerTous and Dollrate Diseascs. You have an exhaustivo eyinptomatoloiry by which to study your own cae. Consult;ition, pcrsonally or by 'lt"ttert free. Consult the old Doctor. Thousaiids cured. Offices and parlors private. You see no one but the Doctor, Hc-fore confidinii your case consult DU. CLAUKE, A friendly letter or cali may save future fuffering and shamc and add golden vears to life. Medicines sent everywhere secure rom exposure. Hours, ötoS; Sundays, 9 to 12. Addrttas, F. D. CLARKE, NI. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. WIIcK NOW IS THE TIME TO USE JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA FOR LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, AND FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, It has been in uso for 20 yoftrs and has proved ; to be the best preparation in tlio Market for Sick Headache, Pain In the Slde or Back, Liver Complaint, Pimples on the Face, Dyspepala, Piles, and all Siseases that arise frora a disordered Liver or impuro blood. Tliousands of our In-t people take it and grive it to their chlldren. Physicians prescribe it daily. Those who use it once recoramend it to others. It is made from Yellow Doek, Honduras Sarsaparilla,VlldClierry,Stillintiïu,I)undelion, Sassaf ras,Winter(rroen, and otber well-known valuable Roots and Herbs. It is atrictly vegetable, and cannot hurt the BOBt dilicato constitution. It is one of the lust medicines in uso for reg-ulatinsr the Bowels. It is sold by all responsible drufrfrist at ono dollar for a quurt bottle, orslx for flve dollars. Sample bottles !0 ets. f ree on recoipt of price. W. JOHNSTON & CO., Detroit, Mich. fWWhen you dmv. trird all the. Sartaprtüat, and have been ditappointed, try JohnMtoa'ê. c. h mTl l e n , INSURANCr AGENT! No. 4 South Main M., AH Artor. The oldest naency in the oity. EstabllRhed over a quaiter oi acenniiy ago. RepresenMDB the following Hnt-elaH ootnpaalaa. with over #00,000,000 Capital aml 4mcI. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL IN8. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRAItD INS. CO., of Philftdelphla. OKIENT INS. CO.,of Hartrord. COMMERCIAL UNION, ol Loiulon. LIVERPOOL. LONDON and GLOBE. WASIIIM. TON KIRE nud MARINE, Of BOBtOD. Untes Lowas tlie ïjnwest. Lmdw Llberally Adjustcil and iroinptly FW. C. II. MILLEN. Mmore nwincy thn ut MivtMng lse bf tak Inx aiia-;.'nry furth U-t tallhlR bo nut. BPiloner Dcreed ifinndly. tiunv rail. Term free. Hallctt Book Co., Portland, Matne. TT-riT i tor Bend lOcenta I II I U poHlam;, and r will muil urn tree t H ft I y royal, vnluahle amp'e Ikix of (."idi I thál will put yiiu Ir ibe way ( m;ih i'1J Ing mor money tn fewdijB thmi you everthnutfht piisibl''t nny hiuineis. Capl tal not rcquiriad. Ynii can liyc at home and worg in time oiily, or II Hm tinw. AHol hoth 8L-XB, of all ai'-, u'nindiy laccetsiol. GOcente to $5 easily earned evenln?. That all wlio WU1 work mav test basloea, w mnke thlê ODparalleled off: Toall rho ra pn well MtlaOedwe will eend $1 tu pny Tor the tronble of writlDj ik. Kuil particular, dlrectlom, ote., eni freo. Immense paya'soliitely snre for all whngUrl itonce. ¦ - 1 1 i delay. Addrse Stinson A Co., Portland, Maine. RINSEY & SEAOOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. We kep conptantly on h.inri, BREAD, CRACKEKS, TAKKS, KTC, For Wholesale nnd Retoll Tnde. We ehnll als keiva tnpply of SWIFT & DKUBErS BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Ityc llour, ITin-k u'lioat Flour. Coró Bffal, Feed, E te., At WlioU.aU' and kctaU. A ;eiiem1 tork oi &ROCERIES and PROVïSIuRS Conetantty on hand, which "il! Ihj .-- 1c! nn a( reaaoimMe tt-rn-í a ut 103 ther houe in cit . Caoh paid for BUTTER, K'.Ci-, ai.d Out N TU Y PRODIICK generally (ioolg t ai,y Pirt of the cuy wlth"iit extr:i cha!-;." . ItINSI V ii SKABOLT. tiimkWi FGF-A'S CÖR8ETS. fMFORTABLÏ AJÍ v grWe bettt-r Q thau nny i 1 ;ikem Komnierd ti om rorthirilne ¦ l ;in ot lucok out . Arepaitltularly liked by imof fuUfitnuo. Tlin 't NTOI'Iï" anti ' VI PINK" i; in Back, ¦ , #L h:isthopipulai y pi 1: Ste] iñ, which qao io liistiuitly t:ik,-ij o"t, iviTu i t cirrrfïra on ïtlll'lHo. f rljKliis. lis!; fi-r H9H& 1 ¦ : v": "i' "- OIC¦ RHBk Nu i.Ci.! ; lniO th rBI]A Celln;it .1 FrviK'h ¦l;(l ', ¦¦ Bml. l:,.v .-,.. 1 imlMtli'ix Hilwsriir'iitci ¦¦"¦"¦ ti'o i" f SlrW 'or ''" l'v ril leactlna deftiII'. RflK M.iaui,.. . Madame Mon's Contour, .. K '.:,'. ¦ Madame Mora's La Rome. Madame Mora's Aldlne. ¦ O. Kit. Mídame Mora's Comfort Hip. laeaut . :¦¦ . PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tlescription of a physician who has had a life Ion? experience in tifutillig feniale diseases. Is used mcnthly with perfect Eticcess by over lü.üOüladifS. Pleatant, 8afef effectuaL Ladies askyour drugpist for Pennyroyal Wafera and take no substituto, or fnclose postaireforsealodparticulars. Sofdby all dniirplsts, 1 per box. Addrcan TBE EUBEKV CUEM1CAL CO.. Dciüorr. Mica. Suld in Ann Aibor, Mich , hy Kbtrbacb á íou. I80K-1SW EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IN X AKItUK. Shoulcl advertise in THE COURIER.


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