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Michigan (Tentral The Miagara Falls (Route. Time tablt; takinR effect Maj 60lh, ]8ë6. .ni i al .i :u, luí . I Time. CHICAGO To DBTBOR. l li i as E I so fcw t2 L. 2 c:c a.h. A.a. i1." p.h. p.m. r. u. a. a. Chicago.. I.v. 650 00 880 400 815 955 MIchiganOltyí 918:11 11 517 682 1018 108... Nllee ll'8R121fi 14 76OUM 1 ai ... Kalamaznn. . . la 17, 150 7 2 VIO 12 35 8 (ti i, i:, BttttaOreek. 108 131 hoi 30 350 781 Mumhüll Ia'' :ír 2rU MarBha"h-v. l.. 3 10 8 22 ÍS Ü7 TB Alhion !2U 3 82 8 3'J a 23 4 40 1 8 20 ¦'" k-"" 3 10 4 23 9 15 3 15 5 25 íi 15 GransLakc. ... 3 37 ¦ 547 SU Chelsua 358 ..... gog 9 5:t DeiK-r til (Í22KIU7 Aun Arbor.... 4 83 6 81 10 o ... 4 :v, Ií4(i10'S YpBllantl 4.50 5 15 10 21 ... 4 52 855,1040 Wayii.;Jnnc. 5 15 605 515 717,11 08 fMn.t ¦....Ar. 6 00 645 1115 6 0C 8lOJll45 DKTHOIT TO CHICAGO ¦ se ?t afi iïa i s _s_ cfc e á L A.M. i.M H.B p M. P.M. P.M Detroit.... t.v. 7 00 910 130 4 00 8 00 915!.... June. 7 40 9 53 2 03 4 45 8 40 9 55... . Ypellantl .... 801 1019 29(1 5 14 905 1021 AiiiiArhur... 8 ir. 10 2.. 2 32 580 9 23I03M r 835 550 9 55 Chetaea 8 48 605 100 líMsxLake... 10 ... 4710 Jafki'oi 985 1130 3 32 7 líl 10 68 1208 ... . MnrxIiHll 10 38 12 4i 412 8B115S 1(M. . . HRiili-Creek.. 1103 1 Oh 140 8 Kil 12 22 130 a. m. Kalaraazuo... 1152 15015 15 ató! 112 8A 445 Míe 147 322 68í ,3 03 4 Ín 6 40 -MichittaLCltyi 310 45 732.... 4 35 5 40 8 03 Chicago... A r. I 5 45 H 40 9! '7 00 8051020 Canada Dlviitlon. Detroit to boftalo.- Standard Time. ío jí -c-ë a L oí. STAT.ONS. SÍipliíil H iVÍ 13 "I w sa 1-. M. 1-. M. A. M. i. M. Detroit ...Lv 7 2.ri 11 L'" " mi li Id 12 lk- r,M t.ThomasAr 11 10 2 40 1 10 00 9 45 3 40 A. M. p. M. Tnronto...Ar 9 05 26 Oitawa pmtó 4 3K Montrcal 10 00 8 08 QnebíC aiHi r. . a m st.Thomae.Lv 1116 146 1 i1 9 66 8 4Ü Waterford.... 12 31 3 59 8 04 11 18 5 01 Weiland 153 5 17 5 12 12 54 6 27 Falls View 5 45! 129 0 55 FüIR Or.t. 2 2-.' 5 48 1 .33 li 58 Snpn B age. 2 -V) 5 511, 150 7 10 - . BUFFAi.o to DiTiioiT- Standard Tlrau. =i á iMM STATIONS. E, '=,í 5 Ñ 1 a. M. r w. Philadel'u. Ia 00 P. 8 JO New Yuik... 10 30 6 00 5 Button 8 88 8 uo 7 X) ter... 80 i -n 8 a Sprlnaneld.. 11 L 05 10 '6p Alhany 3 (10pn) 10 05 2 5i Utica B liMim 5.5 Syracuec 7 4 I 2 UO 7 M Kochesler.... M 4 H0 1U cu Búllalo ...Al 12 15 5 50 1915(1 n. m. a. M. Buffalo I.vll.Slpm 8 45 i. t)" 9 0U 1145 N. hulKN V .-'.id .. . Snsp'n BV.'g. 12 31 43 II 18 N. KallcOnt. 12 51 7 0U 1-2 .Vi Kalls View 1 l I "5 Wellanrt 116 7 7 10 10 US 1 ;tt Ar 4 10 55 11 15 1 H' 4 35 Onebcc... Lv 2 80 lu mi Montn-al 10 9 00 Ottawa 11 4(1 12 23 Toronto, S 10 ; 1 06 St Thomas Lv 4 15 10 00 2 ".' 116 i r, Detroit. ...Ar 805am 1 U5pm 1 ¦') 5 '-1' ¦ S 4i t Stops ouly to let ofl' passenrs. X Stops only on semita. o. w. iíuggle" n. w. iiayes. O. P. & T. Aft-iit Aft.. Ann Arlmr. Chicago. To!8(Io, Ann Arbor & Xortli Michigan Hallway. TIME SCHBDULE. Totake effect at 12 o'clock, nootr, on Stuiday, Jane -jtiIi.isso. (Southern üiylsion.) Trains rnn by Standard Time. GOING NOKTII. GOING 8OUTH a T 3 '! "- -I los STATIONS. .-g. a azl p. ü. I A.M Leuve. Arrive a.hv.m. 5 i 0 7 05 Toledo a 80 5 (10 5 OH 7 14 Manhattan Jnnct'n V UU 4 6B B 13 7 23 Atesta .luncilon a 18 1 17 5 21 7 35 Hithori . B H'4 40 5 28 7 4t Samarla (10 4 30 5 41 8 0 Lu u. s 17 1 20 5 46 8 15 Monroe Jnncliun H 4 14 6 54 8 30 Dnndee I ('4 t 01 8 37 Macón 1 00 R06 S 4(i A.-iiia 8 H 6 16 8 5 Milau Jiinctlon i OH 8 45 21 9 011 Milau .8 0K3 41 ü 29 22 Vmoia 7 62 I 8 41 9 32 Piltífleld Junctlon 7 40;3 ¦ 7 00 9 50 Aun Arimr 1 tl t 10 7 -2" 10 20 L lanrt 7 12 2 SO 780 10 30 Worden 7 06 9 40 + 7 ir. 10 45 Ronih Lwni I.MI2S5 Connectlone: At Toledo, with ratlroadi ilivcriring; at Manhattan Jimction, wlih Wheeline A Lake Erie H. K.; at Alexia .1 iim iíod, wiili M. V. K. K., L. S. & M. 8. Ky. and F. & P. M U. R.; ut Monroe Juncti.m. witli I.. B. .t M. h. Ky.; at Dundee, with L. S. & M. S. By., M. A O. K.; ut MU Jimctiuii. with Wahash, St. Lon's A Pnciflo Ky ; ai l'itt'Held, with L. S. M. S. iiy.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central Ií. K., and at Soutli Lyon with Detroit, Lanelng L Northern K. II., and Mich. A. L. Div. of Grand Tronk Ky. Trains 6 and 3 rnn between Detroii and loleío, dally except Snnday, via Milán Jonctlon ; No. 6 arrivés at Detroit 12:00 noou. Iso, 31eavcs it a' 2:3.[ p. m. Flsistations. + Daily, oicept Sundajs. I TrniDs do not stop, H. W. ASHLKY, General W. H. BENNEIT. Gen'l. Ha. OTÜE ANN ARBOR SAVIES BANK, ANN AH1SOK, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. capitalT$6O,ooo. Orijaiiizcd uiiilcr lít-ni ral Banking Itw "1 tbis Stati'. ilic Kiockliiildor nr.' uidii:uull) Hable foran additional amimut i'q'ial totheftock Iveld i y tlien. thereby cr,)iMiig a ouarantee Kuiiil lor ihe benrrtt of Depoöit -rs of $1OO,OOO.OO. Three per cent. interest is ullowed on all H v agí Depoeits of one dollar and apwtrrip, tcoordiDff to the tules oí the líank ai:d luti-ri-M cmnp .unded Sfmi-annnally Kooayta Loah oit nnincumht'ri'd real otate and other e'ood securiiy. DIRECTOR: CHTÜ8TIAN M CK. Wm. D. HAHRIMAN W. VV WINBS. HANIKL MlX'i.i K. W1LI.1AM DKDREL, VIl.l.AUi H. SM1 1 11. DAVID RIKBBT. OFKICERS: C, HACK, Pres. W. W.VTINKS, 'c.-Vni.. y.e.. HISCOCK.c,,shiiT. INSURANCE REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AQENCÏ OK A.W. HAMILTON Offlcc, No. 2, Klrst Kloor, Hnmllton Ulock. Partlesdesirim; tci buy or Mil Bel EiUtí wlll rtnü it to thelr aUvnntage to cali on im'. I repres,nt 15 tlrst-Huss (ir Iiisiirum C'oinpiinios, bartag an tr8 ''¦ epltel over JSO,uoo,ooo. Batea Low. LOM Ubenüly adjusíed and promptly paid. I ais issiio Life nd rtiveatment l'.iici.-s In Um n.w Yurk Mataal Liiv [iMaranea 0mpa:iy. AWBtta.t6t.000. Penóos deairlng Aori.i.nt [uaurance, ron hare jrearly pollolei wrltteu them orTravel r"i Coopon Inoranoe IickeUUaoed :ii Lo ratei lo lh Aooliint (naaroooe CJompmny if Nortt m. i u-i Monej to Loauat Curren! KatM, Omoenonri fniiii s a. m. lo II i, and 2 to5p. m. AI,KX. W. UAMlI.roN. Eamilton lilock. BERRYWXES'"'"""'"0" UL.IMI i uwllwvNninirTO Sni for lllmlnlf .1 1 .llosac. p II M V V L I V C.ColbytCo.,BtDtODBarbor,Nltb. DHOIVL I O


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