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JIVHOVK DIKEVrOKÏVn v n ii k i '¦ -i h v s'iiKiiY, Nu 18 raeets flrat ii. Uv ,f e i U moiitli, W. . liiy. E. O.; W. . CoioUar 1. Recorder. MTASHFStAW l'llllTKi!. Nu. ü. Et V. M.- Üleeta flrat Mooday eaob Rionth. Isaac H ui ly il IV: .. fctoath, Beoretary. BUSINESS CARDS." CLOTfl Ciiïi MËTALIC .Vn.l ei ii ii 'ii m coiii is. Oalla attented to Day ir Niaiu. Embalrnlng h gpeclalty. Bto e room on E. Watbington streel. Etosldence Cor. Liberty and Kittn. V. II. JACKSOX, i.iE3aariniiiisiTiL OKF1CK : Over llach & Abul's T)rv (J:,otl Store. 10 n t r tnca uexl to N itionnl Bank. niLUAn iiEisz, Hauso, Siga, Ornamontal and FRESCO PAINTER! l'ii.iiTiiiL', Ulizl-ii;. Qlidlng, ind dddmlolmi, and work "i Bvory aMCriDttoy done in the bett tyls.and wrrntd to glva jtlfctlon. Shop, Ho. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W. V. A C'. MIIIOLS Roemt Over Ann Arbor S;ivi:i!,rs Bank, Hatoaic Temple Btoek. GA.SorVITALIZED AIR A'lminlstiTi'ii Tor!h' painle EtrMtinn ( 1, ¦¦, STATJE STREET Md Tailorin Establishmönt ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Ih:ai siü: [f yon want a neal suii donut order aotll ; bav neen JOSEPq BEXRV, Uerobanl Tallor. Stat itraet, no Arbor, Mirii. Vou will Umi ii very Bne lin? nt' Engüsii Worstedi for Dress Butte, and uil the Newett)ba le and Weavea In Back SalMnus and trowseriugs tn at ek and sample to order from. Our long experiencc In Cuttlng enablea ¦ to givo vou a nejit and perfect öt, and I made In flrst-elasa order, at Lowest Uring i'iifi'-s. Oall and iee for yourse f. Eletpeotrally yoara, Josi-u-it BE : :y. M iroh ni Tillor CET THEBEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29000,000. Secnrity Keld lot the proteeilor .!' tbe iollcy CHRISTlÜ MACK Bepre iwlnï Irri4Un comjj n , o) ralch one, the Attn, ha alone iM Ó6,ÖUO,000 Src itn ptzty-Ave :¦ .Kina. of II irtfortl 9,102,644 Fraiiklin of L'hiladelpltiu 3,118,713 Grennanla, N. V 2,700,729 Germán A.merioan, N. V 4,06ü,0C8 London Assurance, LondoO.. . 1,416,788 Mlchipan F. & M., Detroit... 287,608 N. V. ünderwriters, . Y 2,596,678 National, Jlartfonl 1,774,605 Phoenlx, Brooklyn 3,769,036 F.osses liberally adjastod and promptly iiiil. Folicies issucd at the lowcát ratcs 01 prmniam, llttltf LXJMBBRÏ T TTTVTTSTTT? T id J JML JO JCj L. It yon contémplale buildiujr, cal 1 at FERDON Lriiii ïiiil Ciirncr Fourlh and Dcjiot BtS-, and ge onr ügures for ül kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lamber and fraarantee AERY LOW PRICES 4-Givc us a c:ill :uul we will mitkc it to your interest, as nut hirge and well gnuled stock fully tasuioa our uertion. Telephona Connectiont with Office, r. J. KUKCH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop W. TREMAÏN, GENERAL 1 1 j - - . OFFICE, Ora Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store. OOR. HUBON AND rOORTH sis., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edlnburjr. Capita! #i 1,000,000, Gold. Detroit KIro and Marino Iiistiruiico ('o., ¦ 1800,000. .Slringllcïl lm. ('¦ of Maaxackusetts, Cash Assen f1,800,000. llowanl Ihs. Compaoy of Ifew Vork, Ca' f 1,000,000. lirrU-ult ural Ins (X, W.itprtown, X.Y., Oub kfH Í1.MMI.IKKI ln;LberaHy Adjii-ted and Promptlj Pi ¦ '¦ JTOTUSTII CURED! HA I niVlU SUCLE TKI1I, tonnV I 1 1 1 1 tl vinni tho moit ikrptical GERMÁN USTHWia CUREriL ïuoBt viulent atta-k. nifliin'P romforteble pleep; enocU cuns whan all otbor remedies f all. No Wfilcinu lor rriiiii. Hm itriion is ImniPdintc, ilirrer :ni1 i-riiikin, and a ourei efTcrtcdin uil CCHABÜfiCAMJBS "II pcrmanoütly curcd mo. Rcfcr to rac t time." I7n. B. Ia)U. SI. Paul, Jfmn. "Imh rntiroly restore to heftUb bj Oermio Aithn. ( -ure." Thm. Pittori, Hamitton, Ohw. "Qerniin Aithm Cure (¦ all you claim tor 1U It never _ faili.' -rn_ ft rot Fingtrlxn. OiJWIitfli, ü. C. 'Sly phyffcl&a recommrode A OermD Atlhma Curr lt curert me." Mr. M. L. Trtnck, Londut.dtrry, ÜHio. Tbouund of ilultar Uiten oa DU. lik au; drupuUt bout lt. (¦Vrrann ANtlunu Care ie ft M tT all druifffUUrtQé.uidftl,ort)ent bj Diaifon receipt gUmp1_K.w:iiiKyM n, m ik. M.i'i.iii,Minn.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News