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T fij O YA L, PS L 'ïï k W POWDER 'Absolutely Pure. Thlspowdernever varíes. A marvel of pnrity. stiviiüt h and whoicsMinciifss. More eooDom leal Hum the ordlnary kinds, and cannoi be Bold in oompetltlou wltb the multitude "i Inw tent, hort welght, Blura or pboaphate powden. Soldonly In caDS. Kojul ltnklr; Powder 'o . 1OO Wall st.. N. V. O i 1 1 Sblogq humgrsI HIVILIATiNG Eruptiont, Itching nrd IiuniiiiLf Stln Torta fm, Loattoume orvs, :n,u evcry upeclefl "f Itching, Scmy, t'imply, Iriher ifii Scrofuloa, and Contactóos DIf-Asen i tKBlood, skin, Hiid Scalp, wltta Lom ! fr m n,fmi y t t 1 1 iiL't'. ar' potldvely ruri-d bv (V ioüb the reat Skin Care. and Cotioura ;-Ai',aii ¦%¦ ki i beautiüer, t i o r j i ; i .v i: it i ptjcürí, U -i-ij'ViNT, the Nnv lïlood u: iilcr. h.teniüüy COVKBED vnn soiiis. I have '"-i-ii iffltcted Bi nee ')it ¦ Skin ni-i-MM!' the üoctun cal led Eczema. My luce irae cov red wlth cais ai ünd bornlng were almu'-i nubearahle. ymir CüTlCi ü REMEDIES ' btgbly recomed, i coocluded to iítb Utem uiri:t), aiing the Codean nud tht; Codeara Si?ip extemally. and Ht'foiveut intiTimlly, lor fonr ir.oiithp. 1 cail inypellcurcd, in gratitude Tot wliich 1 niukc tliif pablic ataten MKS. CLARA A. FKEIEKICK. Broad Brook, CODD. S( ALP, FACE, EARS, AI) NECK. I WMaffilcted with Eczema on the Si-alp, Face, Ban -in-i Neek, whlch the Drufriii-t, v. here I iot your reiiifcïi-:--, pritnonijced ojte of tlie voit caaea tbat had come ander lii ?:otire. lleadvifed me i y i i ncUKA Rkmediks, atld tltrr flv; dajra' u-. m] -t:.:i and part f "i Itt w re e ie tirely cored, and I hope lu anotbtrweek to nave uiy ueck. eats.and tbc otlier part. of my fac curcd. HEBMAM SI.ADE, MO K. itli St.. New Vurk. [TCHIKO DISEASES fURED. Cntlcori nandc t tho hi-ad of H class, cepec a ly is t Ia th a Bwltl theCnUcaianap. Bav had au nnnsu:iMy uood tale fi-i ¦ommer uwlBfl i" ü'.c pruvaleoce of m turaattd furm of Iich tlir.m."! inc.iiitif iu ïho oountry, ia wliich tiie Cuücni reBic He prored satlslaci ¦n , i.. BAKOIGG, DBuasm. Dnlon Tova, K. CUBE IS EYEBI CASE. Your Calleara Reme lle uutitoll all other medtkeep for ikln dltauea. HycDdomert aud pnt'fii s m they hare eflscted cure in every Ine, where oihcr remedlee hae falled . II. W. BBÜCKWAY, M. D. Frauklin Ka!ls, N. H. CU1ICURA KKMKItlKS, Ai" Hold by all Drngziita, J'rlce: Cuticubi, I 50C. Uk-' 'i; Siiap, fficti. 1'ottkr Dbdo nd CuBxiOAl Co., ÚbtOD. Band for "How t to Cnre Skin Diteaéea. ' TjTi a TTI1KY tbe Complexión iind Sxtu by XiijXiU nsing tbe CuTidCBa Soap, , - CONSTITUTIONAL CATARRH. No iinL''c áfteue has cn'ailed more soffdrlDffor [Ing op of the conUtation then Catnrrli. Tüe eiise ol emell, ol taste, ol fight, ol hearing, the human volee the tnind- oneor more, and MJini'llmex all, yield to i's deatrocttre ihfiuence. The poison it rilstrlbates thrungbout the i and breaks up the most robustof conaritntlona, linored,ber.auu b'it little uudcistood, hy in,,.: pbyelcians, Impotently aatalled by quackn and ( liarlataua, thoa aulliTinfr froiu it have little hope to be ralieved ol it thie sidc of tho srave. It is time, then, that tne popular trealment of this terrlbli emeaiea uithin the reach of all paöned into hands, at once competent nnd tnisivvorthy. The ne' and hitherto untrled method -! liy lr. Siii.d ord in the: prepanition ol hls ¦I Cure has won the beart approval of Ihon. It is in-lantaueun! in atrordinc reliel in all bead cold, tneeslng. ?nnflllnkr and ohetructed breatlilng, and rapidlv removes the oppreesive -yniptuins, clearing the head, awecteiiing tbe breatb, restoring tbe senses oí Bmell, taste and liearinir, Rnd neatral'.zlnj; the conatltottonal tendencj ol the diseaee towards the luugü, liver and kiulieVS. bANDPOBD's Radical Cure consista of one bottleol t!iu lïAini ai. CfiiK, mid one box of CATHAIRAL Soi.vk.vt, and one IHPBOVBD Is i i.i:i; ; price, J1.00. 1'UTTÜH DllUO AND ClIHEÏKAL CO., Boston . ttfn Sidnoy Fains. Êt And thüt weary, lifeless nll-Rone, senT lm sation ier preaent with thofe of in 1 l 11 -uiied kidneys, weak hack and lolns, 1 Ji :iching hips and sidep , ovcrworki 1 ur woro out hv dluase, debtlitj or disxipation ar rellevpil In on miiiiitp and si..''(li]y enred by tbe 'iitlc-iira Anti-Paln lMnHter, a new, original, elegant and iufallible antidote to pain and ii.llamntiun. Atdrnpglfta -¦"¦-: B lllr 11.00: poatage tree, or ¦! l'otTt-r Uratc ana 4'iirinlral i , Ho-ion. SCOTT'S IHESIOM OF PURE GOD LIVER OU And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Paiatableas Milki The cnly prepamtton of COD MTER OIL that can le taken readlly nd toleratcd for a long time vnfñrTTis_LM-T(JI;.. AMKMIA, iKN1 itUi ll IÏÏT.1I V.rM_ir;7s A.' 1IIKOAT AFjJrrïïrgrTnTf all VA.MIti DISOlilll-RS HV l!ILI)liK?j ïj "ís m:trvt'! ir.ii--: iri lts rfollB. cribed and endoncd ly tuo bM l'nysictma iu tï-.. . fcr Sale by alc DnuGGisTs. The Best Potato Digger P TUK MONARCH" W 4WrL. n ii t . t-. to li;; .' IiusIkIm ilL k!.rlM}. Bpo1h1 Tenna _ IJWiV- UKol!li-iit BBBaBBBBBBaBto TEST jy""'5SiJ. Ot-ficf. and Factout, MONARCH MFO. CO., Carpentersville, III. AU ¦ Elf I IdCliW this paper, orobtnn ostimatei on advertising spaco whon In Chicago, will fmd it on file at 45 10 43 Randolph St., Qk OTA1( thoAdcrtiiinSAgoncyoffcUnU 6t I nWlilii tfl ¦atfj a rrDADUYUnrn llor11 "r"1 nrn TtLtltKArM T .-.,.. im kui I fuinl. ln.l. V'alentlne Broa., Jaaesvl]], Wla


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