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'l'lio pumpkin pie onw more on iis downward ooane. The recent rains liave been i help te eorn mul othcr cropf , tlie farmer claim, Nina Walker, of West Salem luis come tO Aim tn attend school the coming year. A 12 Ib. tri r] is now ana of I lic familv al J. I,. Newkirk's tho editor oí the Pinckney Uispatcli. I'rof. Phillips of Kast Saginaw, lias been hired to stiperinteinl the Manchester schools, at a salary of $800. Mies Hattie Louise Whitman of Ypsilanti, and Elraer S. Grmlner of Jefferson, Wis., were married Sept. Ist, at tlichomc of the bride's raothcr. Therc have been no strikes in Ypsilnnti thls summer, perhaps for the sanie reason the man didn'tspank h is baby; hecouldn't find a place big enough to spank. - Sentínel. The Germán Worklngmen'a Society of Manchester will dedícale its urn bunncr at Graage'l grove Sept. I6tl). Dr. George of Ann Arbor, apeaking in Gerinan. Some linie since, our genial express agent, (íeo. Cfane, tendered to the Express Co. liis resignation, which took effect yesterday ; last evening the office wa9 inoveil to the store of D. Quish, and will hereafter bc nttefided to by Orr Waite - Dexter Leader. 'l'hree of onr school teachers went to Ann Albor on Monday to attend the exatn ination but found that the date had been given wrong and the examination v:is held last Friilay. The board should be more careful in giving dates - Manchester Enterprise. Mr, A. W. Guest, the arüst, who recently died in Kaltimore, was the sou of Mr. Albert Guest, of Dexter, and nepliew of Mr. Aaron Guest, who published the C tiran jeta in tbla city, in tlie year 184!). Au estrangement bet ween the artiat and 1 iïs fauiily was eaused by his niarrying a Catliullo wifu. - Ypsilenti Sentinel. Dr. Miner, a gradúate of Ann Arbor dental college, bas rented rooms over the bank, and will open dental rooms here at once. He is a gentleman of tine appearanei', and the fact that he comes froui our Unlvertity, gives blm an excellent recomniend. He is a man of family, but will not move here at present. - South Lyon I'uket. I.Vv. D. I!. Shire will go to Adrián on Tliursday next to attend the animal conference of the Bi. E. ehurefc. Jle will be acconipanied by his wife. lic has served the people ih Ihii and Sharon charges so 1' the pnt two ytiirs tliat tlicy h"pc to have hl na returned for the (luid year, we have no doubt he will bc. - Manchester Enterprise. South Lyon IlL'c other towna islniested witll a few dead beats who will shirk from paying honest debts even when tlicy ::re offered days work and big wages. Sncli beings are no use to our village or society and sliould be compelled to earn an honest livelihood or leavctown. They're a stench to the moráis of society. - Excelsior. The stone yard or the chain gang is the ouly cure for tromps, and the sooner the people cometo that conclusión the sooiht the tramp and louter nulsance will be extinguisiied. The familiar sound Of the school bell was beard again Monday morninu to the ilelight of parents and the disgust of the boys, whote vaeatio'.i bas seemed all loo sliort. The book stores spread out their stocks, and mnny a groan uttered as i he unhappy fatber or mother examines the lislot' books that the boy or girl musl have, before being admitted to the "ad vanee class." A littlealleviation may sonietimes be had by resorting to the "second hand." stock witli which ovcry store is now provided, for school books rejected in oqe state are popular in another, and tlms a large trade in secoud hand books bas sprung up. JJut at the very least, Üwcost of school books has become a serums burden.- Ypsilanti Senliucl. THE PIOSKEK MKETINO. From the Saline Olserver. Thcannual county pioneer meeting was held in unión scliool hall, this villae, on Wednesday. The meeting was cali to order by Horace ('arpenter, vice-president, of Ann Arbor, Mr. Wln, the preside ut, being sick and unable to be piescnt. The minutes of last meeting were read by the secretary, L. Davis, of Ann Arbor. Mr. Laythen rcad the mortuary 'list oí pioneen for the past year, nuinbering 00, with an average age of 7GiL j-ears. M. Goodrich, of Dexter, followcd uith a list of 35 more, average age not stalcd. The suddeu death of Grove Sanders, of Ypsilauti, on the day previous, was also aiinounced. A coinniitteeof live was per motion, appointed by tlie chair to report on ollicers for the coming year, atter whieh the meeting adjourned tor dinner. The committce on nomlnatlons, at the afternoon session, reported as folloWB, which was adopted: Presldent-J. ï. Williams, of Ann Arbor township. Beoretary, Lonoso Havis. of Ann Arbor. Troasurer- K. Hampson. Ypsilanti. A vice-president was also named for each township in the county. Ex Gov. Felch, of Ann Arbor, was introduced and delivered au able and iiiglily Intercsting address on his reoolleetlone of Clay, Webster and Calhoun. Mrs. F. K. Owen, of Ypsilanti, real a scbdlarly sketch of tho lire of her father, Dr. Nathan Webb, of Pittslield. See"y Davis also rcad a paper mi the early ministers of the county. The meeting then ailjourued, but not before re torn ing a hcarty vote of thanks to the people of Saline, for the generou matiner in which they had contributed for thcir entertaininent. The attendanco was good, many pioneers beiug present from different places in the county, in addition to all the old retldentt of thls vicinity. VARMElt"S PICNIC. The following sensible wan made by Capt. Allen, at the recent fanner"8 picnic at YVIiitmore Lakc: Laoibi ami (km i.uihx - I am not suipriscd that BrottiSI Hal), here, forffot tho subject of my speech. lm not sure that I reineniber it niyselt, for althoiigh not certain what shoot 1 niigbt take, I was compelled toglvc yout tecreUry a name. I, theri'tore, gave liiin " Costly Expi'iinients," as a text, but. as the preacliers d.v, I may wander a good wayslrom that test. I .-hall not talk politica, bccause 1 am no politiolan; rou don't want to hear about fanuing, either, for yon have too niucli of thut ulready. Lat me say, howeve, tbal it is a costly ezperlmeoJ tor a young man who is In a posilion to own and opérate a fiirni some day. to leave it tor any olber vocaiion. The stability of Ibis grand goTernnient dept-uds upou the viitue, intelli ifelice and force of character of the men who own and till the soil. Thegreat business and iutellectual centers are not !]¦ alone of gold I Dg our destinies succcssfiilly; tbefcnaenaotastlifl balance whcel tu keep the govcrnmcnlal macliinery Erom ruiming al a dangrrous vclocily. Thercfore, I 8itj', tlio young mui wtia luavcs tlie lamí is roalting a mistake. For the next ¦entury the men of power wlll be tll meo who own the laml ot this country. There irc top many in the centen of popolntlon, and a elan nit already forméd wliicli is preparing to kalca thia land away froin hose who own it and divide it among Im iii-clvos. Jt is necessary fortboflc who liflicvi' in eotiservátlsm to stand shouldcr o shoalder for tbeirown protection. Tlio Tarm is a llihig to keep nd not to sell. Vüiuij,' men in tlie cast are staying more md more by the farm. Time was when the young man wauted to get away, beeause tlie farmers were deep in debt and poverty. Tliat time bas now gone by ; tarmlnjf is the peer of any profession in tlie country. Let me advise you to leaep out l' politics xcet In ihis one respect, namelv: clo your dnty a3 citizen?. TliOie who are now in tlie fore-front of affaire are tinr' who patsed thelr boybood on the ferm. The boy who is bom and urotiirlit up in the country sbould lic liiankful. My friends, it was a cosMy cxperlment when this great republic was fouuded, but it is worth all it coat and morel Èvery good thlng costa. Fromthe days of Calvary till now. hninan rigbta have beB protected at a fcaiful cost, and it was never Uruer than to-day, tliat tteiiut] viilance is the prlce of liberty. Thougfi the shiiiiif state now tloats on the sea of prospenty, it wil] not always tx by and by envious rlvals will dispute tpassajre fuither, and the storms of dissenslon may stop its course. You will se your boys as soMiert Rgaln defendfng their country. Vour duty will lr:icli yourchildri'H the valuc of uur civil and religious liherty. Teach them the thoughts and words of Washington, Clayand Webster; teach them thattnti nation will exlat only as long as it is llt to exist. ApplailM '