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Mr. Pretident and Henthmen of the. ' iviilion: When I stood upon this platform two yoars ago, the nominee of the republlean party of the Secoiul congressional district, lor the high an important oftice of representutive in congres?, I wm not aware of the labor before tne. I knew that I had tlie democratie and greenback parties iu my front, but I did not k DOW that there was a strong oootiojrant upon my flank, and ] discovered after the election, that there was soine twenty-four hundred of them lurking In the woods that I had not seen. [Applause.] I kept my cvl' to tlie front and made a Rood a fight'aa it was possible tor me with my limitcd iibüity tu mako. Iu th (rood oUI days of prístino democracy, when that great party governed this country from center lo circinnference, a war cloud with England aro?e, and the universal Yankee nation, with a democratie administration at its head, duelared for litty four, forty or flgbt. In these modern days of democracy, vhen John Buil walks about with a codflth ou his slioulder, and dares Uncle Sam to knock it otl', he does not do it. My gallant friend, Ooi. Eldredjre, got the lilty-four two years ago; I am gofng thia year tor the fifty-four, forty and tiglit. It is needless for me to say to you, gentlemen, that I fully appreciate the honor that you have entrusted upon me, and the responsibility that comes with it, and I shall eiuleavor to the hest of my ability, to carry it without tlinching. I undeistand the hüZHrdl of a congressional race; 1 have understood it from the beginning, and understand it to-day better than ever before. I understand that in this race the repuhlican party, stroni; Iu its past and lts present, and determined todo what is rijjlit in the lutur,-, wtll have to coiifront all shades and eh'inciils Of oppo-iiion. As a leanied gentlemen said yesturday iu the double-b irreled conventiou at Grand Hapids "Wr must cali to the aiil of the demoeracy all devaocrat-1, all grec nbaekers, all proUlbltloo ists." Now, of 0OUN6, it is one tliing for the leaders to say what they will do, but it II quite anoihe r th!nj(, in this free country ot oms, where men thiuk for themsclvcs, fur them to deliver the goods. And I here now make the innonnceraent that a party as itrong and as magntfloent as is Ilie democratie party, that will yield as it did yesterday, at Grand Kipids, evi'iy one of itj Cardinal principies tor the sake of calling to its banner tlie greenbuek party, will at the end tind that it has reekoued without its host; because iheie are men in the democratie party who never expect to liolil otlice, who desire to s.iy to their leaders, "Stand by the cardinal principies of that great party, not tor the nu re s:ike of office yield to the smaller miniber of men, principies that are is old as Thos. Jefferson's time." It may he men say that they can raise ajiainst the republican party all shades of men, but I say here, that the men of the Mate of Michigan are thinking as they hav-j not tot the list ten years; and they aro not only thinking but they are cast ing voies about to see where they are drifung; and men will reconsider their votes ot two years siuce, and I have not the least idea, Mr. Chairman, but uiiat the lepublic in party of Michigan, from the executivc or ooogreMional candldate down to a man, will fight for her old time and deserved honor and gl'iry. [ Applause] In these piping times of peace, when a man here and a man there and a man yonder proclaims some idea that he considera new, and undertakes to rally a party about it, he considera tbat for tlie time being the wliole world Is looking upo bina, and that he a going to de-troy all bcfore him. Uut, as a matter of tact. the American people are so constituted that there can bc and always will be but two great contending partiee.ind any otlier parties are but make-shifts between tlie two, and throw their power into the one or the otlier, and men who refleei, regardless of their vote at other times, are (joinjr to ask themselves the question now, "What is the consequeuce of my vote to-day, not only upon myself but apon my country?" When men thus stop to rcnson and thiuk, as they huve done before In this gallant State of Michigan they will fight for the party through the weal and through woe, thiough its sunshine and its shadow, as tliey dld through the niglit of sorrow, when the nation was bathed in the bloodshed and horror ot a civil war. Thus will the American people gather about them thu standard that bas never been sullied. There are grave questions, questions that houest men do not wlsh to touch, and questions that dcmagogues can not toucli; ihere are grave questions that COH front the American people and these questions will be met, and deliberately met at the ballot box,after free and honest discus8Í011 of the principies involved in them. As for the republlcanparty it. stands to-day where it has always stood, as the champiou of the equal rights of every man before the law, [Applause,] as the champion of best inierests of tnls great country; it standsas between Americu aii'l Kurope, for America, for Auiercan institutlons and American labor. It stands today pledged that the American laborar iball by no hocus pocus or gerrymanderIng lie brought to the level of the laborer of Europp, so far as bis duily wages are concerned. [Applause.] It stands to-day tor this principie, that tblnga inanutaetured abroad under a foreign tlag, by men who owe allegiance to a foreign nation, if brought into this country, shall be brought in at such a rate tbat the difference in prioe between American and European labor shall bo taken care of; that is the helght and depth, the length and the breadth of tariff in this country, as expounded by the republican party. [Appluuse. ] That is fair, that is honest, and because it is honest, and because it is fair, the men who feed the world will sec, notwithstanding what demagogues may gay that their interest lies with the party that eommltl itself unfulteringly to those principies. Heretofore in this country, through the years they have gone, money has grown in power; it has gatherecl to itself its like; great corporations have an.-cii, and they have been a blessing to the paoplej but with their power, they have manifested in many instanccs a desire to perpetúate theniselvos without adequately considering the rights of the men whosebrawn and strong rtgbt armg have made them what they are. Now, each in its sphere has to be protected, capital and labor; both are to be taken care of by the American people. [Apphiuse ] Üne is not to be overthrowu nr dpMroyed by the other, but both before the law shall have a fair and equal chance, and the laws that apply to one shall apply to the other. [Applause.] In this country great oorporatlona are public corporations; they receive their franchise trom the public; they are the servants of the publie; and the public has the rigbt to cali them to account, and althotlgh it has not been dnne, it will he, because the inteiests of the Ainrican people deuiand it. It will be In the near future o that. the great corporations with thonaandl of men under its control, cannot by the woi k of one or two, with an beur or a day's notice, ent down the wages of the thousands and the ten of thousandt of men from tive to ten per eent , uuless, at the sntne time, tliey cut do'wn the wages of the men of that company who are working upon & Balary, so that all hall be equal, from the president o Uie man thnt aUoveis dlrt. lf Hiere t to be a sciiic of prlew, lot i be a uniform basis. ... Now, gentlemen, labor has liad its out break; labor was delumlMd to be h. ard. and when IU clarión ery raos out, ibe American people, for Ibe first time, , gtopped to tliink, :ml these nien have ¦alned attetttion. It is the part of wisdom, t i the put of wise men, to (tWe (hem, oot whal dors not belong to tbem, , but to i-isist tlmt wbat Is lht'ir.-t sball bfl tbelrs, iiinl madeMfe by the law of thta country. I Applaus.] ThU dtotrict, tban whk-li thera i.s none in Michigan mora grand; this district, ivith Itt great industries, purely ngrlcultural, or nearly so, demaDdt ut the liand of tbc law-makert, lawi Ihat wliile tliey do DOt givc the armer or producer au umluo. advantaije. will protecl them. And Ibis tbe republican party is coinniitled to, without any lossible backlng ook tt to commltted to hla doctrine, atul when tbe menfeoe of absolute free tradc, or as it is curtailed, a tari ff lor revenue only, when tlmt menaced tbem, like a cloud that Bowed "rotn Mnunt Etna, threateulng Inatant eruption, when that. menaco ia taken iway ty tbe present democratie house of representative?, then the industries of a district like tliis, that have in some of' their features been wiped out )0 per cent wortb, lmve been In othen alniost paralysed, these imiustries, ander the assuranee that tbe future will again flourisli as before. Xow, gentlemen, that Is not all; the republlcan party believes, with the fatnen, tlmt this land is for all men u h are WÜllDg to come here and be honest citi.ens, cast their lots with the American people ; becomlng obedlent to i's law, mul iwearing allegiance to its fltg, and all such are not only welconied, bul the nittion opens wide its arins tor those. Hut wIr-h they f-'o bryond that, and insist tliat men can be Intpofted into this country as cattle and horses and nuiles are, timply and solely for the work that is in tliem, at tbe ebeapest rates, and crowd out men who have come here to tnake their homes, I say, wben it eonies to that, it is the duty of tbe American congreu toforbid it. [Applause. ] It is tbe duty of tbe American conirress to forb d, absolutely, and enforce by penalties, tbe impoi tation of anybody who comes here simply as a machine of acorporation, for the purpose of takinjg the place of men who, trom the very fact that they are striving to be American citizens, demand better waies thau the class tliat are thus imported: and when we conunit ourselves to that, we shall be commitin;; ourselves to a principie that is rlght; it may fail to-day, uut it will win to-morrow. We are living under a democratie adininistration that came into power, and the república n party, loyal at it bal always been, acquletora in the decisión of the people. It said, "we will try nn ndoiinistmtlon of the democratie party, and give tbem a Culi opportunity to demónstrate its ability to take care of the iuterests of this country; we will ijive the democratie party a chance, nn opportunity t' curry out their promlse to the American people." Tbey have been In power nearly (woyears; that j( real surplus wbich they told us was a menace to the safety of the nation, which, wben they came into power, they would take and icatter amoiift th people, as the leaves are scattered by the winds, listend of heilig scattered and grown lese, has con stantly accumulated and is larger to-day tlian ever before. That is not all of it. When the democratie house of representatives passed a resolution that the monev in the ireasury above a certain aniouiit sbould be used in the liquldatloii of the country "s debt, when this resolution was sent to the president of the United States, he sent It back, after it bad been adopted by both houses of congress. If a tnau has monev in the bank to p.iy it and does not, he is not a rood financier; lu is not an lionest man. If the people have a bonded debt, aml have moiiey with which to liquídate ttaat debt, it is their duty to pav tliat debt with surplus. Krom March 5th, L886, nntll congrens met In December, not a dollar of the bonded debt was pald. F rom the time that Lee surrenderedat Appomattox, anti] Chester A. Arthur resignad tlie presidency. tliere was scarcely a month that the re publican party did not pay trom one to twenty mllllona doUirgoJ the public debt, and tliey wlll '1" it kgala in 189. [Applauso.] Gentlemen, I have talkeil a good deal more (han Iexpected to. I have nothing to wy as to wliat 1 shall do in tliis cauipaign, Ibatll to say, I have no promiSM to niüke, liecause I am not sure that I can carry outthose promises. I made no promlae two years ago, but I will assure you, that if God spare-t my life and health, I will make an earnett, manly and itraljthtforward tight to carry the Bt'Oond diMrlct tbr the rcpublican nominee for congress. [Applause.] And I ask at your hands, and 1 ask at the h.inds of all men who bellere that the ii.terests of this country, and the nterests of all classes in this country are sater with men wlio represent the principies thut I do, than othcrs, to forsake thein aml join in this campaijTn. A volee- We wlll. I bclieve you will. Bul as I said at the beglnntogsf my retnark hundrada nl thoaaanda who voted in opposition to the republioan party two years ajro, will rife With tlie occasion, and with the knowle(]jrt! that they Inivc iiiincJ ot' wliat a vote miaña, will vote itgaln for the party that stands for the people. TtuuikDg you, gentlemen, for your partiality in your convention here to-day, by which 1 have been selected over my allant competitor. General Bpalding, I assume tlie burilen of taking in my hands the bannerthat you haveglven me, and I wlll do, so far as I know how to, wliat is ri;ht. f Applause]


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