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"Judge" Benrdsley lm pmi1 1 TIn cup, Colorado. Jas. L. Qilbcrt, ef Cheteea, was In lown yestcrdiiy. C. Mark has onc t Xcw Vori; after Iiis f il] parchase. Riclmnl II. Manta mul wilV. o( Saline, n the cüy yesterday. John M. Parker hugone to to resido, tcinponu'ily :it least. Ben. H. Martin of Uay City, is in the city visiting his mothor and brother. Albcrt Henne, of Fliut, lins been visitin liis pareuts here ilurini the week. Prof. Win. M. Osbnud.of Ypsilanti,vasa caller at the COUSIBB offloe Tuesday. Mis. W. '. líamsay lias returned trom ¦ visit ut Akron ami otherOhio oitlee. Mi-s Jeanle Bángs, oí this place, is onc of tlic teachers in the Pinckney schools. Dr. Frothlngham and wife hare been visii'mg friends in Cleveland the pul weck. Mary Cllinie Icft yesterday to take a Kood position in the Battle Creek High School. Hrs. Wm. Haniiltoii of Elyria, Ohio, Is vlsitinghenitter Mis. John Sweet, of the 3d ward. Dr. M. I). Goodyear, beotlicr of J. J., pussed throuch the city yesterday on his way to Kansas. Jas. A. Uobisou went to Detroit Siiniliy to eommenee his work on the Frce Press Monday. Justice E. K. Frueauff left Tueeday for a wcek's stay at Petoskcy toeeek relief from hay fever. J. T. Jacobs went by thiu olüce in twowhecled road cirt yesterday a. in., bonnd for the metropolis. Geo. A. Douglas is on r nother trip for the Egin TruH Company. HU last one was very suceessful. Thos. McCann carne up from Detroit and spent three days last week in visiting old friends in the city. Will Fitzjjerald formerly with E. G. McPherson & Co., of Howell, can now be found with Bacli & Abel. Miss Emnia E. Bower went to Detroit yesterday for a week's stay with her brothcr and other friends. J. E. Wyimn came out to Anu Arbor the last of the week to visit his family who are gpending the summer here. Mrs. Dr. Rockwell has rctiirned home, after a long absence, she has been passing the time with relativo and friends. Miss Miiry Ferdon 9 in Grand Rápida tliis week attending the wedding of her friend, Miss Berkey, who was mi ooilege a few years ago. A. Moore, of this city, has been assisting the new boot and shoe firm of Blackwood cE Hogers to eet started at South Lfon, tor the past few weeks. BeT. Dr. Banuajr went to Bay City Tuesday to deliver au address at the laying of the corner stone of a new M. E. ehnrch, of wliich Rev J. E. Jacklin is the pastor. ü. J. Hall' is back in the city from hU summer eneatnpment, making his farewell calis previoiis to removing to Kansas City to reside permanently, where he will go next week. Julius V. Seyler, of the Detroit Conservatory of Music, wlio has been spendIng his raeation witli lii.s párente in tbis city, 1 ca ves Thursday morning for Detroit to resume his studies. Huiliou T. Morton rcturncil from his Dakota and Nebraska trip last SaturUay, lookingas if the coantry agreed witli htm out there. He says that the crops In Ui at country are shnply immense. C. W. Penny, Esq., and faniily have removed from Jackson to tliis city for a permanent residence. His place as vestryman of St. Paul'n church in Jackson lias been ülled by the elefction of Oen. Wlthington. Frederick l'istorius of Bast Saj{iiiaw, who left tliis city a year or so since, was in town the last of the week, looking for a place agaln, with the intention of returnlag Uere once more. He and his tainily are hoinesick in the Luid of salt and saw dust.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News