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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. AMUSIITC _____ Honcslal laat. August has thrown '. the cloak of Ooiober and August Is Au irnst. As wc wrlte the air is sultry, dePTWlljiy, but sugge.tive. This is the inontli or the year for cheap whit goods. What are tlicy ? Lawns, In ¦ I dia Ltiions. Namsooks, Cambrics, Or gandies, Piques and Kyber t'Ioths. AH 12-; and I e. Lawns rcdneed to 8c. All 5e. Lawns rcduccd to 3c. All Wc. flgined Organdíes redueed to 18e. I AU 20c. flgurcd Organdies reduced itoia1.,. Deflne onr dress goods department. Can't do it. "LIÍc is too short." Long, tecliuical, tiresomc, uscless. Useless, for all of the women in town and hnndreds more distant know It as the place wlicrc the most accurate question of style is considerad. You ank wliat is the proper stuff to buy ; shall It be )lain, invisible plaid, strlpc or rough goods. Wc knew the question was comliig. The goods are New. Come and decide for jourself. 1 Case New Tricot, In New Fall Shadc at 5Oc. worth OOc. I Case New Home Spuns all Colors, 50c. 10 pieces Wool Check, 54-inch wlde all shapes at $1.00 clieap at tl ._!-" All Wool Sackings, plain Colors, and ncat mixtures, 42-inch., 53-incIi. and 5 t-inch., at 5Oc, 75c. and $1.00. All over Boncle, 1_-Inch., $1.00, Tormer price $1.50. Be cartful (o gei lining tighter tkan dress, aenm are treaclierous. A great assorf ment of Woolen Dress (oods. Slioulil we teil all you would not rcad it. Tlms wo shouK tire yon and also iose the money to pay the printer. A winilow full of Ladles' Night Dresscs. Thosc Night Dresscs, wonderful Night Dresscs. Don't you think it a favor If we teil you abont them ? All for I.OO, Worth S1.5O. They have been on sale ten days and are selling rapidly. Their days are numbered. Don't come here two weeks henee and complain you cairt flnd them. Wide Lace Floniiclng, I5 luches deep, for dresses or sklrls, hair price. They go uow at ül.OO, $1.25, $2.00. The narrow widths are golug quickly al fuuny prices. 50 pieces Egyptian Laces on sale tbls week, way down. Twenty patterns and many wldths, lOc. to 20c. Examine them and make their netter acqitaintauce. All Linen Towcling Tor nlmost uothing : ti.OOO yards, flc. a yard, wortli 10e. The most popular collar for joung' ladies to-day are the Unen Chemisette. Wo have all sizes in half a dozen styles. B ACH & ABEL. C.H.St.CLAIR&SÖNS MANUl'AUTURERS OF SclioolanflClmrcli FURNITURE. OPERA HOUSE MM AND WIND-MILLS. Are now prepared to manufacture School and Church Furnlture, and Opera House Chiilrs, Lawu Settees, Camp Tables and tlie TRIUMPH WIND-MILL The; best nnd glmplest and most rellable In use. Kepairlng done on hort notlce. AUo dealers In PUMPS, CYLIXDERS, l'IPES, ETC. TANKS MADE TO ORDER. LADDERS, PKACH BOXES, BERRY CUATES, In lact, any artlcle made to order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICII. HALE'S HOHEY U the best Cough Cure, M. SOc., . CLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP heal and bcautifies, 25c. GERMÁN CORN REMOVER Icills Corns & Bumom, 25c. HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- Black k Brown, SOc. PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure n 1 Minuic, 26c. DEAN'S RHEUMATIC PILLS are a ure cure, 60c MATM Bld irt MNf, tnll tboM tw wrlt to I I SUnmn ÍCo.PortUnd, Min,wlll rfir. ¦ II II free, foll nformHlon boot work whlch I I ¦ I I theyotn do. nd llet boma.tbal will py Vl W JJ JJ lbra from Ku23pr dy. Soms ho rnrnedOTer$50lnilr. Elthêr mi, y ounj or ld. CaplUl not reqnlred. Ton t d frt. Thosa wboitirt l OOM are bMlultly lur of no llul forlanM. All U utw. m


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