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ftOHB i O FEE ! I ï FSTAnLisnED 1851. ) Merril! JNTIL BETTER I DETKOIT.MICH. ƒ Block. LJ. ] PHTSICIAJÍ & SURUEON O Jör Is tul ttutlag Tith tio cieatert % SKILLAND SUCCES8 v jTXW-AJ-a XjYDUNGmen, miodle-aged men md all penons who by tlicir omn arts of ImprnIcnce or Folly at any poriixl of lifc have brouKht i ipon tliemselves, the cvil effccts followim; clotely ipon the hecls of trnn ffreulon of tne Ibwi t nature, should consult the ctlthrateü Ilr.Clarke ] it once BemrmberlNervoui dlneaitaiirwith or without dreams) or debllity and loss of ñervo power treated scientifically bv ncw mathodt witli icver failing success. 49It makes no difference what you have taken or who has íailed to cure vou. S-T".ie terrible poluons ofSyphllis and all [nd bloodandBkin diaeasea, complete lreradl-ated without mercurv. Kt-member that thisono horrible dleac, if neglected or ímproperly ireatcd.curses the present and coming gcncrations g-All unnnturnl ilichartrcs curcd promptly kithout hindrance to bacines. No tiperimant. Koth sexes ooimult confldrntlnlly. Ark anil Bxperience important. A written gunrniitve dí cure givoii In every case umlertakru. fg-Sntterer from any chronic disenso write Hillory and Symptoms of your case - plainly. jases solicitcd whlcb others have failcd to cure. ff-f-Send two stamps for oelrbrntod works on Ciironle, Nervous anl Delicate Dinue. You iavean'xliautivegyruptoinatoloKyl)w)iich oitudv vonrown case. Consultación, penonally r hv letter, free. Consult the old Doctor. Thonsnndg cured. Offlros and pnrlors prlatf. You see no onc hut the Doctor. Kef ore onfidin',' your case consult UK. C'LAKKK. A riendly letter or c:ill may save future suftcring and hame and add golden vcars to lifc. Medicines ent everywherc lecure from exposure. llours, ito S; Sundajs, 9 to 11. Addn F. O. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. M!ch NOW IS THE TIME TO USE JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA FOR LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, AND FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. It has boon in uso for26 yenrs and has proved to be the best preparation in the Murkit fir Sick Headache, Pain in the Side or Back, Liver Complaint, Pimples on the Face, Dyspepsia, Piles, oí U Bisciiscs that ariso from a disordered Liver or impuro blood. Tliousands of our best peoplo take it and give it to their chlldren. Physioians prescribe it daily. Those who use it oncp reeommond it to others. It is raado from Yollow Doek, Honduras Sar9aiari]la,Wil(iCherry,StillinKia,DaQiiili..n. BaMafraa,Wlotergre0n, andotherwell-known valuable Koots and Herbs. It is atrietly vegetable, and cannot hart tiie Tnnst delicate constitution. It Is ono of the beat medicines in use for rctrulatinf? the Bowels. It is sold by all responsihle druKist at one dollar for a quart tiottlo, orsli for flve dollars. Sample bottlea 50 ets. free on recelpt of priw. W. JOHNSTON & CO., Detroit, Mlch. VËrWhenyou have tri'il ttl SaaaprOkU, and have Ijeen iiiappointtd, try Jtihnstan't. c. h. mülletT, AGENT! Xo. 4 Sou th Ruin Si., Anu ritor. The oldent ageiu-y in tlie cily. Establtabed over aquarterora eeniu! ¦ agn Reprewntlng the followlng flrst-olnaa corapaulos wlth over $60,000,000 Capital and AtweU. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IN3. CO., OÍ New York. QIRAHD INS. CO., of PIlUiicli'l 'lila. oRIKNT INS. CO., of Hartförd. COMMERCIAL. UNION, of 'LoikIod. MVEKPOOI,. LONDON and QLOBE. WASHINGTON PIRE and MAilINK, oí Boston. Hatos Kon as tlio Lowest, LoMt Líberally Adjiistcd and promptly l'ald. ; 11 MILFiBN. jr il more raoncy thnn 11 snythlnK ele bi uk llf I 1 Ing au ií.'1-nry forth h""l elltiit bonk II II "'"¦ "¦Kil "'¦" " ' '¦' "'¦ :'f :itiiiy. None 11 MiI fall Terma free. Ham.ctt Hooi; Co., PortlRnd, Matne. TTiriT X lor wotkuuc oeople Send Ifloenta I Ij I M poHtai;e, and vrr rlll you free 9 H H I y toyol. raláaUta limpie box "1 eoodi I thai 11 put nii ii, the :iy of mah lar more money In afewda than yon ever thouL'hi p"' Ibli-al mij hutlnei. Oapi tulnot requlrud. Toncan IIt' at home and work in tp .re tiin1 only, of uli the tnni. All ui both pelee, of all gei, irandly MCCfslul. "0 ''entp to $5 easily earned evening. Thrit 11 wlio want work mar ieit the bufllnn( unki; ihii unpnralleled off: Tu uil who a:e nnt well Mtltfiedwe i i send $1 to pny (ar the tnmMr of writlng vn. r'ull particulara, direction, etc., p-m l'n-e. linmenpe pay a' 9O'.iitely snre for Hl I vhu plurl it on re. Don t delay. Addrass Stinsun & Cv., Portland, MhIdc RINSEY & SEACOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. Wc keep coiibtantly en hinrf, HREAI), CRArKKHS. CAKKS, IIT., For WhoH'sal.' nnd Ratall Tr4o, We slmll also keep a tupply ol' SWIFT & DEUBEL'8 BEST White Wheat Flour! licllii Flour. !}¦ Tioiir, ¦turk wlii'iil l'lour. orn tacal, IVod, KU'., AtWholuaJe anri Ketall. A neiieral itock oi &ROCERÏES anö PROViSIüNS Conêtantly nn band, whlch wlH h luid in as lei-imahie terfni hs nl 'inv nther hone In Ih" Bit CMhpaid for BlJTI'Kli, SOQ a il i'orNTltY PRODITUK gem-rally dlivired to any part of the city without enni ehnre ¦. RINSKV Si: A BOKT. mmm mú'$ corsetsT tfrthtk"' ï .',J1PI'T!!LF. ASI) -'4 V I . i '¦ bï i'.t v " ¦¦¦8.itijju ti.ji tima íiny rni'M't jÊÊHrFf tti.. i i v s. ' !. ]'¦:,- nnkera jn '97 '¦'"¦' '" :" '' them r. ith.irnno ri R u MUtpe. ( Itmtot kreuk over jr:' lS P'ï". Art l-urïleulai'y likrd hy JP'ïwJKI. LoUiesof fulltlKUii.. The 'M ON. 'J' ''i" ' ¦¦ ' " M.IMXE . ' r V l;;-..'t. ¦ I'V.HNtTkII I KliACK, [rrr, J{. which C'.t i tli.' -.-n spaco " Aj""1'" " '''' '""¦ i"'-'; Ziü )nt!u'( "'l'V.liir 11: ¦ V-'i V-LsJjj ,-um } i!ist:iiitlv tilkcll Wi . J9 OUt. WITHorT Ci'TTVSO O ifc - -J R11TIHÍ1. I y [jKJtoA, fiT JntÊgmk m-'ív" moiía-si-ok. gli bnited I '.'-'.ï Mi SÜSbï'1 U U Tfflw " Mum.faoturfil by R adame Mora's Contour. L. K 1: ¦. ! S ., adame Mora's La Reine, B Madame Mora's Aliiini'. - Madame Mora's Corniort Hip. Ui - PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPrescription of O physician who haa had a lifo lonp experience in treating fcmale disr-ases. I3 uaed niouthly with perfect kuccbbs by over 1U.00Ü ladi' a. Pleasant, safe, efTectual. Ladies oskyourdrugjrist for Pennyroyal Wofors and talco no substituto, or ínclose postace for soalod particulnrs. Sold by all dnircists, I t-or box. Address THE EU11EKA CHEMICAL CO.. Dniiorr. Mich. Sold lu Anu Arbor, .Mich.. hy h icli a Bon. MDR-isaa EVERY LIVE MERCHANT l. AW AU KOK. Should adyisrtise in THE COURIER.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News