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Ixeonnection with the seizura by a United States revenue euttor of two ( 'umidian vessels in Behring Strait on the ;lst uit. for violating the ¦eal-flshlng laws, it rai stated that the jurisditiuii of i country over those waters would probably be qoattioned. tSi it Ckabw DnJCl'l baggagt was sei.od on the 31st uit. by the mouiituil polio 00 entering Northwest Torritory fnr coutaining liquors. He ii limTallñg undor the Dame of Tetlow. "Jimmt" Carhoi.l, wbo was arrested at St Louis for robbing a bank ut Galeaburg, 111., was takn on the Bist alt from a deputy sheriff on a train by unknown partios and set at liborty. Ho was re cnpturod. At La Grange, Mo., on the morning of the 31st uit. Frank Lake Ulied his wifeand himself with a revolver at the residenceof their son. They had beon sopnrated fora year. Fires on the 31st uit destroyed nearly the entit-ü business portion of ïouth Uoyalton, Vt, and nine dwellings, the lomi being $1GO,000; also the Ulackbuwk paparmili at Milan, 111., oaaainx a lo of 141,0 0; the Eagle flouring-müls ut Qaiocy, 111.. valued at $t.".tXK); and a furiiiture faotory at Baltlmore, Md., valued at $30,000. Paul P. Tonn, a lawyer of New York, returned from Europe on the 31st uit. with his wife. They wore warmly greeted by their son Harry, twentyfive years of age, who soon afterward retired to his room and killed himself with a revolver. Pittsbiroii, Pa., reports on the ".lst uit. more puddling turnares lightd and less idle men to be seen than ever before. One firm had orders from the South for two thousand tons of agricultural steeL The city of Belle Plaine, Ia., was on the 31st uit. being flooded to a dangerous degree by the water from an artesian well, which oould not be controlled. On an appeal from the Mayor of the distressed town, the City Kngineer of Chicago sent thither two skilltul men to meet the eraergency. ïhe Indian Office has issued a letter ol instruction to agents upon the various reservations where, under the existing laws and treaties, allotments of land ie severalty may be made, urging that the allotting and patentin); of land to Indian; should be pressed with the utmost vigor. Tuk terrible earthquak at Charleston on tbenight of the31st uit. was folio wed on the lst by nine of less forcé. The principal business portion of the city was destroyed by the shock and the immediate outbreak of lire. It was believed that sixty lives were sacrifleed. The churches of St Hichael and St. Philip and the city hal: were among the buildings ruinad. Mostol the citizens spent the nisht in the streets or parks. Over one bundred rosidenees and stores were destroycti. causing a losf of ñv9 million dollars, 'l'he neighboring town of Sumnierville was also uearly de stroyed. In th boatrace at Rookaway Beach. NT. Y., on the lst Ilanlan easily defeated Courtaey. Thk public-dobt statement on the lst shows the total debt to be l,74S.:t , loti.47 : cash in treasury. $ 396,637,940.70; debl leai cash in treasury. 11,454,701,141.77 Decrease duriug Augut, il.'.iKUW'.i .tri. Tiie rnmmUtlnnnrn of Immlgratioa at Cast Ie Garden, N. Y., haring been sternly oriticised for admitting polygamists, docided on the lst to rocognizj no moro Mormon ship-loads, but deal only with individual imniigrantB, One hundred wore detained on the lst to ba sent bauk to Europo as paup.ns. At St. Louis, Mo., on the lst one hundred employés in different breweries went out on a strike. They had been notified to withdraw from the Brewers' Union. Theke was no diminution in the flow of water at Belle Plaine, Ia., on the lst A Chicago ongineer was engaged in au attempt to check the outpour. OWNEH9 of property in the vicinity of the nest of powdor and dynamite ni;i;a zines in Chicago met on the lst and passed resolutions requesting the Town of Lake authorities to legislate the magazines out of the township. lx the wire-mill nt Joli )t irison, on the afternoon of the Sd, Foreman Burroughs was assaulted with a red-hot poker by Michael Mooney, the conviet who murdered his cell-mate in 1SS4 and was twice sentenced to the gallows. The wretch was nearly choked to death by a colored coulict, and he would certainly be sent to bis gravo if the prisouers could get an opportunity. A womvn whose corpse has been identifled as that of Mary Cuddy deliberately stood on the track of the St. Paul road, at Pennock station, just outside Chicago, on the morning of the 2d, before the fast mail train, and was cut to pieces. Repoiíts from Charleston, S. C, on tbs 3d stated that thirty-threu persons had lost their lives by the earLhquako on the 31st uit., and as many more were reported aa seriously injured. The Aoting Secretary of War had ordered tents sent by a revenuO cuttor to the distressed city. A Eubscription list in Baltimore was headed with $500 by the American. The New York Petroleum Exchauge contributed an equal amount in a few minutes. The Western Union Telegraph Company oiïered to forward contributions of monoy free of charge. The post-offlee inspectors at Chicago expeet to show that Colonel Bolton embezzied from $'30,000 to $25,000, as they discovered on the 2d an additional shortage ol $1,000. By the action of the Louisiana Board of Health, Biloxi, Miss., would on the 3d be closed to the world. Trains would not even stop at lïeau void the residonce of Jefferson Davis, from fear of yellow fever. A coxtest began in St Louis on the 2d between twenty breweries and the Brewers' Union, in regard to a boycott Six hundred employés qult work. Tubrb wer 166 business failures in the United States duriug the seven days ended on the3d, agaiust 150 the previous seven days. Mrs. Emma Moi.lot, the temperance lecturer. who was involved in the (iraham murder at Springfield, Mo., attempted suicide by drowning at South Bend, Ind., on the 3d, and was rescued with great difliculty. At Mount Carmel, Pa., on the 3d twelve house were burned. A woman and child were among the missing, and it was feared they had been cremated. James Simpson and Patterson Bell were hanged at Marión, Ark., on the 3d for the murder. January 2, cf Lee Goldsmith. On the scaffold they declared their iunocence, although they hadcoufessod to the murdor. Two on three now eavs of yllow fver wero devolopeci at Biloxi, Miss., on the 3(1, Imt they wero not considerad snrious. The hoalth authorities at Mississippi City havingrefused to declare a (piaran ti no against the infocted town, the citizens had established a suot-gun rostriction policy. Si vi:v men wore burnod to dtatb in a shantv near Sonostown, Pa., abont midnight on the 3d. Thcy wore Hungarians and íuilioad employés. BkcaüSK of the refu-!al of ieventy-ftve local hss Miiblips of the Knights of Labor at New Vork on the 8d to oontribute toward the llonii dnb'i building finid thoy are suspend;d by lladter Workinan Maguire. I'AHünTisvii.i.r. Cookrell Connty, Tenn., was on tho M teirilily afilíete 1 by a dlieMe for which tbu pbyuoiant could Bnd no name or reniedy. Twenty s vun doatlis had oiTiirred witliiti three dayi. A [.(ii'K-iiii of )iliiinlirs occurrcd un the 3d n Now York City. At one o'dock 860 men had ben laid off, and It was expseted tbat 50 more wonld leave thair work shortly afterward. Eunmji kwv. shocks were experieneed at (rass valley and Mercar, Cal., and at Heno, Nev., on the night of the :i 1. Ir was reported on the :i.l that there was no fight betweeu Muxioan and Amoricun troops on tho 21, a mi consequently Gerónimo did not make bis escape. Chuíi.k.-íton, S. C, ni visited by another earthquake shock on Ui night of tho .'id. One white woman was killei by a falling wall, and people were rnshing about the streots distraeted. Negroos camping in the public tqn&rej were shouting and praying. ïhree ad litional deaths were reported from the ihook of the 31st nlt. The shock was feit along tho butiro South. At Ilichmond, Ya., tbe last shock was as plainly feit as tlio one of tho 'ilst ult., people loavingtbeir b.d.H and rushing into the stroots. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The commission of Thomas E. Heuediot, as i'ublio Printer, was receivcd on the :ilst nlt. at Washington, bearing the Presldent's signature of date of the'JHhof August, lt wus undentood that the now Public Printer would relieve Mr. Ronnda abuut the l.'ilh inst. General Thomas Couktlaxd Manxino, of Lonisiaua, was on the 31st uit appointed Minister to Mexico to succeed Henry R Jackson. roBignsd. A. O. SSDOWICK telegraphed on the Sist uit. to Secretary of State Bayard that the storios circulated about him were lidienlously false and that he had proof to tbat effect. Congressiosal norair ations on the 31st uit. wero as folio ws: Uomocrats - Daniel Ermentrout, Eighth Pennsylvania district (renominated) ; J. H. Swoyer, Twelfth Pennsylvania; Joseph U. Outhwaite, Lancaster district of Ohio (renominatod) ; N. E. Worthington, Tenth Illinois (renominated). Republicans - James A. Connolly, Thirteenth Illinois; Captain E. S. Williams, Third Ohio; General Odin Quitar, Sixth Missouri; J. H. Rowell, Fourteonth Illinois (renominated.) Colonei, Wilson, postmaster at Savannah, Ga., positively refused on the lst to siirren lor his oflice to the now appointee. Captain George W. Lamar, who made a formal demand for possession. Tue Republican State ConTention of Illinois met on the lst at Springfield, and nominated John II. Tanncr for State Treasurer and Richard Edwards for Superintendent of Public Instruction. The platform opposes the ownership of land by aliens, favors protection for American labor, urges tbe abolition of contract prison labor, arraigns the Fedaral Administration for failing to keep its piedles, and exI 't sfs the hope that the Irish race will secure home rule. Ox tiie lst nominations for Conirress were made asfollows: Democrats - William 1) Liiidstiy, Fifteonth Illinois District; M. II. Ford, Fifth Michigan; L. G. Mason. Nimh Michigan; F. M. Simmons, Second North Carolina; C. P. Suyder, Third West Virginia; C. I. Hooker, Seventh Mississippi; Joseph O. Luwe. Fifth Kansas; Patrick Hanford, Third Michigan. Republicana - Ex-Oofuniur (i&ar, First Iowa District; Jacob Yost, Tenth West Virginia; A. C. Harris, Seveuth Indiana; C. B. Clark, Sixth Wisconsin. Prohibitionist- C. A. Frisbie. First Michigan. Indiana Ilepublicans on the 2d put the following ticket in the fiold: For Lieutonant-Governor, R. S. Kobertson, Alien County; Secretary of State, Charles L. Griffln, Lako County; Auditor, Bruce Carr, Orange County; Truasurer, J. A. Lerupke, Vanderburg County; Attoruey-Goueral, L. T. Michener, Shelby County; Supremo Judge, Byron E. Elliott, Marión; Clerk of Supremo Court, W. L. Noble, Wayn Couuty ; Superintendent of Public instruction, S. U. La Follette, Boone. The platform favors the maintonance of the principie of protoctiou, while approving of the reduction and readjustmont of tho tariff as circumstances may require. A resolution of sympathy for the Charleston sufferers was passed, with a pledgo of material contributions in their behalf. Tus Republican State convention of Missouri, which adjournpl on theíM, nominated J. G. Cravens, of Kansas City, for Suprema Judge, and M. F. Butler, of Mexico, for Superintendent of Public In. struction. A considerable numbor of Illinois Republicans wbo oppose tho prohibition political movement, but are hostlle to tho saloon, held a conference in Chicago on the 3d and adoptad resolutions asknitr the party to place itself in open hostility to the organizod power ol tho liquor-sellin interest. A postal inspector from Atlanta went to Sarannah on the 2d and forcibly ejected Postmaster A. N. Wilsou from oilloe. Captain G. VV. Lamar was then installed. It is said that the runaway dnughter of G. P. Morosini, of Now York, on the2d had effected a reconciliation with her father and abandonad her husbaud, Kniest Schilling, formerly the family coaebman. Conskessional nominations on the 2(1 were as follows: Democrats- Twentieth Illinois District, William Hartzell; Fifth Georgia, J. D. Stewart: Eiglith Michigan, Timothy K. Tarsney (rouoniinated) ; Third V7irpiuia, Georjre D. Wisa (reuouiiuatod) ; Second Alabama, H. A. Hrbrt (reuominated; ; Fourth Alaliama, A. ('. DaTidaoa (renominated). Repltblioaaa - Fourth Iowa district, William K Pallar irunoniinatod) ; Fourteenth O'uio, Charles P. W k-k ham; Fourth Virginia, Wüliam E. Gaines; Saveutoenth Illinois, Robert M('Wiliiams. Prohibitionist - Fourth Now Jorsey, William II. Morrow. Nominatioxs forCongresi on the ;id wore as follows: Democrats - Eighth Missouri district, J. J. O'Neill (renominatod) ; First Mississippi, John M. Alln (renominated); Sixth Alabama, J. H. Banh?al ; Sith Texas, J. Abbott; Fifiii M :s-isip]ii, C, F. on. ProhibltíoaUts -Sixth Ullnol, S. Rising; Second Wiscongin, IngersoII; Yourteenth Illinois, W. W. Adiar. Indemilent Labor- First Michigan, Honry A. Etoblnton. FOREIGN. : It was stnted on the 31st uit thnt a rallroad would bo built from Tuspam to th City or Mexico, at a cost of JJ,0O0,0O0, by English capitalista. At a meeting oí Gladstonian mombon of Parliament at London on tbe 81st uit. 11 n agtjressive policy in favor of homo rule was decided upon. In the British House of Coramons, on th eveuing of the lst Mr. Sexton movsd an amendmont representing to the Queen the necessity for such increase of the local constabulary at Bolfast as would enabl it to deal with any probable contingency. Ue cbarged that the riots had been conceived in tbe interest f th present Government, and he demanded that order be restored without awaiting the resulta oí an iuquiry by a commission. A nt( i.i.AK addressed to the eustoms offleerg of th Dominion on the lst state that Amorkan yessels would not be parmitted to go from on Canadian port to another for cargs. Only British ressel, or thos belonging to powers in treaty with Lireat Britiau, might compeU in the coastiug trad. In the deciding heat on the lst of the international Kculllng sweepatakes betwcen William Beach, of Australia, and John Teemer, of the United States, Beach won. Report from China on tho lst stated that the impro4enca of Engluh and American missionaries led to th destructiuii of sevoral villages occnpied by ChrLstians and th miirder f flfty persons. Tin. Canadian cruiser Howlatt seicd the American schooner Highland Light on th lst for flshing witbin th three-mile limit off the east point of Prince Edwards1 Islands. At Limerick, Ireland, on the lst a widow named Hayes was evicted by order of a Mrs. Ryan. The same evenlng an attempt was made to blow up the residence of the landludy's son with an iron bomb and fuse, but the ligbt was oxtiuguisbed. Rkpokts received on the lst tated that there wore nearly .'1,000 deatbs in Japan in June from cholera, and 1,793 for the first half of July. Prince Ai.exaxdeu leftPhilippopolis for Sofía on tbe erening of the 2d. A cablegram from 8t. Potersburg gives what purports to be a dispatch from the Prince to the Ciar, placing his crown iu the handi of Russia's sovereign, and a reply that Alexander's return to Bulgaria is disapproved. Whii.e tho master builders of Barcelona, Spain, were holding a conference in regard to tbe strike of masons ontb2d, gunpowder was exploded beneath them, by wbich six persons were injured. A DF.i'i TtTiox of Irisb ladies. headed by the wife of the Lord Mayor of Dublin, it was statod on the 3d, would soon visit HawarJen and present to Mr. Oladstone a bomerule duclaration bearing th signatures of half a million womon. Tuk train conveying Prince Alexandor from I'liilippopolis to Sofia on the 3d wa brought to a halt by tbe discovery that noar tho former city flve sleepers had beau placed aeross tbe rails. Ta r.iTohitionary regiment at Suüa had snrrnderod, witii an appeal for clemunry. Prince Alexauder mado a trimnphal eutry th suma morning, receiveii ddr- 01 of wolcome iu the palaoe square, reviewed tbe troops, rj ceived the foreiirn diplomatic reprssantativos, and orderod the roleas of all politie il prisoners. The Quson of England on the 3d sent a dispatch to President Cleveland expres .ing sympatby mth tbe sufferers by the recent eartbquakes. The cholera had on tbe .'id brokeu out in Torre de l'Annunziata, an Italian city of fifteen thousand inbabitants. The deaths on the 2d in the in feetod districts of ltaly numbered forty-one. LATER NEWS. NATioNAr. League bnss-ball clubs at tha close of the week ended on tbe 4th stood Mfollowi: Chicago, games won, 70; lust, M. Detroit, won, 68; lost, 27. New York, won, 61; lost, 33. Philadelphia, won, 55; lost, 35. Boston, won, 42; lost, 50. 8t Lonis, won, 86; lost, 60. Kansas City, won, il; lost, 67. Washington, won, 16; lost 75. Th Domocrats of California at their recent convention nominated Washington Birtlott for Governor. Pbinoi Ai.tcxANDKit, of Bulgaria, on the - tli pablicly aunounced that he had atulicatad, o" account ot tbe attitude of the C.ur. iïe would establisb a regency before bis doparture. At twenty-six leading clearing-houses in the United States the exchanges during the week euded on the 4th aggi-egated $767,179,414, against $l,0D.'i,6S0,+S0 the previoua week. As compared witb the correspondingweekof 18S5, the increase amounts to 6.7 por cent. A t. kikt snow-storra prevaüed on tho 5th at Helena, M. T. Cnoi.nitA returns from ltaly on the 4th were: Ravenna, 8 new cases and 9 deaths; San Mareo in Lamis, 3) cases and 7 deaths; Putignano, 37 cases and 9 deatbs; 3il cases and 7 deatbs elsewhere. O. the nigbt of the 5th Savaunah and Macon, Ga., were visited by earthquake sbocks. At the former place some slight damage was done. At tbe informal reception given to Senajor Ixgan in Cbicago on the evening of the 4th it was remarkod that he had now visited every State and Territory in tbe Uuion. Charlestox's citizeus were very much disheartenod on the 5th by the recurrence of earthquake shockg in that city. Tbe great dread now was the approach of tho equinoctial storm. A kehoskne explosión in the Erie yard at Jersey City, N. J., on the 4th caused tho destruction of flve Pullman coaches, the Nortborn freightdepot and a largeamount of miscellaneous freight. The loswoull aggregate $30,000. On the 5th tm hundred and flfty Mormon converta from Europa arrived at KansaB City en route to Salt Lake City. Fikteen cases of yellow fover were reported on the 4t.b at Biloxi, Miss. Dkmocratic Congressional convention9 on the 4th nominated James E. Cobb for the Fifth district of Alabama, Jobn AL Allen for tbe First district of Mississippi, W. Di Bynumforthe Seventn distriot of linliaiia. C. 11. Kilgore for the Third district of Texas, and W. P. Taulboe for th l'enth district of Keutucky. The Rapublicans of tho Twenty-flfth Pennsylvauia 3i8trict nominatod J. F. Maffett. The Greenbaekers of the Second district of Michigan indorsed L. H. Saulsbury, tha Dumocratie nomiuee.


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