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A Jersey Cyclone

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Thcro is a recklessness about a Jersey eyclone whiob at once appeals to the senslbillties of the oninitiated. During tho prevalence of ono of these lungteasers, which visited our town without lioense or the services of an advance agent, I occupied a position whero an uninterrupted view of the proaoadtagl could bc maintained, as I thought, without being crowdcd, or assailed by the pcanut-shucks from the gallerv. I had read the prognostications of weather prophets from time to time, and waited patiently for a rare opportunity to occur, by which I could visit Jersey and gather in a few sharei of om; of her boss cyclone. This ipeeies of entertainment always finds moro patronage outsido the home cirele than within. It is a malignant type of the outsido show, which is by far wilder than the wildest wild West show that was ever blown across tho area of our territory with a long-haired leader, Tho average out-of-door perennial show, which comes identified with emblazoned fence-posters, can usu.'illy be "run off" under a canvas covering something mort', than an acre of corn-field; but you couldn't crowd the after-attraction of one of these March visitón into ten times that amount of space. Free shows always draw bettor than th'ose which charga in entrance-admission. This is wliy the Jersey cyclone has been so successful of lat e. I have been saved the pain and dishonor of a law-suit with my hay-soed ncighbor by a means which I knovr Proridenoe alone ordained ipeci&Uy to serve mv purposo. This man had concludcd last having-thno to economizo space by building a hay-rick again.'rt mv house in such a as to obscura the light from the bost window Iowned While I was on my way to consult a lawyer about the matter, I saw the sky taking on an oiive-green tint; then tha dnst rose up, squirmod about for a while, and tried to settle down again. So did I try to settlo down, but the ey clone caught and Üun me against a rail-fence with great plavfulness and I had scarcely become disentangled frorn the rails when I saw my neighbor' hay-rick galling like a balloon above me, and, notwithstanding my devotion to gatlniring up my lost energics, I Vatehed tho great conc-shapcd masg wending its way across the inky horizon and became happy. I hcard, several days later, that it was still traveling in a south-easterly direction. There is another eccentricity abont the Jersey cvelono: it makes itself its own conüdant. You never know it ii coming; but yon may best expect il wlien "Old Prob" denies its approach. I have had an experience of eight dayi with this 9tyle of naad uncertainty, and have been taught to realize that a eyclone is advancing when the sky assmncs a genuine bath-brick huc. This is caused liv the peculiar tint of the Jersey soil, which, when it rises, gives the sky this strange color. I give you the "tip" so that you will not think you have struck a phenomenon when you are caught unawares and thrown within reach of the burliest bull-dog in town. Washerwomen in our district have become despondent and moroso of late iince the March zephyr can strip more wholo washes from their lines than twico their number could hang out. This fact never became more painfully apparent to me than when first advised of a shirt bearing the initials A. W. M. having been found clinging to a currant-bush on a farm in an adjoining countv. The loss of the shirt was not so bad; but itcarried its identity withit. Our pet spaniel has not been home for three days. He was last seen bucking againet the wind a mile away from our friendly abode, having been carried off on the breeze while trying to tree a cat. Tho cat has also disappearcd, and it is believod she is still clinging to the blizzard, and afraid to drop off. I was asked to give an estímate of how fast the cyclone was traveling on one of its best days. Being somewhat excited with the experience of tho day before, I replied, in an unguarded moment: "Seventeen miles per minute." This estímate was printed in the Daily Visitor, the day following, as coming from an authority. I feit torn up when [ saw such an assertion credited to mo and was compelled to publish a contradiction in the next issue to tho effect that the wind at the time specified was actually traveling thirty-eight miles per gecond. When yon feel disposed to investígate into the true inwardness of tha renoilM .Jersey cyclone, you want to banish from your mind all the prejndices caused by the often-told tales of the Western blizzard, and settle down for something wortli your waste ol vitality. If you have punched sand-bags, and spent years of hardsliip with the coast patrol, then you may feel inspired with mfficient coniidence to enable you to brace up to the occasion. Otherwise, stay at home, and bury yourself against the cellar furnace, and listen to the i-olian rhapsodies, as they are wafted to your ear through the draft-pipe extending to the chimney. A Jersey cyclone is a splendid thing to look at, a noble thing to get mixed up in, and one of the most thorough ¦xponents of scientific rough-and-tumile tlumiping that yoM ever came in contact witli. And besides all this, it gives you the largest number of dislo'ated shuttors and fonco-gates to hunt up of any thing of a similar nature which I could suggest.- A. W. MunhitIrick, in Puck. - A Wellington (K:ui.) paper says: l'.e:i ers have eut down about one hundred trees, large and small.on Kall Creek, BlulVC'ounty. dwing tha past winter and huilt a "complete dftin acrosfl tho utream. They oul Borne trees eighteen '.iiehes in diameter, aad floateo theit Ionearly a mile down the rtreua. They provide against dry weuther by dammmg the streams Miïl baoking the Iwater .so it will not run out. There never w;is ii shoe Sowevet hand¦omèthal did nol beoome in ngly dlpperi


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