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S:llil)e schools open witli an ntteiuiance ot 806. Seeding is well undcr way, maiiy farmers haring Bnlihed. Chelsea follows the fashion and now has i heathen wushcc. The Lima musical club meets every otuer week from now on. Rev. J. A. Kiiloy, has retnrned to his congregation in Clielsea. John i'. l!a::kin, of Dundee raised 480 buahela of oits froni six acres. The Houth ites are fnrming a stock coiiipany tosink au artesian well. Küiiiel J. Bivins and Miss Barah Bross, botli of Manchester married Sept. 6th. Mrs. Wm, Brinard, of Saline, feil down 8tairs and broke her left limb, recently. Miases Fannie and Nettie Storms, ol Lima, are atteuding school in Arm Arbor. As the ftnat season draws near farmers begin to house ihelr fowls and live stock. Mis. Addia Tlmtcher of Chelsea, has gone to Akron, Ohio, torcmain until next spring. The Chelsea folkg are making great prc,irations tor their fair, and propose to make it a booiner. Rev.(?) Cressey of Detroit delivered two speeches in Chelsea last Snnilay mul Monday evenings. The Salvstlot) army havo glven up tlie South Lyon fort as one too ililHcuJt to storm, and left disguxted. John Sweet, of York, left home a few wifk.s ago with ;!()0 in liis pocket and has not been heard from since. All Dexter is happy, bccausc at its recent school meeting the suin of $13,000 w:is voted for a new school honse. Tlie Echo says the recent earthquake sbook up some of her cltiin-. itktt hc bad niincriil water up there. The fanniTs are it&mpecMng to Luce. Tliey prefer a man wlio orks with his hand to one who works witli lils niouth alone. Uring in some fancy work, ladies, and not only pay your wny to our nounty fair next week, but nuike a Httlu pin money l)csides. Stephen Van Riper, of Wcbiter, who was one of tliis county' old pioneer, clied August 30th, of old age, liaving reached 82 years. Corn is said to have taken a new lease of lifo since the recent rains and will keep on growfng if a prematuro frost does not prevent. All over the eountv the schools ave ropoited full to overflowing. CUildren are plentiful even tliough potatocs ure smal) and few in a bilí. The Chclsoaitcs decidod that a would work harder for money than honor, at a debate the othcr night. It's owiug to the man considerably. At the Saline Oerman chlUrch Sundny before last $.r)2 dollars was collected in tlie iBoruIng for foreign missions, and $86 in the evening for home missions. The following serios of teachers examQHtioDi are yel to bc held : Manottetter, Frlday, September 24th; Ann Arbor, October 29lh; and at Dexter, Nov. 2(ith. By the school censúa of tliis district just teken, 440 chlldren were found betweeu he ajre ol' S tM 20 years - in increase. ol' ui civcr lust year.- Dundee Reporter. Chus. Isbcll raised a üne Held of clover tliis scason, notwithstanding the dry weather. A load of the clover threshed ut live bushelsand tliree pecksof seed. - Saline Observer. Mis Kllie Chamberlain, who has eii;aged to siiifi in the (Jarleton Opera Co., ia been a of tnusic two years at the normal school, was tormerly a resident of üexter. The annual school meeting of Saline voted $1,800 tor current expenses; agreed ; charge $5 per night for the use of the chool hall, and elected Orrin Parsons and G. B. Mason trustees. Marshal Cremersucceeded In collecting ahout $500 of the $1400taxes placed in hls ïands to collect, the books being handed back to the city treasurer with $900 uucollected.- Ypsilantian. Jacob Wild, of Lodi has six acres of very uice corn, and some sample stalks exhibited at this office, show a height of about ten feet with two large ears on each stalk. - Saline Observer. D. A. Bennett recelved ft bicycle Saturday. If you see liim wearinff a piaster ïcross his nose and a doublé limp, it will )e a sign that he is learnlng to ride the fiery eteed. - Saline Observer. The Whitmore Lake mail from this laee thatgoes by the way of Jaekson, has ijourney of about 90 miles, while it is only 2Jj miles across from here. - Hammrfi cor. South Lyon Excelsior. A vote fór Capt. E. P. Allen this fall is i vote for the protection of the pocketmok, farm, aml property ofevery ÍHimer nul worklngmao in tlie 2d coiijfiessional listriet. A vote for his opponent is iliectly the opposite. Mr. Wiiltcr (J Hellows left Monday lUtroing tbr Xrw Vork city in answer to i telegram from a iMding dramatic com)iiny to join Iliem theie. Mr. Bellows expects to take the road with hifi entupan y cboiit tlie inklille of the present month. - Ypsilantian. E W. Drury. of First street, has the u'i'iiiumi 8iuasli vine liereabouts - at least is far as lii;ard from. The vine is grown 'rom one seed, is 7t fcet lonjL aud conains six squa.-hes, oue of which measures 22 inches in leugtb and ten inches in Hameter, Who's next? - Milan Leader. The Southern Washtenaw Mills of Manclnstcr, have been sold by Underhill t Hommel to Olías. Knickerbocker, of luckson, wlio will iinincdiately put in oller works and perfect the machinery in ¦vcry way to keep abrenst of the times. Jver thisjcood piece of news all Mancheaer is happy. Eider Mcllwain delivorod his farewell and partltig ertnon Suud.iy niornin. He las galned a great maiiy warm frléndl in Chelsea and vicinity for his highly talented sernionsaud his geiiial friendship durDg liis tb re yi'ius slay amongst us. We vish ti li 1 1 siuccsH wherever he goos. - 'helsea Kclio. Last Siimlaj' evenin as Mr. and Mrs. Compt'au wcie ooruTng across the new I'. & A. A. bridge they were met by llic arry loaded with ties pushed by a couple it wmkiiH'ii, and it beinj; iiuitc dark neiher saw the other until ton late to prevent in accident. The bridge, as it now is, is not wide enough for foot pusseufrers when he track is occupied; the car struck Mrs. Jompeau, and her lelt loot sllpped beween the ties of the bridge, hurtlng her uite badly ; with all his Htrenth Mr. jOmpean atopped the car Just in time to ncvi'iit running over kliwlft, - Mllan reader. Coinp], lints are made that engines on tlie various railroad do not blow their whistles for the roail crossings as tlie law reqUirM. Mnnday cvening the passender train from the west slid tnto town and not n signal was given, either for tlie road or railway crossings. IIow is this Mr. Railroad Commissioner.- South Lyon l'icket. Mr. C. U Kampt and his daugliter Myrta will leave Chelsea for an eaatern trip Frirtiiy. Mr. K will aceompany his ilaujf hter to Saratoga, where 8he Intends to take ¦ conrse of stiuly at the ladies' seminary. Mr. K. will then proceed to visit Albany, New York, lioston, and all the principal eïties in the east, before returning home.- (Jhelsea Echo. It is reported that a Slö-a-bushel wheat man, who bas bondeil several busliels of the prize cereal in this vicinity, bought bis grain of a well-to-do farmer In tho southwestern part of the towhship for 80 cents per bushei, had It delivered at the depot liere, from whence he delivered it to the men who had purchased of liim. Not much of a speculation there.- Saline Obscrver. Thafs about the sizo of it. Last Frlday afternoon E. Allen of Milan, exbiblted here his apparatus reoently inventen for transfusión of blood, the ex hlbition was witnessed by several members of the medical profession and a uutnber of citiens. For thcexhibition alamb and an old sick sheep were procured, tlie blood of the lamb being transfused Into the sheep. The machine seemed to be perfectly adapted for the purpose and did its work well, but a lack of skill in its management was apparent, and the exhibition was not the perfect succes expected, but we understand that anotber exhibition will bc made here in a few days ander more favorable circuuiítances.- Dundee Kepoiter. What has come over our sédate little buig? The eider mili, which broke the lea R (BW weeks ago, is, contrary to the croakings of some of our chronic grumblers, dolng a riishing baslnesa. We ure going to have a new $12,000 school building, and tlie question of a new depot is being tliorougnly agituted. And last, but not least, tlie Ferguson road cart business haa started a boom that astmiishes the "croakers," and compels thera to admit tliat his "platform combination spring cart" and the "Ferguson speeding cart" are the best carts in the world, and especially la thcir prata unboiinded in favor of the speeding eart. It must be that those earjtbqaake shocks that having been doing so inucli daniage In tlie sotith, and whose jarring was süghtly feit in this vicinity, have shaken loose the "death grip" In which our villagc, has been held so long, and that an era of prosperity is about to begin. Our business interests too are rapidly picking up and we predict that ere long Dexter will be ranked as one ol the model towns of Michigan. We came near forgetting the fruit package business of L. Palmer & Son, which commenced last spring, and is booming to the full capaeity of their establishment.- Dexter Leader. Died, in this city on the "th instant, W alter B. llewitt, aged 8(( years. Mr. I lew itt was one of the very few remaining eurly eiti.ens wholaid the foundations of our city, and for years watched nul alded its devetoproent and prosperity. llis long and fortúnate business career, was markcd with prudence, honesty, and benevolence. In the earlydays, wiien pioneers were Struggling witli poverty anil privations, credit and iudulgeiice was of the lirst Impórtenos, and by good managenient ot his mean and Capital, and stiiel integrity, Mr. llewitt was able to extend indulgent credit in ;i multltiide of cases, tn men who without such aid might have have failed in their struggles, but with t sunnounted all obstaclesaod rose to eonipetence. It is considera! a great deed t o bequeath thousands to public charity, bul it is certainly no less to give the sustaiuing hand to pressing needs, and sue (rood deeds ripening around one, in the liarvest of a prosperous community. Jf Mr. Hewitt in his long business career, through good times, and hard times, ever made an eneiny, we have yettohciiiof it. And there certainly have been times since the settlement of our city, when thustruggle for existence was so severe that one scarcoly knew wbo would survive. At such times, his debtors were never pressed. tlis dealinjf was with a patiënt waiting on zonest endeavor was until theclouds rolled;by. And bis reward was altnost always in the liual payment, and continued good will of debtors. His modes were success:ul. He acquired a coinpetence in the euoyment of whioh he has for several years ested from labor, and bas now departed. [Ie bas answered the cali whichj tiimllv comes toall. Uut his meinory will linger still many years among us, and bis name )c spoken with att'ectionate raapect. luyuieseat in pace.- Ypsilanti Sentinel. The "boodle'1 ticket doesn't appear to créate much enthusiasm. The boy at its ïead has talked too much with his mouth, ind his papa's $2r,000 appears to have icted like a bomerang. The voters this fall are not to be " boodled." The Curreut bas this most exellentreference to the presidentlal vetoes of pension bilis. It is worth reading: Wo have kept si leu t as to the need of Inri;er penslous beuuuse we belleved Hiere was gokl-bug Influeuce already oxerliug In liivnr irmlilltliMinlexpendlturen of public moneyln my form, for tho pur pose of mlncliiK Ilie dUïoncst, Burpltis. we üave no doubt, for Instance. tlial the Eads scheme Is tlie wlldest appllcallon for a subsldy that ever was henrd out of Jnles Verne's hooks. Hut of penbIouh there Is a sublime aiiHwer forever to be nade to base hluds who complaln of lie llberallty of the Government lu paylng 'ur the blood it sptlled; and tbat answèr l.s hls: Durlng the war the Government nsked 'or blood and money, promtsing to reward )oth. one with penslooa aud the other with iiteri-st-paymeats. Of the pensions It has far, $750,000,1X10; orthelnterest-raooey, so litr, wc belleve, It has pald ubout $2,:iu,000,000. Blood may be better than money but HirliiwxhHve never y et so declared. Yet he who says the country Is golng to rula on account of penslon-payments Tu usimlly a imn who luis cutoffeoupons for tweuty years. The democratie papers In their anxicty o make Mr. Luce a Coldwater banker instead of a Ullead farmer, have deuioralcil the postal service to such an exteut hat they throwofl'even Oilead mail bearng his name at this station while toma )thers address hiiu here. The democratie apere are thus doing an injustice bolh to Mr. Luco and big correspoiuVents. Mr. juo lives on hia farro in Gllaadj l miles from Coldwater, where all his mail should ie directed. llis nearest raihvay and telgruph station la Bronson, whieh is niue niles trom bis home. The atteinpt of ttie oppositlon to make Mr. Luce something else than a farmer will renet upan hem .- l.'oldwuter Repuhltcan.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News