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Wonderful Cures. W. D. Hoyt & Co., wholesale and reta il dntggtaU of Rome, Ga, say: We have been Dr. Kinjr's New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Ikicklen's Árnica Salve for two years. llave never handled remedies that sell as well or give luch universa! satisfaction. Tliere have boen somc wonderfnl cures eífected by these meilicines in this city. Serení cuses of pronounceil Cniisuiuption have been entirely cured by the use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Diseovery, taken in eonnectiou wlth Electric Bitters. Wc uu:intec tfaem always. 9oM by Bberbaota & Sou SCROFULA T do lint believe that Ayei's Sarsaparillahu an equal as a remedy for Bcrofuloua IIuniors. It is plrnsant to tiiko, ijivrs strength aud rigor to the body, Hnmnre '""' produces a moi-e nuniui o, permanent, lastlne, result tlinn any niciliiine I over nsoil. - K. H:inos.No. Lindale,U. I bave wed Ayeri Sa re&pa iilla,l n my family, fur Scrofiila, mul know, if it is taken ErvsinPlaS falthfully, It will this terrible dlsease. - W. F. Fowler, M. L.. Oreenvllle, 'IVnn. For foity years I havo sull'ereil vith Krvsiuelas. I have trled all sorts of remedies Canker,and M8SUU{ c o in in i' no e il uslng Ayer 's Sarsaparilla. After tiikinjr ten bottles of thii medicine I nin eompletely cured. - Mary :. Amesbury, Uockpurt, Me. C&t&rrh, I havo tufftred, for yonrs, f rom Catarrh, wliiih was so severo that it destroyed my ippetlte and wêakeneu my system. After tryins? "other remedies. and Ketting no relief, 1 f u. luan to take Aver's Uan De SawaparUla, and, "in % few niontlis, was cured. Clired bV -Susan L. Cook, 909 AHkiiit st.. Boston DU rif Vina H1Wand,MaM. fhn hlnnrl I superior toaiyblood II1O UIUÜU porlfier tlmt I hav „il ever trled. 1 havi Wlln taken it for Scrofula, er, and Saltlilieinn, iind recelved uniek benefit from it. It ix sood, al$o, for a weak slnimch.- Millic Jane Petree, South Bradford, ííxm. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Trepared hy Dr. J.C. Ayer fc Co.,I.owell,Ma. Prico SI ; ttm 1m.ii li .. ¦".. FOR DYSPEPSIA. MENTAL A X 1 1 PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERCY, INDICESTION, ETC, ETC. u wrs3ré ACID PHOSPHATE. A llquld preparation of the phosphatcs aud phosphorlc acid. Recommended by Pliyslcians. It makes a deliclous drink. Invigoratlng and strengthening. ]anih let free. FOB SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, - - Rhode Isiaud. APTIIIIJICURED! 11 A I nMll SIJtlE TltlH ronnU I 1 I II Hl unnMIïf mottïVptirl GERMÁN ASTHMA CURE ï f moBt vinlont atUck . innunis romfortable 81m.ii; effectfl euros where &11 other rometliew f all. No wnJclnff for reHnltn. lts artion in Immtiiiatp, dirert and rcrliiint and u rare In rlTrrledin nlU ( KAHI.K CASEM 'it cured mt. Refr to me t nj Urne." Bon. B. Lelt. St. Paul, Minn. "I ftm cntlrcly reitored to beith bj Genotn Asthni Cara." rkoi. Fitamt, Hamilton. Vhto. "OrmQ Aithm Pure II all tou -ltilm for It. It Bever r&ll ' Prof. g. Ton rtngtrttn, GreenvilU, 3. C. "Mj phj-ilcli.Q reoommundo 1 Germán Aathma Cure. It curert m." Mr. M. L. Tttriek, Londondtrry. OMo tkouudi of tlnllkr Letten oa Ble. AL uj dmnbl ¦boni It. GrrmRn Anthtna ('ure Is flold by all druK(ristw at 5Or.and St I , or nent by mail n reedpt of p rice. Trial tafkafe free to au y alila-Hn for BUnip. K.SClfirFMAN, MIK, Hl.lmil,Mlni.. TTT1T lor vorkinirpeople. Send lOcenta [i I M poUffBi and wc will mail youreê e n h I y royal, valuable sample box of good L that will put you in th m of mahlas bmn noney in a tov days Üuu you ever thnuht ponriibleat any bniiness. Capital not reunired. You can live at home and woik in spare time ouly, or all the time. Allo! both ¦ f all ages, urHiidly fluccrspfnl. .V) cents t fi aully ourncd eveninp. That all who want work raay tect thf businesti, we makit this nnparallt'tfd off: To atl who are not well MtitfledWC wlïl eeod$l to pay for tho tronble of vrrttlng u-. Full articulare, dlrectionp, etc, m-nt free. lnm pay ahsotntuly ure for all wbo start 'it once. O on t delay. Addrss Stiííson A Co.rPortland, Maine. IraHJfpS CLEANSE VXtWiTFIÊtvOVR SCALP HfMH wRmfi rJM E very Other D&y wlth I FMnjBWULf JTIIia and you will bc HhjAll AtJl t! u r p r i h o d ut the ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦H rociarkablo chango. . W V I H Eemovos Seurf and KLL&H Dsndniffond prevente rVW Bdisoasee of tho Scalp. LIHmI It Imparta vi tal Uy PBHBRH to tho root-bulbti, makI 1 3pC% II] 'f ifl lng bealthy aotlou. ¦¦MH HfVSBHHBH Cures Knklnoea, HrT9 HUI LT3H P1'901"03 thohnlr from I MHIHBHHBm] toilet. Gives muiturnl, gloasy luid soft ppoaraaco to tho hair. 50 oents at yourDrugfflata. Perfeotly Harmlesa. Isnotadye. Send 8tmpfor troatiao "Howtohave flne Hair." J. H. WINKELMAOTÍ & CO., Baltimore, Md. Savo $5. by monding nytliiue that Hbroki.'n,with Prooter'B Always Llquid Qluo. Sold everywhoro.


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