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A Wide Straddle

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The editor of the Post who has found out tam of the places where Saulsbury ilipped in while he was here the other day gays: "His opposers afflrm that he nlso suffers frora the prohibition malady. We are iu a position to brand this as an infamous campaign He, for we know from good sources that Suulsbury enjoya drlnklng his beer and his wine." Now the facts of the case are as a prominent citizen of Lenawee county has written us: " There is no doubt but Saulsbury made a bargain wlth the prohibition Ists two years ago and that he was elected prosecuting attorney by their votes. They had no candidato in the field and I know that they voted for Saulsbury. His majority was jast about their number, and they boomed liim all the way through. I tliink he is a much weaker man than Eldredge with his own party, as the democr;its know he was badly mixed with prohibition two years ago." How is thnt for a straddle? In Lenawee, a prohibitioniít; in Washtenaw, a beer-drinker. Last week we liad occasion to visit the fornier home of Mr. Yaple, the candidato for governor, and we found out why lie thinks and laya iliat every principie of the republican party is treason to the jroveniment. His father during the war was a rcd-hot copperhead and wanted to see the unión cause llcked. He was loud in asscrting that we had no right to coerce the confeileracy. Now as tbe republican party did do that, in hls mind It was truilty of treason to the government (of the confeüerates). That talk will not do in loyal Bfiehtgu and we now have a way to rebuke it. It is eonftdently predicted that the popular Gilbert R. Osinuii, the republican candidate for secretary of state, will make a great run on election day. Every one who lias tnet blm likes him and as Gov. Alfier's private secretary he has acquireil a ftood knowledge of the aflairs and the men of the state. His journalistlc work on the Detroit News as "architect of the i-tate newa column" also helped to make him well ncqualaled with the UiouL'litM, the wants, the men and the measures of vaiious lociilitien. Alaine rolls up a 14,000 insjorlty for the Wpubllcan ticket, an "off" year at tlnit, electa a full repnblican üclegatlon, gives tlie republicana over two-th'nls oJ the legislaturu and U a bnoiuer iu every way for the [publican party. Mr. YapljO la a great werker witli Iiík (UOIIt)l. Will the 8d party endorse J. Logan Chipman in the lat district? " Give ui the legislatura or gire us deatli," says Don. It's death, Don. The Adrián Times is right. The republican do not propose to furnisli aiulieuces for their enemies to talk to. Hold your breatli uow, lest this piece of news crushes in your teeth : The deuiocrats carried Arkansas last week! ! ! The ball opens handsomely for the re publican. Wlth a united front, they will press on to sure vlctory in November. Will the greenbackers of this district teil us one single principie which Mr. Suulsbury holds in conimon with them? The Knights of Labor have a representativo upon the república state ticket in the persou of Ilenry II. Aplin, of Bay City. Whiit offices in thi county are the democrats to give the greenbackers for their support? U-u-u-m! Don 't drown each other's voices in answering. The party that drove the laborers of one-lialf of the nation to their work with a lash in the hands of an overseer, can hardly be termed the friend of the labort-r. " The policy of the republican party i treason to the republic,1' says the Yapl boy. Hadn't he better read the " Hebell ion Record '' bofore niaking any mor speeches ? With Edward P. Allen as congressmai from thi.s district every farmer in the dis trict, every laborer in the district, ever good eitizen in the district will have friend in congress. The friend of the laborer to-day is th same party that at Appomattox tore th shackles off from 5,000,000 slaves and lhing to the world the trutu thut all me are born free and equal. The fact that demócrata begin to be lieve what the democratie papers tcach and ure joining the prohlbition ranks worries the boys, notwithstandlng thei great I-don'tcare-acent attitude. There is a balm in Gllead- lts a littl sticktng piaster bearing a Fleur de Luce trade mark - warranted to cure democrat ie sore heads and relieve those troublei with a surplus of prohibition bile. Mormons and anarchists shouUl be fot bidden to land upon our altores. They ar a menace to the liberties of our people ani Bliould be prohlbited from coming here The best place for them that we know of i the Kusïiiiin army. ïhe fusión candidate for governor, tha great laborer ( ?) worked out of his mout his opinión of the G. A. R. boys awhil ago, calling them "a set of U d bum ruers." That was the opinión his pa hai of "Lincoln's hireling s" during the war also. The fusión convention boom has airead softened down to a mellow slush. And a Don Dickinson's aristocratie ear goe down to the ground he hearsthe reoediu fooUteps of deserters like unto the trad! lional rodents fleeing from a strandiu ship. When a man speaks and works for cause from principie he is entitled to re speet and honor, but when he sellshimsel for so much per montu he is siinply hired agitator, workingfor hisown poeke and interest. There Is where our 3d part friends have made their mistake. Old Yermont was to be wrested from tli republicana last week in her electlons, bu .ome how she rolled up a majority o 18,000 for the G. O. P., over wliich th democrats G-A-W-P wlth staring eyes Senator Edmunds will have the legisla ture almcst uimnimously. The flrst gun The demócrata strutting patronizing] arouiid witli their 3d party protege, re iiiiinls one very mucli of an oíd turkey he who has aocidentally hatched out a ban tam chicken in her littcr of youn ones. The fmuily live harmonious, bu the old hen's solicitude is ludicrous in deed. Perhaps the deiuocrats will glve th greenbackerg in tftin county a show for th senatorial nomination ? Or maybe th representative nomination? There's n chance on the county ticket. Mr. Peters for instance, would mnke as good a repre sentative in the legislature as can b found in the county. The coramand has gone along the whol democratie line: " Sell out ttie state ticket county ticket, any and every tliing tosav tl ie legislature and members of congress. That's tlie game, my dear greenbacker9 That's wliy you were petted and fondlei and fed taffy so at Grand Rapids. Yoi are going to be sold out. Ju-t mark tlii paragraph and after election cali it to ïniud. Prominent Democrat: " The greenback era needn't crow so much and tliink the; are so smart. They could have had the state ticket if they had wanted it It's the congressmen and members of the legislatura that we want, you kimw; am weshall have no labor or greenback mem bers this year to sull us out as they ilii two years ago. Just stick a pin there.' Tlu: pin is stuck. All the way from 800 to 8,000 majority the demócrata claim for Saulsbury this year. What modesty! It is truly be witching! After the 2d of November tliey wlll tittel out the difference between claiming and recelving, for the next con Lres8inan from tliis district is not a "good Lord" mini at lióme and a "gooc devil" man in the next county, lie is always the same and hig name is Allen. The results of the Maine elcction are not only disheartenin;; to the democracy, wlio expected to gee the republicana beaten, but also to proraoterg of the thirt! party niovement, who eontidently e.xpected tliat Oen. Neal Dow, the father ol the movement, would have influence suffleient to roll up a vote of 10,000 or 15,000 for that ciuis The paltry 3,000 or 4,000 vote is far from encouraióng. T. B. Barry, of Bay Oity, a inember of the executive board, K. of L., has been down soiitli and ig adtotiished at the inliunian treatment of the laboring classes tbere. The oíd aristocracy has urisen and placed U's heel on the laborer s in the days of slavery. It is horrible, Hays Mr. Barry, and yet Mr. Barry is and has always been a deuiocrnt. His eves are belng slowly 0[ened to the fact that the democratie party is not the party from which the laborer may hope to obtain juatice. It is estimated that the city haspaid out $3,000 this sumnier to fix up the ut reets that were left In sncli a deplorable condition by the water works.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News