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Knights Templar!

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Knowing tlie graat interest taken by Knights Templar of this seclion in the gatherings of the order, the followtag descrlptions of the wonderful attractions of the next nationnl meeting, will prove of surpassing interest to the Knights and their familieg and fiicnds wln will accompany theui : On Siinday, Sept. 19, at 2% o'clock p. m., Ann Arbor commandery leave by special train, via the M. O. and Chicago & Alton E. K's. tbr St. Louis, Mo., to attend the 23d Triennial Conclave of the United States. The program of entertainment of the visiting Sir Knights is intended to eclipse all fortner events in the order, and ia point of brillinncy wil challenge coinparison with any of the greatest festivals ever held in this countn or in Europe. In fact, the detailed pro gram reads liko an oriental tale of rega splendor and royal maguificence. No Buch brilliant spectacle as the Ilumina t on of Si. Louis on this occasion ha ever been seen in this country or Europe For example, over two miles of street will be titted with gas pipe Standard nine feet high and placed eleven fee apart, and each standard will be inountei with eight vurlgated colored globes Twenty four artistically designed arche will span the avenues from curb to curb each arch being composcd of hundreds o colored gluss globes. The iiuest spec tacle ot' the week will be a triple arch o colored lights covering an entire intersec tion of two streets and all the sidewalks It is erected by the Laclede gas coni pany. Many of the arclies will b loaded wiih Templar emblema iu gas jet so close together thal the flamea wil imite and make a contiuuous blaze o light. Tlitie will be over 30,000 wlgatw globes and something like 300,000 jet oonaanring nearly 1,000,000 feet of gü each evining of the weck durlng th hours of illiiminatioti, trom s in 1 o'clock. About 10,0(X) woith Of ga will le consiimed, whlch is supplieil fre by the St. Louis gas compaiiies. Th work of iixiiii, up the urehes and burnei s, as described, occupics 130 skilied ga umi 120 helpers at least thirty d lys. To this prodigoua display, otlie illiniiii'atioiis are projectod on othe stieots. The St. Louis aulhoiities UMI (hutuutuob display has ever been wit nessed in the whole world. The oul tliing Unit appruached it was the ellve jubilee l the kin ot' the Uelgiaus som Unte yuars ago, at whiuh time the capita ot Belgium was extenslvely UJumlnaUd hut whieh fur brilliaucy, beauty mu realistic altect can uot be compared witl the U1 iy at St. Louis. There will lie u competltive drill at th fair groumls by at least six of the lines drilled coiiimanderies in the Uultei States, and two daily boat excursions on the i ver by some of the Immense A[ sissipi steamers, and receptions, balls parties and exiursions without i mm bei Üue evenlng will be devoted to the an DUttl parade of the at. Louis Trade's Dis play association. This parade is to St. Louis what th Mardl Graa festival is to New Orleans and the carnival to Rome and Veuice Mounted pólice, ridin en echelon, pre cede the entire spleudidly equipped mili tary or;anizations of the city of St. Louis tlien comes the frand marshal of tin pageant witli 500 aids, all mounted am uniformed, followed by the gaily deco rated and elabórate floats bearinj; work ing representations of all the trade ani mercantile interests of the great city, in operation, interspersed by platoons o men burning Roman candles. the whole under a coutinuous blaze of lireworks Greek tire and Bengal liglits. The en tire lire department of St. Louis close the scène. The display is simply imle cribable and creates the wildest enthusl asm. The late Vlce President Hendrlck said, in witnessing it last year, tha though he had traveled far and wide, bc had not in any time or place .-een anv thing in the nature of a public display i be comparud with the tralies prx;e8on of St. Louis. Tliis year it is expectet that President Cleveiau.d and bis bride will be the guests of St. Louis, and, will many other distinguished visiiois, the spectators of its great procession. Another marvelously brilliant feature of the Triennial will be the evening pro cession of the St. Louis Flambeau batial ion leading the athletic societie?, the former all uniformed and some of theu mounted. Each man carries a flambeau from whicli he is able to throw a chemical Hatne forty or fifty feet. Tbc Koinan candle compauy discharge Roman candles, canon fire crackers, and burn cdIored lights. The rocket conipany shoot sky rockets from a long and bell-mouthed metal tube, and another company discharge large explosive mortar tire balls from a mortar drawn through the streets, and a company of rifiemew keep up a continuoHs lire of musketry. All are accompanied by gorgeous fire proof wagons, drawn by hand, containing supplies of fireworks. A company of pikeineii keep the crowd back. All the tnembers of the flreworks divisions are uniformed alike in white linea duck, with white helmets, adopted because of the quality of linen to resist flre. The entire d'splay Is too grand for description, the flushing lights, bursting bombs, whizzing rockets, together witli the roll of musketry, beiug the most realistic representaron of a great battle that can be imagined. Both the trades and flambeau processions al night, as well as all excursions, are complimentary and iu honor of the visiting Kniirhta. In addition to the grand Knight Templar parade, in which 40,000 uniformed Sir Knifrliis wlll In line, wiili 200 f the tinest batuls in the country, there wlll be a grand nationul concert given at the fair grounds by all the bands in attendance, the monster band aggregating 2,000 musicians, and forming at unce the greatest military band the woild has ever known. This concert will be conducted by the renowiied A. 8. Oilmore, ot World's PeMW Jubilee tinne, who will bring with him hi 22d regiment band of New York city, nu in berin; sixty-tlve trained musicians. 'l'wo batteries of artillery will be flred by electricity in the üiivil chorus, adillng their mlghty accent to those of the drums, und Iwo oompanles of trained military will play upon the anvils. The above Is merely an outline of the maguiticent program in store lor those who will attend. The St. Louis Trienni.'il committee have planned an eutircly niique and original display, sueh as was never before attempted, and having exïatisted the resources of the entire OOUntiy in arrangiug their program, and even sent a coinuiittee to Kurope in search of novelties for the grand Illumination It is afe to predict the most varied und briliant spectacle the woild bas ever witïessed. The car In which the Ann Arbor commandery will make lts pllgrinmge will be landsomely dccorated outslde and in, the ame belng under the supervisión of Sir Knight Albert Sorg. The quarters in St. Louis will be at 310 Olive 6t., directly opposite the silion building whure Ihe sessions are held. It is uuderstood tlie reni:irkbl low rate of $10.15 for the round trip is imuli' lor Knights and thelr fricnds. The following KnihtH aml others have signilied thelr intentiou of uttcilding the fealivïties, up to date: W. G. Doty, Dr W. 15. Smith and wife, J. E. Beal, Johi R. Miner, Judge W. O. Harrlmao, Mac C. I,eBeau, Chas. S. Fall, W. W. Watt' T. F. HUI, Win. A. Clark, II. T. M r ton, Henry W. Hayes, N. J. Kyer, Al bert Sorg, Lew U C. RUdon and wife Joel W. Humilton, Dr. John Kapp MM wife, Eli W. Moore, H. J. Clark, I. C Handy, Thos Taylor, Dr. Frank Miller, Kev. 'J'hos. W. Maclean and Hcnry Sco ville, Ypsilantl, Frank Spiiford, Man chester, L. A. ülake, N. Garliiiifhouse Thos. S. Sanford, D.G.Taylor, and others Several are on the verfte of going am w li i-t i the time comc9 the accomodations of the car will be more tlian filled, probably. Those jroing to the Kuight Templar Con clave at St. Louis next week ought to have carda to exchange. Cali at the CouniKU offlee and get sonie with the Ann Arboi' Commandery seal embosbe in gold.


Ann Arbor Courier
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