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Mr. Crozier Has The Floor

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The following is froui the last Ilillsdal Leader: The chalrman of the Prohlbltion Congres slonal cuminittee Invites the chalrinan o liotli the republican and democrutlc comi tees to provlde for Joint debates oa the 1 quor iue8tiun between Allen, Sulsbury uu Uroaier. We would llke to know lf thlsO. A. Crozie Is the sume party euKuged by ttie law uu order Iniuur of this city au a detective U fur otsb. evidence against the saloon keeper here and theu decllned to farnlsh the evl dence unless paid 825.00 in advance. and t reason of whlch demand the llquorsulls the Si'iiding were dlscrntlnued for wuntof ev! ence. We would like to feel cerlain ol th Identity of the detective through a atraitrh square admlsslon, and then we nmy hav sciim-i hliiK to offer tliut wlll Interest Mr. (Jro zier. Mr. Cro.ier should cali for au invest gation. This inquiry is eomething tli people are niteresled in as well as him self. And let the investigation go a lit.l tarther than the above point. For in stance, let It be known whetlier Mr. Croller, while in the euiploy of the govern ment as n detective, bired himself out t the Hillsdale law and order league as private detective, also? And still fartlier, whether Mr. Cro zier, w hile acling in the dual papacity o governnient and private detective, also disposed of his mental and lingnisti qualifications to the prohihitionists as "lecturer" at $100 per month? All these things are of public interes In the life of a public man who aspires to coiiifiessional honors. It shows his won dei ful powers of grasplng situ itions, as i were. "Of course, there was no political signiticance or attempt to attach aiiythin of tlie kind to the Grand Army euciuupment at Hillsdale," said a Hudson man to the Times representativo, "but d'd you uotice the dilference in the receplion of Salsbury and Allen, by the people vvlien they appeaied on the speakers' stand, before the tliousands assetnbled there, mainly trom this congressional district. Salsbury received a slight aniount of applause at the conclusiĆ³n of hls remarkg, while Capt. Allen received a perfect ovation wlien lie (inished. The audience represented all shades and oonditions of men and as a speaker remarked, referring also to the vast number of voters, bom since the war, probably not one man in tem present, had been connected witli the army. I don't know how many tuat were there have spoken about the same


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News