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You'll Umi Iiit Kiiilllim nlght and day A 1 1 huuu'h at times ahe Is not gay, And should you wonder why you meet hls constant smlle, regard tier teeth, Sln' only lanffbl t bOM Rem to show. Whlch SOZODONT matee white as snow. l.anirlilir Lends a Cliarm To beauty when it dlscloses a pretty 8et of teeth. Wliltencss-, when nature has supplied this element of lovolini's?, muy te retained tlirmiirh life by using the fragrant 8OZ0DONT. Ata revivul meeting in a country town not long ago a young couvert, who was by business a niilkman, arose to spenk. Just at that moment one of the brethren strted in wlth the hymn: " Sliall we Gather at the Kiver ? "-Puck. Bucklen's Árnica S;il re. The Best Salve in the world for Cute, Brutees, Sons, Ukerí, Salt Rheum.Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ühilblains, Corna, and all Skin Eiuptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaran teed to fiive ]erfect natisfaction, or rnoney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Hnle by Eberbach & Son. Why suffer the tortures of bilionsness when Hooi]' S.i]s;ip,irilla wlll jfive you ram relteff Sold liy all druggists. 100 Doses One Dollar. Itch, Prairie Matige, and tScnttéku of evcry kind curcd in thiity minutes by Woodfwd'a Snnilary Lotion. Use no uther. This never fails. Sold by H. .1. Brown, druggist, Ann Arbor. 1288-1340


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News