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Michigan (Tentral The JJiagara Falls Route. 1 une tibie laklug t)i t May íOih. 8m;. Ontral NiniKlanl Time. CHICAGO to DBTROIT. S3JO j;__a ¦L--. 9fl A.M. A.M. f. . P. M. p.M. p. ii. i., 0 íl-o..I.v. 860 RW -a I i s lj (.. Michigan Clty! 9 18 II 11 817 6321018 (KM N'U'k ií 11 1 :i II 14 i 20 Kslamszoo. ..,11 17 150 7 23 910 1286 (i:i lü It.mi. Oreek. 108 227 S01 130 850 781 """f&: i liíí! b:::: rsirv. Alhlou 3U 382 880 j 2) 4 40 820 QmHUke.... 887 5 47 184 1 hetae : 8 (IIN „ M Deiler 4 13 2Ï10U7 Ann Arhor,... 4 Vi 5 3UIU09.... 4 35 t 40 10 15 Yiilantl 4.50 5 45 10 Vil ... 4 52 6551040 WiyneJunc. 5 Iñ 606 ... _ ... 515 7 17:11 03 Detnil ,...Ar. 8 00 645 1115 s QQ 8'0 114ó DBTROIT TO CHICAGO I -a s L j a , e a E Mí 2 r,mom. frg g áL j Ü J_ _ íw _ L_ 3_ A.M A.M P.M P M. P.M. P.M Detroit.. ..I.v. 700 9 10 130 4 00 8 00 915.... UayneJnnc. 7 40 53 208 4 45 8 40 9 55 Ypsilantl .... 8 01 10 12 2 lii 5 li 9 05 10 21 .... AnnArlor... 8 li; lo 2.'. 22 530 928 1088 Dexter B8t 5S0 955 tl8c 8 4R tilló 10 ii QrataLaka... 10 6 27 10 S8 Jaekron 935ll:iO 332 715 1055 1203 Y.'.'.. Mr'H 1 10 : 1-2 46 432 832 1155 104 Battle Creek.. U 08 1 (w 1411 xñ2;l22 130a.m, Kulamaa,.)... 1154 1, 516 M 45 112 i : 445 N''lc 147 3WL' (35 3 03 6 40 MlchiganCitjrr.110 4 :r 7 32... 1 :j 5 41 8(R ''hlcami...Ar. 5 4S B40 9 80 7 00 8 Oft 1(1 ai ('auada DIvímIoii. Detroit to BtTPTALo.- Standard Time. P, M. r. M. A. M. a. M. üftrolt. ...Lv 7 45 11 r-, 5 00 8 10 18 05 r.M t.'rhomaiiAr IX 10 2 40 lo 00 -151 3 40 A. M. P. M. I ToroMo...Ar 9 05! 6 25! Oltawa pmii 4 38, Montrcal 10 iki SOS QUflH-C A:l P. M. Al. si.Thomas,Lv 11 l"i } r. LOO 9 558 45 Walerlord.... 12 81 IH B 04 11 Ín 5 di Weiland 153 5 17 5 12 ÍS 54.8 2? Fallí View 5 45: i 12DH.'.; M. Falle, Ont. 2 22 5 48 1 1 : fi 5S snp'nWdge. 2 35 5 5fl' 160.7 10 . ¦ ntrrFALO to Detroit- Siaodard Time. oS z& si -¦'.salís'5 STATIONS. gg =BLig.3H-C a. m. r, . Philadel'a..I-v 9 00 p. M 8 JO New York... 10 30 6 00 9 .5 Buston, 8 30 3 00 7 )0 Worcetter... 9 50 4 40 8 Sprint'fleld. .. 11 Si tí 05 lu Viii Alhaiiy 3 (Hlpm 10 05 ÏI5 Utica 5 45 143.Um 5 .5 Kyracuse 7 40 2 00 7 20 RocheMer.... 55 4 00 10 mi 13uflalo....Ar 12 15 5 50 1216p a. m. a. m. I(ulTalo....I.v llSOpm 5 45 (05 9 00 11 tta N.Falls.NY ii.ui .... Suep'u B'd'ife 12 31 8 48 1188 N. FallB.Ont. 12 51 7 0(1 12 68 Palls View 7 08 1(6 Weiland 115 7 28 7 10 10 15 181 9t.ThomMAr 1 lo '¦ 55 11 15 1 10 4 S5 Qnebec....IJv 2 30 10 00 Muntreal 9 111 ROO Ottawa 1140 lï 1 Toronto, 8 10 105 st.ThoraaeLv 4 15 10 00 2 55 1 ÍS Detroit. ...Ar y 05am 1 05pm 7 30 i 5 20.' s .'i + Stopa only to let off pMMin is. í Stop only 011 sídIIh. O. W. KUGGLBS, H. W. HAYKS. G. P. &1 Aseut Am.. Aun Arbr. Chicago. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Nortli Michigan Rallway. TIME SCUEUULE. Totakc effect at 12 o'clock, noon, nn Sunday, Jane 'J7tli,188ü. (Southern División.) Train rnn by SUiudard Time. GO1NO NOETH. OO1NG SOUTH 4 2 t 8 ¦ S N- " Ë. a STATIONS. ág d & '' X&J. P. M. I A.M lA'ave. Arrive a.m.p.m. 5 0 7 M Toledo I 80 " m 7 14 Matihiittun Jnnrt'n 5 18 7 23 Alexia 9 16 I 17 ¦..17 35 lluwthor. . !) 1" 4 40 5 48 7 11; BamaxU 9 no i N 5 4l 8 (Ki Lu 11. 8 i: I -M 6 W 8 15 Monroe Junctlon H 1-4 14 5 .-,1 8 : lmiiilee 8 :n 1 114 01 8 37 Macón I 2()I4 I 8 06 8 4 Azalia 6 ÜOS "( 616 8 59 Milán .lunction I 16 6 21 9 Oí Milán - M II '.1 22 Unan ! B 0 lili IH Pittífleld Juuctlcm T W8 M 7 MI 9 50 Anu Arlior 7 'J7 1 10 ?7 -.ti 10 40 L lan : 7 12 2 50 7 80 10 30 U orrten 7 (i 2 40 t7 45 10 45 Boulli Ll olí ' 2 45 Connections: At Toledo, with rullroai's dlveri:iiiL1: at Manhattan Junction, with Wheeliiig A Lake Erle K. K.: at Alexis Junctloii, wiih .V. ('. K. H., L. S. & M. S. Ry. and P. & P. M H. R.; at Monroe Junction. with L. S. & M. S. Ky.; at Dundee, with L. S. t M. s. Hy.. M. v d. Ky.: at Milán Junction. with Wahaeh, St. Ltmís Jt Paclflc Ky ; it PlttBfleM, with L.S. M. S. Ky.: at Aun Arbor uith Michigan Central B. fi., una ut South Lyon with Detroit, IjanpinR & Northern K. B., and Mich. A. L. Div. of Orand l'runk Ky. Trains ti and 3 runs between Detroit and Toledo, daily excent Sunday. via Milán JanCtlOD ; Ho. 6 irrtrea at Detroit llí:00 noon. o. 31eavep Detri It ar 2:36 p. ni. Flag siations. t Dailj, except Snndayí". I Tralue do not stop, H. W. ASHLBY, General Supt. W. H. BKNNKTT. Gen'l. Pa. Airint THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK, MICniGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $80,000. Organizad ander QeMMl Banking Lfiw nf thls State, tbe sfockli' 'latir nr indivMuiilly lirtlile Tor an udcJitiimal tmoimí cqnal to fin1 itok held iy thtíin. tht'r.'hy oreAtiDg a iJUiirantoe Kund (ur iht benetli of De post t rs of $100,000.00. Three per rent interiít i allowert 011 all S .vine? Deposite of one dollar and upwan, nrconling to the rule of the Dank and Istorwi pomp uuded semi-annually Koney to Loan on unincnmleifl nal Mtstfl and other ood eeourity. DIUECTOHS: ClIKISTIAN MACK, WM. D. HARH1MAN. W. W S IN1N DAN1KL UWCOt'K, WILLIAM DliUÜKL, WIlXAku B. 8M1TB. DAVID HINsrOY. OFFKER8: C. MACK, Pree. W, W. WINKS, , 'ce-I'res. j. L.. niSCOCK.rnshler. INSURANCÉ REAL SSTAT8 and LOAN ACKNCY OK A.W. HAMILTON (iiiliT, No. a, Kírst pioor, Bamlltoo lsiwk. rartiesdesirlng to liuy or sell lloal Kstiittwlll tlud it to lliclr ;ul%aiUai' to oall 011 mi1. I l" ilisi d.iss Firr Insuraiuv ('0111paniea, íiaving an iKí?":lt'' opltl over :,- OOO.IKX. EUktwLow. Losses liberal ly mljusted nuil lironiptly puiii. I alad Usno Llfeilllcl iivcstliu'llt rólleles in the New York Mutual LIA Insimuieo Oompany, AaMtta, K6.000. Penon delrlng AoCldent Inauniiiee, can bTa yiaily pollolu wrlttcn llieiu orTraveler'g Coupon InsnrBMa rirkots tomad at Uw In tho A00I,lent iiiHiinince Compan; oí Nortli America. Monej u Loan a t Curren I Ratea. OBoaboon (rom S a. ni. lo ti ni. and 2 lo S p, ni. AI.K. W. HAMILTON, II miiltoii ltlook. berrTbox!s s,.iiil Tor lllualrilrtl C.laloBU.'. nDAKL l.(,,lli) ,v((,.,ll.ulMiill.irlir,,lili. DHOlVu 10 ri cD A BUV'-"''"n'"nd"rn i CLLlinArn Y toodüj. siiuations I rurnlutard. WliM TllUltim Bro., Junuivllle, Wl.


Ann Arbor Courier
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