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The thirty-fourth Illinois State Fair beK'in on tbe Otli in Chicago. Momtis Sankeks Ulied lii wife and then oonunitted niicida al Reading, Pa., on the ith. Kor Homo inontus thty had boen sep arated, and she rocuutly miplied foradiTorce. Tuk ProsMont on the fith replied to Queen Victoria's message of sympatliy for the earthquake sutïerer, telling her Majesty that the telegram was warml v ap preciated and awoke grateiul response in American hearts. Hrnky J. CHBIITOra, a Chicago banki-r, committeil suicide on the 6th while temporarily iusaue. A nkoro named Watts, at Gadsden, Ala., killed bis tbrw children on the 7th. He said he comnutted the crime to keep the white folks from Ketting tbe childreu. ÏUE Social Scionce Association at its m sion on the 7th at Saratoga, N. Y., elected Carroll D. Wright, of Boston, president Tuk general unmml conference of the Gernian M. E. Cburch for the States of ühio, Michigan, Illinois, Kentacky, Iiuliana and West Virginia began its aeMtoal at Indianapolis, In il., on tbe i'th. Thk first race in the international yaebting contest for the America's cup was sailed on the Tth at New York, the Boston sloop Mayflower defeatlng the Britisb cutter Galatea. The distance was tuirty-eight miles. A sxeak-thief robbed the safe of J. F. Harnson's store at Newark, N. J., on the Tth, carrying off securities valued at ÏX,000. Axotiier small earthquake shock was feit on the morniug of the Tth at Charleston, 8. C, and two sbocks were feit at Augusta, Go. John T. Oi.iver, aged sixty-three years, a carpenter, shot and killed bis wife on the Tth In the streets of BufTalo, N. Y., because she refused to live with him. Thk wheat erop of Kansas this year was on the Tth estimated at IK. 500. 000 bushels, and the corn erop at 190,000,000 bushels. While tearing down a buildiug in Indianapolis on the 7th four men were fatally injured by the fall of a tier of joists, and sevonteon others were badly hurt. At Daley ville, Karnes County, Tex., a battle took place on the Tth between offlcers and two white men, baoked by two Mexicans. The sheriff, hls brother and another man were killed. At Montour, Pa., Mrs. L. I.. Matthews and her ehild lost thelr lives on the 8th through anattempt to start a tlreiu a stove with carbon oil. General Sheridax gare orders on the 8th for the immediate removal from Arizim to Florida of the Apache and Warm Spring tribes of Indiaus, with the exception of Gerónimo and bis band of hostiles, who would probably be tried at Fort Bowie by court-martial. It was believed at the War Dpartment in Washington on the Sth that the capture of Gerónimo had practically put an end to Indian hostilities in this ooantry. The third minimi Industrial Exposition at 8t Louis opened on tbe 8th. The relief committee at Charleston had on the 8th received $100,00) In contributions. Mayor Courteuay, in a proelamation alluded with deep feeliug to the practical sympatliy shown throughout the Union. John Exiïtoiit and wife, of Chicago, who had only been married one day. were suffoeated in their sleep with coal gas on the night of the 'ah. but their fate was not known until tho sth. Allen Coopeu (colored) was lynched on the Sth near Fayette, Mo., for assaulting a white girl named Ella Thompson. Tim Malonky, of Youngstowu, O., took the pledge a year ago. He said if he ever broke it he would kill himself. Ue did I lol h on the 8th. Miss Martus, of Savannah, Ga., tbe daughter of a retired ofticer of the army, lost her power of speech from an attack of meningitis soon after the war closed. Her frlght during the recent earthquake served to fully restore her voice. The Piute Indians of Nevada, having lately obtained liquor, were on tbe8th eonducting themselTes in such a manner as to c&usü groat alarm among the whites. Wiluam Stens & Co., lace importers at New York, failed on the 9th for $100,000. At Jacksonville, 111., Teddy Spain and Everett Ellis, aged eleven and thirteen, were smothered to death in a wheat bin on the 'M h Captain W. E. Pu mmhr, of tho steamer Mary D. Hume, which arrived at Ban Francisco on the 9th, reported that while lixteen miles northwest of Foint Reys the previous day ninu distinct shocks of earthquake were feit. The American Horticultural Society, at its meeting ia Cleveland, O., on the 9th, elected Parker Earle, of Cobden, 111., president for the ensuing year. James M. Swohmstkut, the noted "holy prophet" of Walnnt Hills, U., in speaking of the recent earthquakes in tbe South said : "I have f oretold this phenomenon, and it is a sign of the end of the Cbristian age. The United States will he destroyed witbin two years, and all the wicked people will die and tbe others will go to Palestino. " The mayor of Charleston, 8. C, estimated on the 9th that, in order to secure shelter for homeless people before cold weatber sets in, $500,000 to $700,000 will be needed. Thk National Board of Health at Washington "(hut up shop" on the 9th, the last ses8ion of Congress having refused to make %a appropriatiou to carry on its labors. F. Wooi. of England, at the professional bicycle tournament on the 9th at Hartford, Conn-, beat tbe best time ever made in a one-mile handicap. He covered the distance in 2:33. It was reported on the lOth that Oero nimo and bis chiefs would be tried by a military commission at San Antonio, Tex. It was estimated on the lOth that the corn yield of Indiana would be 130,000,000 busbels, or 10,0J],0OÜ more ttaan last year, and the wheat erop of Michigan was placed at 2,500,000 bushels. Evervthinu was quiet on the lOth in Charleston, S. CL, and the people were returning to their homes and planning to rebuild the city. The total subscriptions to tbe relief fund up to date were $161,000. Forest fires were doing great daruage on the luth near Calías, Me. The Comptroller of th Currency at Washington on the lot li tlned flve national banks one hundred dollars each for delinquency in responding to bis calis for monthly reporta. Hoffman & Co., fancy dry-goods importeis, oí San Francisco, made an niwjt on the lOth, with liabilities at 500,(XXX Tuk business failures in the United States and Canada for the seven dayt ended on the lOth numbered 17S, against 190 the previous seven days. AocOBDIKQ to the September report of the Department of Agricultura, the wheat yield U orer SO.000,000 bushels gn-nt.iitli. -in last year. ïim reeeipts of the Illinois State fair which closed on the int li were about $:, OÜÜ, and the expenses WÜ.Ü00. C. Hooi-HK Phii.mpx, mayor of Nashvllle, Tenn., was accidontally killed by bit friend, Jumes Rains, near Aberdeeu, D. T., on the huli. while hunting. The total cottou erop of the United St ut o was on the lOth estimated at 6,575,691 balen. Thb clothing cutters ín thirty New York shops went out on a strike on the lüth, claiming that they were discriminated against bocause they were union men. Miss Minkik Clakk, of Taunton, Mass., died on the lUth, the symptouis imlicutiiig Asintic cholera. Precautiouary mensure had been taken. The American Express Company has absorbed the United States and Canada Express Company. Thk 103d anniversary of the incorporv tion of the city of Reading, Pa., was oelebrated ou the lot ti under the anspices of the Kloppertbat Club, a social organization which has been in exlstence 103 yearg. Irvin Mikkay, a wife murderer, was hanged at Georgetown, Tex., on the lOth. Mrs. RaI TtitNKK and child and four youn(t men were drowned on the lOth near Fountaiu Run, Ky., while endearoring to cross Green river, and tlieir horse and wagon was swept away. 1t was decided on the lOth by the New York Immigration Commissioners to seud back to Kurope flve Morinon immigrante who receutly arrived at Castle Garden. Thr post-offlre at Urbana, Ind., was entered on the night of the lOth by burglars and a large sum in stamps, money and yaluables was stolen. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tuk New York State Anti-saloon Republican conventiou for the appointment of delegates to the National convention to be held in Chicago met at Binghamton on the ïth. The platform adopted disapproves of a third party, demanda that the Republican party take a firin and decided stand In favor of teinperance and against the saloon, and fa vors the submission of a constitutional amendment relative to liquorselllng to the peopla of the eutire State and local option to the several counties. The California Legislatura reconvened at Sacramento on the 7th. It was oflicially announced on the 7th that Judge Thomas C. Manning, of Louisiana, bad been appointed to succeed United States Minister Jackson to Mexico. Wilman Baxter, ex-Unitod States Senator and Congressman, aeted sixty-five years, and autbor ot the famous Baxter tempsrance law, died on the 7th at Richmond, Ind. Thb following Congrtsslonal nominations were made on the 7tb: Republicaos -Indiana, Elerenth district, Georg W. Steele (renoniinated) ; lili nois, Ele ven th district, William H. Gtwt; Ohio, Twentieth district, William McKinley (renominated) ; Virginia, Fourth district, John 8. Hutchinson. Demócrata- Wisconsin, Fifth district, Thomas R. Hudd, (renominaled) ; Illinois, Eighteenth district, William R. Morrison (renominated) ; Iowa, Tenth district, Oeorge Wilmot; Ohio, Seventh district, James E. Campbell; Missouri, Ninth district, John M. Qlover (renominated) ; Eleventh, Richard P. Bland (renominated); Virginia, First district, John Brannon. It was reported from New York on the 8th that for a consideraron of 15.000, paid by Mr. Morisini, his daughter Victoria had been given up by her husband, Ernest Schilling, and that the latter had received the money and left the city. The Republ'can State convention of Wisconsin, held at Madlson on the Sth, renominated J. M. Rusk for Governor by acclamatiou, G. W. Ryland for LieutenantGovernor, E. G. Tiuime for Secretary of State, and Uenry Harsbaw for Treasurer. The platform opposea the importation of pauper labor from the Old World and the sy stern of contract prison labor at home, favor? arbitration in labor troublos, and favors the adoption of the most erfeetive means for suppressiug the evils of intemperance. Thb Prohibition State convention at Dallas, Tex., on the Sth put in nomination a f uil State ticket, headed by T. L. Dohony for Governor. One of the planks of the platform denounces the Democratie party for nominating a saloon speaker for Governor of a Christian people. Tuk following Congressional nominations were made on the Sth: Republicana - Illinois, Eighteenth district, John Baker; Michigan, Third district, Jamos O'Donnelí (renominated), Fourth, J. C. Burrows (renominated) ; Ohio, Ninth district, W. C. Cooper (renominated). Democrats - Indiana, Thirteenth district, B. F. Shiveley; Wisconsin, Ninth district, John Ringle; Illinois, Fifteenth district. W. D. Lindsey ; Iowa, Third district, Judge Cook, Fourth, W. C. Earle; New Jersey, Fourth district, J. N. Pidcock (renominated). Prohibitionist - Michigan, Fourth district, Rsv. J. S. Boyden. The Massachusetts Prohibitionlsts mat on the Sth at Worcester and nominated a full State ticket, with T. J. Lathrop for Governor. The resolutions deniand the probibition of the manufacture and sale of all intoxicating beverages, and condemn the Republican and Democratie parties for their past course regarding the liquor question. The Connecticut Republicans met at Hartford on the '.(th and nominated Phineas C. Lounsberry for Governor. The platform favors a protectjve tariff; opposes convict labor; denounces the Administration forvetoes of pension bilis; favors the maintenanc of gold and silver and the application of the treasury surplus to the reduction of tbs natioual delit The Attorney-General of Ohio decidad on the '.'t h that women were ineligible as notaries public. At Madisonville, Tenn., on the 9th the brothers Taylor opened their joint debate, prior to a coueext at the polls for the Uurernorship. Thr following Congressional nnminations were made on the 9th : Republicans - Michigan, Eicrhth district, Roswell G. Horr; Ohio, Thirteenth district, William Khepherd; Indiana, Fourth district, James Y. Allison; Washington Territory, C M. Bradsbaw. Democrats - Michigan, First district, J. L. Chapman; Sixth, L. H. Ripley ; Ohio. Fourteenth district, Thomas G. Bristor; Tennessee, First district, James G. Rose; Third, John R. Neal (renominated) ; NintU, P. T. Glass (renominated). ProhibitionUt-. Michigan, Tentb district, Parid A. Rosa. Thr reunión of veterans of the Array of West Virgiuia wan beid at Portsinouth, . on the '.'tli. General Sheridan aml exPresident Hayes rode in the parade. Comti.ktr returns on the lOth from the recent Vermont election give Ormsbee, Republican, for Governor, tf7,tüU votes; Shurtleff, Democrat, 17,091 ; Seely, Prohibition, 1,832; Greonbaek and scatterinR, B& J. M. Adams was on the lOth renominatei by the Democrats of Nevada for Governor. T. J. Bell received the nomination for Lieutenant-Governor. The folio wing Congressional nominations were made on the lOth: llepublieans- Michigan, Sixth district, Mark 8. Brewer; Idaho, Fred T. Dubois. Demo crats- Arkansas, First dUtrict, Poindexter Dunn (renominated) ; Missouri, Twelfth district, W. J. Htone (reuomiuated). Prohibitionist- Michigan, Kif Ui district, E. L. Briggs. Secrktaut Lámar on the lOth appointed John Tylfi-, son of the late President Tyler, as chief of the private land claims división of the General Land Office. FOREIGN. Anvici of the 7th say that damngo to the amouut of $1,OUO,000 bad buen done in Pari and its environs by a hail-storin. Further advices of the 7th state that the recent cyclone in West India was nearly tbirty miles wide. and the whole of the southern portion of the island was laid waste. Five churches, a uilsnioiihouse and three hundred dwelling-bousea were blown down and niany more badly damaged. A mimber of persons were killed and thirty or more injured. By the explosión of a steiim boiler on the 7th at Luneeville, France, five men were killed and seven injured. Kak THyr u k shocks were feit on the 7th in Greece. Rbvolutiovists in Coahuila, Mei., onder the leadership of tbe famous Coyote, neized El Pana on the 7th and begau war against the Diaz Government. A REAT flre on the 8th at Thorn, Prussla, destroyed raany housen, reudering two hundred families homuless. One wonian was burned to death and many other persons injured. Tukkby formally declared on tho 8th that she would nevor consent to Russian occupation of Bulgaria or Eastern Roumelia. Advicks of the 8th report the drowning of twelve fishermen off the Newfoundland coast by tbe capsizing of boats during a storm. It was reported on the 8th that J. B. Wood and L. 11. Gaskell, Americans, had been illegally iniprisoned by Mexicana. It was announced on the 9tb that the revolution against the Mexlcan Government was assuming alarmiug proportions. Adticbs of the 9th from Seoul. Corea, state tbat deaths from Asiatic cholera from July 15 to July 35 numbered :), UW, aud since tben from three hundred to flve hundred persons have died daily. Prof. Wiooihs, of Ottawa, Ont, said on the 9th that in March, 1SS5, he predicted the recent earthquakes ia the South and said others were coming. Twenty British soldier who partieipated in the recent evictions near Birr, Ireland, declared on the 9tb tbat tbey would perform no more duty of that sort. They ware placed in arrest for mutiny. Thk cholera returns from Italy on tho lOth were: Putlguano, 38 new cases, 11 deaths; Ferrara, lti new cases, 7 deaths; in all the otber infectad districts, 49 new cases, 20 deaths. A telegram received in Paris on the lOth from the Bishop of Touquin stated that seven huudred Christians had been masgacred and forty villages burned in tbs province of Monboa and tbat nine thousand Christians were perishing of hunger. Seven persons were killd and ten injured by a colliery explosión near Britol, Kng., on the lUth. LATER NEWS. National Lkaoub base-ball clubs at the close of tha week euded on the lltb stood as folio ws: Chicago, games won, 79; lost, 25. Detroit, won, 72; lost, 29. New York, won, 63; lost, 87. Philadelphia, won, 59; lost, 87. Boston, won, 44; lost, 5a St. Louis, won, 37; lost, 64. Kansas City, won, 27; lost, 69. Washington, won, 16; lost 79. A STonM which pnssed over Coney Island and other places near New York on tb 12th wrecked many buildings. In the coal-mining regions near Akron, O., several 8hocks of earthquaJie on tha 12tb ihook houses and greatly frigbteued the people. At twenty-six lding clearing-houae'i in the United Stats theexchangs during the week nded on the lltb aggregated %7S7,117,220, against $767,179,414 the prevloua wek. As co tu pared with the correponding week of UUfö, tb increase ainouuts to 9.3 per cent In the second trial en the llth ia the international yacht-race oLf New York, the American y acht Mayilower lef t the British yacht Galatea two miles astern, and excelled her in all pointa of sailing. The choUra returns from Italr on the llth were: Futignano, 19 cases. lOdeatbs; Ravenna, 21 cases, 9 deaths; Venica, 4 cases, 3 deaths; other districts, 40 oases, 16 deaths. Since the epidemie commenced ther have baen 45,000 casas and 14,000 deaths. Tumi were nveral shocks of earthquaka at Charleston, S. C., on the night of tb llth, but tb peopl were becoming somewhat callous and there wen no pnics. Advicks of tho lith from Germany say that hail-stornis had dextroyad many vin yards on tbe Rhine, aud dona grt damage. Tha towns of Harzfald, Westhausen, Uttanheim, Bolsenheim, Schaeffershaiui and Lipsheim war davastated. A ctclon on tbe 12th near Hartford, ('(¦nu , cut a path through the woods an eighth of a mile wide. Jüst before midnight on tha lOth an attempt was mada to destroy the signal towar on tbe Lak Shore tracks near Fortieth streot, Chicago. A bomb was flred and thrown into tha building, and its explosiou did considerabla damage. AT a banquetgiven in Boston on tbe llth to Frederick Douglass he skatched the progresa of nis rac sinca tba days of tbe abolition axcitament. 8now fall on tba 12th at Ighpeming, Thb following Congrassional noniination were made on the llth: Republicaus - Kentucky, Tanth district, W. L. Humt; Missouri, Tenth district, F. W. LedergerDer; Pennsylvania, Slxth district, Smedley Darlington. Democrats - Illinois Heoond district, Frank Lawler (renominated) ; Pennsylvania, Twanty-seventh district, William L. Scott (ranominatad).


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