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r Troyal fSwdï? h B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thispowdernever varlps. A marvel of purlty, streiitcth and wbolesomeness. Mnreeouuomloal tium the ordlnary klmls.anrt cannot be sicl !n compctillon wlth the mullitudc of low test, Kiiori. walght, fllum or phosphate powders. Sold only lu oans. Koyal Itaklu" I' wdf r 'o.. 1 Wall st. N Y "CKIIi tores i HUMILIATiNG Eruptionfl, Itching and Burninu' Saín Tonnree, Limthsorac Sores, and evory ppooiee of Ilchínr, Scaly, lMmply, íohor if'tl, Bcroftiloap, and ConfajjIoiiB Dlseasc of the B)ood,8ktn, Hntl Scalp, wtth Loes of Hair lnnn iufaiicy to Id iiítp, alLpofOtivfty cu red by Ou:icuba thi irreat Skln Cora, and Cuticura Soap, an exSkfn beaat Her, eTternallj and C'uticura, ¦kN-r, the New lïloud f'urilicr. lnternally COTSUi WITH SOBES. r hftve been aillicti'd tlnce lul lltreb with ski;: diease the doctors caUed Eczema. My tnce trered ith ftCAbp'and sores, and the itching and borolDg were a!mi)l anbearftble. üeeiní; yonr ('ciutua Kkmkimks so hihly roconid, I coiicludcd 10 L'ive tben a trial, nalog the Cuticara and the Cuiicura Soap exterually, and ResoWent iuternally, for four montlis. 1 cali myt-elf cnrod, in grautude íor which X make thig public statcuient. HBS. CLAHA A. FREDKKICK. Broad Brook, Conn. SCALP, FACE, EARS, AD ECK. I wat atllictud wiih Eczema on the Scalp, Face, B ;uii N'-ck, whlch the Dnifiíist, where I got your remedies, pronounced une of the worst capee tliat had come under hi notico. He advised me to trv yonr Citicira Kkmkdies, and atter fivj lay,-' use my calp aud iart of my face wcre ene t'rcly curen, and 'I hope in anotlur week tu have ín y neck, eare.and the other part oí' my face cured. HEUMAÑ SLADE, 120 E. 4th St., New York. ITCHING DISEASES CUEED. Onticsr Ktanilu at the head of ita claes, espethe caes wlthtbe CoUcanwftp. HTe bad bu iinueually eood eale thli pmnmer owinir to ilie prevalence of ao at;gravat-d furm of Iteh throngh some localittea in the country, in which Ule Cuticaru remedies prored satiflactory. W. L. HAKD1Ö0, DittOGisT. Inlon Town, Ky. CUBE 1 EVERY CASE. Toar Caucara, Remedie! outru'll all other medii tceep for pkin dlMMet. Myeu8tomer aud ..¦ v i ave i ffected acnre in every iut.uu i-, ni-ri1 otber remedie! 1'niled. II. W. liKOCKWAY, M. D. Franklin Fall, N. II. CüTICÜKA REMEDIES, Are Siild by all Dnigirixts. Prlce: OurirniA, SOCi.; Kksölvknt, $ 1.00 ; Soai", 25cts. 1'ottkk iKfu ani Chbniojll Co., liostou. Seud for "How DiMMes." T3PATTrIFY ülC Complexión and Hïln by DLiLXJ uing tha Cuticuba Suap. CONSTITUTIONAL CATARRH. No Pinole discíipc ha? cnlailed mure pulTTÍng or butened t lie i)ru.iiLinL' np of tur cunstltutlon ttiuu Caiarrh. 'l'iw. seiire of Hnn'II, oí tatte, of siht, of beanng, tbe human volee the mind- oneor more, and eometlmes all, yield to ite deetniciivu influunec. The iM)ison it dUtrlbutes throuhoul the System Hiid brt'iiks up the tnoyt robust of constitutíoDfi, [gnored,bcauee bnt littlc underetood, by moet pliyiciaiiH, iiupotently assailed by qnacks and charlatan?, uv -aiYerlnír from ït havu little liope to be relieved ol it thl side of the ijrave. It is time, then, that the popular treatment of thie terrible díscase by remedies within the reach of all paeced into hands at once competent and trustworthy. The new and hitherto untrit'd methd apoptcd y Dr. Sandlord in the preparation of hls liadical Cure has won the hearty approval of thouííiiid. Il iy in-t aotaoeoas in a(Torlinii reliei iu all head cold, yneezing, eimiillnii tind nliatrurtcd breatblng, and r.ipnlly removes the oppreaiive Bymptoms, clearing the head, gweetfning the breHth, restoring the encw of amell, taste and , and neatrallziog the ecmstltvtiooal tndcncy of Llie disease towardd the lun'8, liver aud ki infVH. s. mh"uiíi)'s Raihtal CrRE conöists of one bottUot thu Kaihi'U, (TKK.HDd one box of OATHARRAL S(ii,vknt, and onc Imi'R"ki) Imiai.kk; price, fl.UO. PoTTKit Unua and Ciihkmicai, Co., Boston. é 4fcn Kiidnoy Pains. JKt And thnt weary, llfelee all-gonc, senW #M Hiitinn ever present with thoee of in 1 11 imed 'kulneys, weak back and lolns, I t iichiii' hlis and pidep, overworked or worn out by fliaeaxc, debillty or dtssipatlon ar relieve! in onc minute and speedilycnred bv tli.' iMlouru Antl-Palu IMawtcr, a new, original, nes:ant and infallible antidote to pain aud ii'llamution. Atdrupglsts 2.ïc.; flve for f 1.00; postase free, or I Potter UriK anl ('lieinirnl o.. Boston. scörrs" EMULSIÓN OF PURE GOD LIYER OU And Hy pophosphites of Urne & Soda Almostasalatiabloas Milki The only pre-mntion of COI) T.ITER Olt. that can be teken readily aud tokrated for a long time by dilicatt' btomarhs. am) as a ii:vET)T voz foxsntPTioy, SiKDH !.(l S A! I I! ThNS, ". ill.'IIA, Ui.KK'.I. Dhiïl'i.l'i ï, ''I (¦! :S A.M 'IHI'.OAT AF. ¦I IV.'.MIN DISOKPEinl ft i. i n-.alH. . Cêü Füyiiclaa FOR CALE BY ALL DRÜGGISTS. A. DgFOREST. Fire rnsurance Plate Grlaws Insui'nmie, Sleam 33oiler INSURANCE ! Loweíi Untes, Honorable Aiju-.tíiiciifs Hi:d Losscs Prompt ly l'ald. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS i [DS QIVJ % TO ''ol.l.KrTI'i.N ¦ F RKNTü Mi MaNAí.KMKNT ui HkaI. Ks'ATK INTFHBBTH rolt KkMI Hl N I s. KsIKI; SAIHI'AITION Til HlfBIKS (JLA.BA.NEICU. A. DeFOREST.


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