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Corn cuttcrs are now in demanü. Fall irheat la (uite generally up and looks well. II. A. Page of Lima. tliinks of removing to Chelsea soon. The Saline ö. A4R, expcct to be in their Ui hall this week. The PittsQeld onion erop is a booster tlus ycar t is said. Eugene Allen has moved back from Ann Arbor to Saline. The woodchuck scalp business s baring a boom among the boys. Seeding is aboutcompleted by the l'ariners throughout the county. Samuel Osborn, of Sharon, is attending the high scliool at Ann Arbor. The Roberts' district Sunday hooi, Pittstield, has an attendance of 94. Rev. J. C. Wortley, formerly stationed In this county goes to Holly next Hon. Cyrus G. Lnoe will epeak at Salem Station, Tuesday afteruoon, fjept. 2ith. Tho Webster town clork wants all rood chuck scalps presented on the 26th inst. Juke Stoll, a Dexter tonsorial artist, has gone to Detroit in business f or himself. The Dexter juvenile band under the instrnction of T. J. Bogg is coming to the front. The Chetaa (alt proposes to liave some of the best bicycle riders In tlie state to contest at its f.iir. L. W. JSriggi an.l lumily of Dextor. have been visiting f rienda In the western part of the state. Reuben Fritz of I,iina, bat returned from a two year's sojonrn in the nortliern poition of the state. Kdwai-d Coy. for 20 years a harness iiKikcrtor Albcrt (Juest in ünxter, has pone to Plyiiiotitli in business for hiiiiself. The new M. E chuivh at Xorthville is to bededicated Sent -.':; 1, Bishop Hurstofliclatlng. 'J'ho edlfice is a nioe 011e, costlng The Manchester Enterprise has commenced its 20th volume, and is one of the good papers, 3'cp, one of the best in this eouuty. i ii-. i. i. itauvjuu mnneriy ivi. &. pastor ot' tlie Lima and Sylvau station?, is now statloned at Munlth and Fitehburg, -1 in Jactara Co. s Rev. S. Calklng has charge of the coli umus of the South Lyon PicEetdnringthe t absence of Hio. CUilson upon bis wedding r tour up the lakes. The Carmen are taking extra good care of Iheir live stock, so tliat tliey will be in c good condition for exhibition at our cotn¦ ing fair.- t'helsea Echo. The Dexter common council has offered r the M. C. Ji, K. Co. $100 to use the grounds on the southwest of the proposed new station house for street purposes, j _ Won't Manchester boom with her new _ iron bridge, new council chamber, new apple eraporator, new roller porcess mili, and Yerdon's new biiss? - Enterprise. ' Saline wül have seven reyresentatives ) at the university the coming year- four . In the literary, two in the dental, and oue one in the medical department.- Observer. I There is a prctty solid lot of men resid; ing on the east side of the river. There are ' more than 20 gentlemen who will weioïi from 180 to 2S0 pounds each - Manches! ter Enterprise. ', Geo. Lindsey has exhibited atthkoffice, some 12-foot stalks of corn raised on his place near town. It seems to bare been a good corn season after all the anxiety.- Saline Observer. The school meeting at Saline decided that politica] meetings in the guise ot temperance addresses, should be taxed tbe same for the use of the school hall as any other political party, and on Sundays tooi The Manchester Germán Workingmen 's celebratlon lastThursday had delegiitions present from Ann Arbor, Tpsilanti, .Saline, each with bands of music. Hut the rain drore them all iu doors and nlpped much of their pleasure. The number of pupils enrolled at the Dexter Union School for the coming year are as follows: Intermedíate department, 25; high school, 41 ; 2d primary, 42; lst prlmary, 4i); grammar, 37; ward school, 30. Total 225.- Leader. It is a fact that it is said by all our dealers that the middle class p"ay their bilis promptly, and those in moderate circumstances, with little pretensions, pay when they can, while the wealthy, who put on when they must.- Chelsca Echo, Repairs on therailroad arestill in progre8?. At present Keiran Guiuan, our former townsiuan, of Dearborn, h locstod here with a gung of men, who are spiking, gaugiug, and othcrwise putting the finishing toaches on the work starled ly the steel gang.- Dexter Leader. The people of this village are pleased to learn that Bot. Mr. lienton has been returned to the nastorate of the Methodist church here. Mr. Benton has giveu general satisfaction during his two year's sojourn, and is highly respected' for his principies as a good citizen and able minister. - Saline Observer. Mr. J. Evarts Smith of Ypsilanti town starts next week with a carload of thoroughberd merino shcep for Preddlo .. Texas, away downon the Mexicau border. He crates his car in three decks.carrving over a hundred animáis, about half of which are already sold. The trip down will oceupy about two weeks. Mr. Smith i bas made several trips of tbis kind to I that country In former year, aod f oond i his ihlpmentl prolitable.- Ypsilantian. me nam gives away snme of ts Chelsca beaux in tliis way : " Two of Chelsea's fair youns duinsels wcrc dowu at the depot, the other day. bidding their Ann Arhor beaux good-bye, when they said u their lovers before the train startèd, n the same time prettlng thell sweet lipa to those of the young men, '¦ Now, bovs dont forget tocouie upoften, foryou Aiin Arbor chaps are just lively, aiid know how to treat the girl. Why, some of OUT Chol8eaboysareafrai(ltosnv 'boob,'wha a glri talk to thrin, m we are glad to have yon tioys come op to kc n-, tu you are not afraid to talk.'' The tdded Dtunber of bright dw faces on our streets, the throngsin and around the postoflice, the proeessions to and frora Normal liill, aud the manv quettlons to beheard fioni puttnggrooM, "Have you got a boarding house?" " Have you been classilied?" " Wasn't tlmt cxamination in geogniptay ¦ scorcher?" all indícate lo the casual down town observer that the Normal is kgaJa in session and the students have returned. They have returned, too, with u larger addition of new face tlian ever before in the history of the Normal, the number of new students enrolled the iirst week being 240, against 225 on Wednesday evening of the tlrst wek of last year.- Ypsilnntian. " - - -- -- - Rev. J. A. Mellwain, formcrly stationcd ', at Chelsea, lias been Bent to Wayne thia year. Lima has .1 l)nse ball club of wbfch slic is proud. They do somc tall batting occa8ionally. Advancea continue in the irool market. Ati advanco of 20 per cent. was made a few days since. Kev. G. H. Grannig, formerlyof Ypsilanti, has accepted a cali to the church of Little Koek, Ark.. at$l,500 per year, and commences hispastoratc the niiddlc of üct. Messrs. Wni Hall, of Hamburg, and W. E. Boyden, of Delhi Mills, wlll hold their second joint sale of Shorthorn cattle on the grounds of the Central Michigan Agricultural Society at Lansing, on Wednesday, Scpt. 29th. The cattle to be offered will comprise souie choicely bred animáis, and as to the individual merit of those offered there can be no dispute on tliat point, - Brigliton (Citizen. Col. Richard Barita dled nt thc residence oí bis sister Mr. F. M. Thorp, of Milán, on the Uth Inat, after a long ooalinucd period of intense suftering froin a wound received in tbc armv. ín (lie amny he was a imcuibur of the ."ih Mioh. ('u alrv, nud known imong his coinrades as " Flghting Dlck " for liis braverr and dashiiigqualitlesas asdldici. At hUuwn request his renniins wit; sent to Búllalo. N. Y., to be crcmated. In speaking of the outlook for shorthornsin Michigan, Hon. Wm. Ball islirm In the conviction that there is no other family of cattle whose prospecta are brigliter. After tryingall the new 1. reeds, he says: "the farmer? of the state are coming back to their old favorite witli renewed confidence in their superiority over all breeds for this state. There is more nquiry for good Shorthorns to-iay th.iu at anytime'within the past flreyear's.- Michigan Farmer. The relatives of Uncle John Kanouse to the number of about eighty, erathered at his resideuce in this village, on Saturday last, to celébrate his arrival at the 90tu yearly mile post in his journey of life. Monday was his birthday, hut Saturday was a more con venlent time for the eveut, especially for those f rom a distaiice, henee that day. All the company present with the exceptiou of Dr. and Mrs. Hall, wen Uncle John'a descendant?, and amongst the number wcre lifteen grcat-grand-chilJren, and evcry one did lus best to makc the occasion one of pleasure for the old eentleman whom thoy had met to honor. Mr. Kanouse is enjoyinggood liealth and Isseen on our streets nearly every day, and bids fair to eniOV life's hlessinon fnr mnn v


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