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When symptoms of malaria appear, in form, take Ayer's Ague Cure. It will prevent a developnient of the gemis of disease, and eradicate them from the system. A cure is warranted in every instance. For Toilet Use. Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the liair soft aud pliant, imparta to it tho lustro añil fresbness of youth, causes it to grow luxuriantly, eradicates Danrtrnff, OQTM all scalp diseases, and is the most cleanly oí all hair preparations. AyCP'C ITair Vigor has given me ni uii o perfect gatiatactlon. I was nearly bald for 8ix years, during whicli time I used many hair preparations, but without succes. Indeed, what littlo hair I had, was growing thinner, until I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor. I used two bottles of the Vigor, and niy liead is now well covered with a now growth of hair. - Judson B. Chapel, Peabody, Mass. HAIR fIiat '1M ''econi0 weak, Rray, unill aiK[ fa,io,if raay have new liiand color restored to it by the use oí Ayer'a Hair Vigor. My hair was thin, faded, and dry, and feil out iu large quantities. Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped the falling, and restored my hair to its original color. As a dressing for the hair, this proparation has no equal. - Mary N. Hauiuiond, Stillwater, Winn. VIRflR v"utl1' an(l beautr, in th ¦ '""lij appearanco of the hair, may bo ]reserved for an indefinito period by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. -A. disease of the scalp caused my hair to berome harsh and dry, and to fall out freely. Nothing I t'ricd seemed to do un Rood uutil I commeuced using Ayer's Hair Vigor. Three bottles oí tliis preparation restorel my hair to a hoaltliy conditiou, and it is now soft and pliant. My scalp is cured, and it is also free from dandruff. - Mis. E. R. Foss, Milwaukee, Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Sold by Druggiita and rrfumcr. Perfect safbtt, prompt action, and wonderful rurative propertiea, easily place Ayer's Pilis at the head of the list of popular remedies for Sick and Nervous Headachcs, Constipation, and all ailniputs originating in adisordered Liver. T havo been a grcat sufferer from Headac.he, and Avei'.s C'athartic Pilis are the only medicine that has ever given me relief. One dose of these PilU will quickly niove my liowels, and free my head from paiu. - Williaui L. Page, lüclimond. Va. Ayer's Pilis, I'repred by Dr. J. C. Ayer Sc Co., Lowell, Muí. 6old by all Dealen la 11 i-üicim.-. FOR DYSPEPSIA. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERCY, INDICESTION, ETC, ETC. ttorsfordk ACID PHOSPHATE. A llquld preparatlon of the phosphatei and phospboric acid. Recommended by Phyulcians. It mak ex a dellcious drink. Invlgoratlng and strengtheuinK. Pttmphlet free. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, ProTldcnce, - Rhode Isiand. Statement by Dr. A. M. Spaulding. Kh ¦ „ SynipOx: m , ' ¦' " ' ;¦¦" '" yoo letter I cheerfully say lhll ¦ ¦ .ri.Mia llibh.ird's Rhcumatic Syrup in ""¦ ric, ..i„l imhetiutingly recommend it for i ¦¦ xrhich jron duim it ifood for. It is truly ledicuw, ronipnud as it is of the bt - utd tonica (o be found in the Matena Mvdica. U opérate, „pon the liver, kidney nu nn.vils. in other words, seu them to work nd destraya iha poisoo in the blood and tissues It ia f rama lom, and af(..ii„r, and truly a wonderful I or a íancuid or debiliuted peraon it haa iw ¦ quaj, aml should have the approval of tha medical ..„ ,,,,. vo„r Rheumatic plutera nr. thï beat I li iv , no and. Vou thould not hesiute t. Ph then hcfore the public, as theirauperiormeriu ill bcar you out in the highest terma. ra""mcru V'ery trulj, n. A. M. SPAULDING. no Canal itrett. Grand Rapidi, Mich. Read the Statement of one of Jacksons Oldest Residents. Rhcumatic Svrup Co!"'01'1 lS tcn '¦"" % "f general hlth bfcame tmpairfd from my lfver and Sidnev beconung d,aSed. I have conjtanUy failed in aü-ength er „nee, my whole aysten becominK prostrated. For year, my nérvea have been o wcak and uncontrollable that my tunerines have been freater than I daré attempt 'to describe. The pain and mtche in my hack and houlder, and tvvitch.nit and cramps of the uscle. have been alinoat unbearable. I have uken evtrythine I cod ir,r.h"r r hut "ev" "ceivcd the benefit I have fron, Hibbard'a Rheum.tic Svrup I m '.'"""¦"ble "medv. The syrup has rêgulatnl my k!dneys and l.ver, thereby removinj the cause o "1Y ïnEï;Limilmfnt 'dint Batur! n restoring my E.1 to ,'-lthy sute, and the palsiec aition ol my whole nervou svstem is better than t has been for many Years. The pains which I hTve consuntly been .uflerinR for yeais have enürrly lert hLuiri,,Wr frat"ime onmy Pt to nswer anv inquines reeardinf the ments of your remcdv U expenc ncedv me. I am verv truly youn 7 B. W. ROCKWELL, o Morrell street, Jackson, Mich. I have known B. W. Rockwell, who subscribed to 'tatement, for forty year,. He IVnl o" our oldes .otizen. and very reliable. Any Utemcnl made by him can be fully relied upon as trii" W. D. THOMPSON, President Jackson City Rank. Hibbard's Rheumatic Svrup U put up in lare-e bottles, and is sold by drufKists teneraïly LL $i.oo, or six borties lor $!.oS If vour drugW doe' "f, h" ¦ ""te u. and we win .end T to " "mTdipamli;.'"' '" RHEUMATIC SYRUP CO. -. ., 'olc lanuljituren, Jiikion, UicX.


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