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Th.; Law Department of the Univereliy luis jusc iísued a supplementary announcement from which it appears that radical changes li.ive recently been made it Uie mttliod of iustruction in that department. Forruerly the period of instructioa was one of two years of six montha each, and members of both dama heard the same lectures, reoelring their instruction in cornmon. Not long siuce, the period of Instruction was lenglhened to two years of nine months cach, and at a recent meeting of the law laculty the work in the department was graded. Durtng tlie nest year lectures are to be given to the senior and junior classes separately, and text book work, whicli has herctofore been with juniors only, will bo required of both classes. A course, ilso, in the study of leading cases has been added, and both classes will recite daily upon the lectures delivered. For years past the required work of the school has been gradually increased, and the recent chango is a large stride In the direction of thorough and systematic instruction. Tlio Courier, Register and other republlcnn newspftpors of Uu: district havo been oharglag Unit demoomtlc diralTection over the uoiiiiuee for congress exlsts in thls district.- Argus. Keep truth ou your side, Bro. Argus, and it will avail you mucli, perhaps. The CouRiEit, never made sucli a charge. It luis nevcr said a word about democratie disaflection in tliis district, This "disail'uction,"' must be somethinjï that worries our brother, liosvever, or ha wouldu't keep barping uboutit so inuch, and imagining that the newsp.ipors of the district are talking about it when they have not been saylug a word. Wliiit would prohibition bo without the Dfflces ? Tlie Argus arpeáis to have luncil its yre fur the campaign. Tliere is au airof conlldenceand victory about every republican you meet. " No greenbacker need apply," is the slgn on the democratie door in this couny- The democrats and prohibitionists found hat lock of hair in Maine - it was in tlie soup. In hls recent visit to this county Mr. Salsbury proved one tliing: He knows Bean-s. It is said that Tim Tarsney up in the 8th district has tlie political nightmare Horr ibly. No " kid " need apply for votes over at Adrián, Mr. Yaple. Theirexperience with " Kid " Navin was suilicient. Iieferring to the past record of tlie democratie party the Argus terms " throwing mud." The Argus may be right. Oh ! no! That wasn't much ol a victory, in Maine, but we notice that it gave our democratie friends a severe attack of the "blues." The Detroit kid-gloved boss has sent word to Washtenaw county as to who must be put up for state senator and representutives. The New York World (dcm.) after asserting that there were sevcn lawyers on the Michigan tusion ticket says that " it should be called the con-fusion ticket." Hon. Cyrus G. Luce will speak to the people of this county on the issues of the day, at Salem Station, on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 28tli. Go and heur hira. Wben a man tells you that Mr. Luce is not a farmer, but is a banker, just teil lnm lie is telling a falsehood. Mr. Luce liever lived anywhere oiFof his farm in his life. It is pretty tough juice that the democratie papers are endeavorlng to squeeze out of the Maine and Yerniont elections for thelr prohibltion allies. Not at all palatable. Without a representativo on the congressional, county or legislative tickets the greenbackers of Washtenaw must be almost tickled to death over the coming election prospecta. There isn't a man in the 2d congressional district to-day. wlio stands nearer the hearts of the people than does Capt. E. P. Allen. He is a whole-souled fellow, manly and generous to a fault. Now that the Dolphin has been bought and paid lor by the governmctit the aristocratie Don Dickinson inight open negotiations to secure lier for tiis Salt river senatorial tour next November. If the south could have a political eartliquake it would be oí lasting benefit not only to her own people but to the nation as well. Ifs solidity is a menace to the peace and prosperity of the countr}'. Mr. Tapie, "by the eternal,1' wouldn't vote for the restoration of the tariff on wool. But he will havo the wool pulled from over his eyes by the farmers and laborers next November, just the same. The present administraron has quietly been opening the books and flndsover $r,OUO,OiJO due from the several deparlments of the government under republlcan rule.- Ypsllantl Commercial. Talk about champion lies and liars! There's both for you. Dare Mr. Salsbury come out upon the platform to discuss the temperance question, and say whether ornot his slips upon the prohibition ticket put on before election were what elected him prosecuting attornev. The opposition papers that are trying to kick up a row in the republican ranksover the actiou of the Washtenaw delegation in the state convention can keep right on blowing. T hey couldn't use their spacc more ineffectually. The assertion tbat Koscoc B. Dix, the republican candidato for state land eornmlssioner is a lawyer, is another of the Free Press' funny lies. He is the same kind of a lawyer thatCapt. Manly of this city, is. He runs au abstract office. The Dcmocrat thlnks tliat " Mr. Bates, of Lima," was treated badly by the republicana last year. Aa assertion tliat can not be borne out by facts. But he and bis frienils uiay, possibly, receive better trcatment at the hands of the democrats this year. We shall see. The Methodist church prevented Bob Ingersoll froni becoming governor of Illinois, but DOW the Dickie branch of the Methodist brethren propose to aid one of IngcrgoU's disciples to the governor"s chair of Michigan by voting against Mr. Luce. Hadn't they better rtflcct? A man who preaches proliibition in Lenawee, and plays pedro and drinkt beer in Washtenaw is not a safe man to entrust with the honor of a representative in congress. He should be permitted to continue as prosecuting attorney- the prohibitionists haye no candidute this year again in Lenawee, we notice. The democrats of the lst congressional district liavedone an injury to a man who uiider proper restralnts and influences is a bright man. No man knows better than does J. Logan Chipman his own wcakness, and to send him to congress would be to put a curse upon him. For his own sake he should be kept where he is. Chairman Weston of the democratie state central commlttee.had St. John down for several speeches in this state at $50 per night. Since the Maine election it is understood he haa written St. John that tie (St. John) bettterapply to the republican state central committee. Very kind in Mr. Weston, but the republican committee ia not running a " boodle " campaign. The young men of the country, for whose votes our political enemies are so anxious this year, wlll probably use the elective franchise intelligently, and notbe led blindly into eilher party. The republican party is willing to be judged by its p:ist record, its present attitude on all the live questions of the day, or by the intelligence and morallty of the men whocompose ils membership. It has nothing to be ashamcd of. Had the editor of the Argus attendcd the republican state convention he would not be making 80 many false statementsabout its per8onnel, whicli one week he asserts was compoaed of new men and nobodys, and the next of old men, etc. Wo wlll match the youth, "silver grays," ability, vigor and enthusiasm of the republican state convention against the uggregated boys, bossism, ability, bluster and Dickinsouianism of the combined fusión state oonventlon, any duy in the week, Bro. Beakes.


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