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Consistency Thou Art, Etc.

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The Ann Arbor Argus of Sept. 17 tb, lias this a6Sertion: The Argus has never accnsed Mr. Allen of belngapour man. For thnt, certalnly is no crime. Wc simply say that Mr. Allen, belng a poor man cannot afford to make a losing canvass. Kow iL the readers of the Argus will turn to the issue of Sept. 3d, they will lind tliis langiiiige used: I am sorry for Capt. Allen. He Is poor, and his liitiuls will agaln have to chip In and ralse raoney wherewlth to mwt necessary expenses. The reader can judge for hlmself wlietlier or not that was inteuded as a fllng at Capt. Allen for being a poor man. Tlien iigain, tlie Argus in its last issue says this: The Coubikr ot last week snid lt Is but a lew yearssince the democratie party houuded laborers with blood liounds. And yet lt lalks abuut slinging mud.- Argos, In the issue of the Argus for August 27th tlie following paragraph occurs: The republlcan party Is the party of great moral ideas, yet Kiodleberger, oue of its Southern Senators was wo drunk upon the tloor of the Metíate, that hls colleagues had lo adjourn m order to get rid of hlm. Ho represeuts a great moral idea. There's no mud about that, is there Mr. Argus y That is kind, gentlemanly, relined, polislied political swectness, cspecially iis liiddleberger is not a republican. And now Bro. Pattison of the Ypsll.-niti Commercial, has been putting his foot in t, aUo. We quote frotn the last Commercial: The Ypsilanti Commercial calis republicana "scapc ffoats1' in onc article and then right under it ;isks them to come over and vote with its party. Comment is unneccessary. - Ann ArboH Couribr. Now then, do you aspire to be the champlon Har of Michigan, Mr. Coubiek? We do urge consclentlous republlcans to (et off the "beer keg" and rally to the suppression of tlio liquor trafile, we shall not cali them "scape goats" if tbey do not. If the editor of the Commercial will turn to his issue of August 27th, be will find this dirty item: The republloan scape-goats are stlll nt it. At Unadllla they huug lu efflgy Kev. O. N Hnrst, a Preshyterian minister, and pastor of the eburch, because he is a prohlbitfonlst. The "good oli das" of November and December, '81, when the republlcans huug st. John lu etflgy lor "beatiug Blalne," havo come. And in the same issue hewill find this: Now, republlcans, why throw away your votes? Vote for Dlekle, and hels the nezt Governor. We repeat, why tlirow away your vote this fall and holp place democrats In power. Who aspires to the chatnpion liar-ship now, Bro. Pattisou ? We would like to have our brotber editors understand that it isn't necessary for the Coukieu to resort to falsehoods. We always strive to keep witbin strict truth. Those who teil lies are sure to get caught at it, as the above proves, and bcsides there is Dotblng raade by it. A long and ardent liowl has been seut to the skies for a long time past, against the traveling grocer, the retail sale agent and the nuctioneer. Our city merchanU have claimed - aud with justice, too, in which we have evergiven theui our hearty support and weiglity influence - that the community should not patronize these noraadic and untrustworthv scnlpcrs, but do their trading at home. We were thankcü (In some cases) for our support and it was all right to help drive from the community the evils that were hurting the interests of our fine and flourishing little city. It was all right, too, when we changed free of cost every week or so, their advertisement and gave liberal "puffs" and'noticed the artlstic changes in their show Windows. But here comes along a traveling printer and instantly the small favors of the home printer are forgotten and before the enormous reduction of a few cents and niuch well directed talking, the printing agent carries off merchant's, banker's, artisan's and others job printing to be done not a whit better than can be done at our home offices and In many cases not a cent cheaper. Gentlemen, is tliis doing the fair thing? Is this treating with any degree of human cliarity, the only enterprise by which you are nnule known to your customers or by which our flourishing city is represented outside of our own borders. - Eaton Bapids Journal. The "Star Mountain Silver Mining stock" is still bcing worked off on the lisli that take it in. When a dividend is ever declared they will be apt to know about it. They will also have a chance to know when the assessments strike them.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News