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Goinu to the store for every littlo thing that may be needed runs up a very heavy bill to bo paid at the end ol tho year. Many articles of farm furniture may bo mad on rainy days, or in spare hours, which not only answer every purposo they Fio. 1. are needed for, but savo expenso and afford satisfaction to the maker in two ways - he has the use of inany conveniences and he haa his money in liis pocket. An axe and ati auger will servo to make a great many useful things on the farm. Figuro 1 representa a small hand-gate, made wholly of wuod with the axe and Pía. 2. auger. The hinge-eyes are shown as ther aro made ready to put iiito the standing post. The latcli i cut out with the aic. Fipure 2 shows a row of hooks to hang harneas UDon. Thev aro made of crotchea cut frum gmall linibu umlin serted in a suitable stick which is pinnedto the posta or Btuds of the barn. Al ñgureü ib scen a shelt bracket hewn outof aroot. Wehav seen some ol these mada from cedar roots, sand papered, oiled and polished, holding up a wooden mantel-piece, the whole work of which was homemade and very handsomo. Figuro 4 shows a, pair of barposts, in which the posta aro bored and the supports for the bars are made of white oak pins wedged Into their placee. In wedginc pins of this kind, tliey should be split horiiontally, eo that tbo wede;e will not crack tho post, tho pressure being with the grain and not across it. Figuro 5 representa a Fio. 4. ing-posts which ts commonlj scen in some ¦ections aro and the court-houses and Ha. ;. meeting houscs. It ia wholly made wit] axe andauger. - American Agncuuunsc. A greater farce was never attempted tlian the one u which those aristocrats, Don Dickinson and John Enright, pose as tlie great friend of the laborlng man. Tliey, nor their creature Yaple, never ilid a stroke of manual labor in their lives, and are noted for their extremely aristocratie airs. Hobart Hall progiesses rapidly. Now is an excellent time to subscribe for the Coukiku. Only $1 per yeur - worth $5. The liftli ward people are "kickini;" terribly over their pathway to tlie Qpper town via the Michigan Central Kuilroad's new bridge. They claim it to bc very dangerous, and with very good rcason. Cadillac News: "J. G. Gibson, of Ann Arbor, brother of C. C. Gibson, will open a photograph gallery at the old stand over Anderson's shoe store. He has a reputation for lirst-class work." Mack & Schmid have an elegant display of Shawls and Cloaks. Ainong soine we notlce a real India Shawl trom the valley of Kashmir, where the choioest quality Is made. A tribute has to be paid to the Mahariajar of ltashmir before these shawls can be sold by the men who make them. They are made by hand, in a tent, and with a needlc in little piccea each of wliich are put (or sewed) together after years of work. We also notice elegant Heul Seal Victoria with real Black Lynx Pur Trimming. Also real Seal Wraps and Sacques) bcsides the elegant assortinent of Seal Plush Mantlos, Wraps, Sacques and Victorias.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News